Sunshine Chilli: self sustainability

Showing posts with label self sustainability. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self sustainability. Show all posts

'Why I Don't See Colour' comments & Renewed hope for the diaspora

Monday, March 5, 2018
Being a brown girl of Afro Caribbean descent in western society comes with challanges on a daily basis that simply cannot be denied. For the most part, even when I try to deny them, it presents itself again and again glaringly in different ways. Through these difficulties, like being the only brown girl in the room, class or establishment. It is clear that wherever you look across the world darker skinned people are simply not given the same opportunities, resources and at times even respect, just because of what they look like. While the Arian, lighter skinned European nations do not suffer from these issues. Due to living in a colder climate, (which my tropical nature loving body has never really gotten used to). I have developed all of my characteristics from the original woman, my body shape, my hair texture, eyes and full lips, my beauty spots and moles even down to my personality, my health all derive predominately from my sub-Saharan genetics.

Anyone that knows me and even knew me well in the past could call me different, unorthodox or even misunderstood (personality wise), but never racist. That would be deliberately undermining the very nature of who I am, my lifestyle, the way I eat and live, and my fundamental beliefs.

In 2015 my 'Colourism vs Racism' blog post was in no way shape or form, diminishing my own heritage or that of my ancestors. My lineage were also slaves and potentially slave owners, they were also aboriginal people of the land. To insidiously undermine this notion would be denying and disrespecting my blended family and the many people that raised me. Essentially attempting to erode the very essence of who I am and my ancestors.

    It takes a village to raise a child

I know that anyone that knows and even knew me well in the past would never do that, as it would be completely fraudulent claims. Although at the same time I innerstand how politically and historically the present time we live in requires us to increasingly acknowledge the repercussions that colonialism and slavery has had on our family lives, education, history and our financial resources for those who have suffered and still suffer all varieties of different prejudice and discrimination for the way that they look and I do not want these things to ever be ignored.

   It is for these reasons we are the strongest people alive and unbreakable.

In my blog post about colourism it has come to my attention that my comments in the past of 'I don't see colour' may have been misinterpreted. For that I apologise, I obviously do see colour what I meant was I do not judge others stereotypically by their looks, features or colour and I should make it clear that it is because I myself hate to be stereotypically categorised and boxed into the labels, thoughts and narratives of other people, especially by people of European descent. I am sure most people can relate we all hate being judged before people get to know us.

I must also include that in no way shape or form do I ignore the difficulties, pain and struggles of the many nations of people throughout the diaspora that have African and Afro-Caribbean heritage (including my own), even more so in the UK and, Europe and  America. In my early years, teenage years and adolescents. The trans-Atlantic slave trade, colonialism and the general white-washing of African history infuriated me the more I studied it. A very big concept in my early life was trying to innerstasnd why we are not taught about afro inventors, leaders and history, why we only celebrate european holidays and why we are so severely punished and underrepresented.

    Most of all why to this day, we 're we never paid any reparations?

I have also always been a very passionate person, especially about my views and it made me angrier and eventually quite hopeless as many people around me didn't seem to care, the way that I did at the time. I created facebook pages and social media handles designed to share as much history and raise as much awareness as I could and it gained quite a bit of momentum. Although through difficulties in my own life, being quite young and unprepared, plus distractions and frustration against prejudice and discrimination in my own life that we're still prevalent.

I remember expressing this to friends around me at the time. Although eventually, I decided for the betterment of my own health and the way I see other people, I needed to take a less militant and more mature approach to it, plus I hadn't learnt enough to really do anything more about it. Little did I know I was thinking years before my time and looking into the future.

Being 24 now and knowing myself that much better, I know that it is truly an amazing time to be alive, with the all-black cast of Black Panther and even more representation for those of African and all mixed heritage. We're being given more opportunities, promotions and a better platform publically and this is so beautiful to finally see more of. I am not only confident in more African/Afro-Caribbean ambassadors stepping up to the plate in defense of our people's needs, requirements and voices but that the burdens felt by so many will now finally be naturally addressed with time, by assertive brothers and sisters that are better educated, equipped and suited to create a debate and discussion raising greater awareness about what really matters. The issues that our people face and what can be done about it. Working to make a change in this system without becoming part of it.

I will naturally gravitate to these efforts because it will be difficult, but it is and has always been close to my heart. Although I know now that my path and my purpose is different and that's just through knowing myself better, the struggles I have been through, my life circumstances and knowing my limitations.

My Path In Life

I have a natural interest in world history which can be translated as African or original history of the original humans. World theology translated as original African spirituality. Our ancestors knew things like science, mathematics, literature, metaphysics, herbal medicine, astrology and cosmology some being under different names. Holistic lifestyle translated as the way we originally lived as people eating and living naturally and sustainably. I am naturally passionate about embodying traditional and historical knowledge and ways of life with 21st-century living knowing that we are all taking part and shaping the future as we know it. This is my part and this is why it's a beautiful and dynamic time to be alive.

Be Happy
Be Healthy
Be Unified
Be You!

Thankyou for reading and thank you for your continued love and support!

It really makes a difference, please feel free to message me in the contact form with any feedback and more ideas for posts to write about and address.


How To Do Something You Love For A Living

Sunday, February 19, 2017

When I think back on my life, I wonder how it was so hard to just decide to do what I wanted instead of doing what everyone else insisted I do. I was sickly, overweight, pale and depressed before I finally decided that enough was enough. I was willing to go to extreme length to keep my family happy and to keep up appearances. I was willing to do courses I hated and work doing something for the rest of my life just because my everyone around me said I should do it.

I often imagined what would become of me, if I didn't get sick, tired and depressed. Something inside me continued fighting even when I had given up. I trusted myself and I turnedmy whole life upside down so that it was the right way up.

Don't do something you know you don't like, you should never do that anyway. You wouldn't eat food you didn't like every day or wear clothes you hated. So why are you working somewhere you can't stand, or pretending to enjoy a course you signed up for because it will pay well in the future. Why not use all the money you have and invest in your own skills? Why not believe in your own capabilities? Instead of societies assumptions of what success actually means? One thing I can be sure that we all face is that we all need money. That's a fact. You can survive without it, but you can live with just enough of it.

You all have a minimum budget that you live on at the moment. Maybe it's just making sure you have enough to cover all the bills and debt payments. The little you have left over is for food and travel. Or maybe you have more than that, but let's start with the bare minimum. Whatever that number is, think about ways you can make it in the same amount of time or less. It has to be working for yourself, yes it's not as reliable and it may not start off well, but it is all about you. You depend on yourself and your natural instincts tell you every single day you wake up for work, that you need the money. Imagine if you persevered and was able to get that money yourself, aren't you a worthy investment.

Everyone can be an entrepreneur if they started with what they have. You don't even have to work for yourself, 9 times out 10 your dream job is not your passion and if there is a dream job let it be your passion. Even if your not yet qualified for it, or you believe it won't pay enough. All that doesn't matter, I promise you getting up every day and enjoying your life is astounding. You will enjoy every day because you are in control and your actually doing something you enjoy. Everyday!


Being your brand is liberating. It gives you a sense of clarity and position. You always know your path of progression and you really feel like you can never fail because you and your business are not separate entities but in fact they are you. Naturally, you never want to be a failure so you work hard and never give up on whatever you do. You are your business so you put aside money to invest in yourself(business) every month. Everything becomes a lot clearer and feels much less like your living your life to please or work daily for others.

There is much opportunity in this modern world. Articulate your naturals skills and abilities and apply your gifts to what your passionate about.


Your Home Is An Extention Of You

Thursday, November 3, 2016

my home is my palace
my home is my sanctuary
my home is my sacred place
my home is my place to relax and breathe
my home is my physical expression
my home represents me
my home represents my consciousness
my home is my outer skeleton
my home is my shelter from cold weather

I always say my home is my outer skeleton. My home is my place to shut out the rest of the world, my home is my private quarters to dress and behave any way of like! My home is my creativity it represents the beauty and all the things I would like to see around me. My home is my outer skeleton, solid, stong and reliable, it protects me from the dangers of being outside. My home looks after me, so I do the same in return.

My home gives me sanity, my home gives me sanctuary, my home gives me reassurance. When my home is untidy, my thoughts are scattered and I am not grounded. When my house is dirty and dusty my thoughts are not clear and I have no clarity. When my house is not organised, I don't remember things well, I don't use my belongings properly or remember where they are. My home is my sacred space, it is filled with my energy. I cleanse my home with sage and essential oils, I keep bad spirits away with life giving plants and salts. I decorate my home with silk, mirrors and pictures of myself. My space is an extension of me, it looks after me, so I look after my space.


Nettles (Urtica Dioica) The Forgotten Superfood

Monday, May 30, 2016

Nettle has been used for many years and in history treasured amongst most city dwellers. The entire plant may be used for medicinal purposes and it tastes/cooks much like spinach. Aside from childhood memories to avoid nettles at all costs. Nettle possesses great benefits for skin problems, infections, and even bed wetting, it has been used to treat coughs, assist milk production for pregnant women and as a tonic to promote overall wellbeing.
Nettles remain one of the safest medicinal herbs to use, with fewer side effects then perscription medication and its grows all around London!
Nettles are completely harmless aside from their stinging syringes that inject a histamine-like substance into your skin. These substances are irritating nonetheless great for bee stings, insect bites and treating any poison like substances, it stimulates your natural antihistaminic response increasing white blood cells. 

Despite its piercing defense, the plant is rich in chlorophyll, and a good source of beta-carotene ; vitamins A, C, and E; tannins; iron ; calcium ; phosphates; and various other minerals. Nettle grows in nitrogen and phosphorus-rich soils, it's a great natural fertiliser too! 


  1. A gentle body detoxifier, especially for the digestive system and lymphatic system. 
  2. Good for pregnant women in labour
  3. Good for menstruation and menopause
  4. Good blood builder and good for circulation suggested for anemic people
  5. A powerful anti-inflammatory
  6. Strengthens the immune system
  7. Good for bone health
  8. Good for respiratory issues
  9. Great for kidneys and gallbladder issues
  10. Great for skin especially acne, age spots, and blemishes
  11. Nettles are a superfood high in vitamins C, Iron, calcium and more protein than soya.
  12. The stinging syringes are said to be a cure for baldness and hair loss
  13. All natural durietic and pain killer
  14. It is said to stimulate hair growth and improve quality of hair 
  15. Nettle was used to make fabric before cotton in the UK, German army uniforms were woven from nettle fibers in world war 1.
  16. Fresh nettle juice leaves are used to treat asthma 
  17. Nettles help keep produce fresh, everything from fruit to meat, it prevents mold from growing and keeps bacteria away from nearby plants 
  18. Fresh nettle was placed on the skin, for joint pain, rheumatism, and even gout. 
  19. 2.7g of protein per 100grams 


    Alzheimer's,Arthritis,Asthma,Bladder Infections,Bronchitis, Gingivitis, Gout, Hives, Kidney stones, allergies, multiple sclerosis, PMS , sciatica, baldness, internal bleeding, anemia, heavy menstruation, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, skin complaints.

    Nettles work very well as a survival food, thanks to their high-quality protein content and high levels of nutrients. Nettles can contain up to 25% protein by dry weight. A complete protein, with a good mix of essential amino acids. Nettle protein is easily digestible.

    Dry on a sheet and use in nettle tea, great for allergies especially hay fever, also good for heavy periods.Or make into dumplings, old English nettle soups were popular too. I love to use mine in stir fries or steamed salad toppings/ stock. Much like spinach it boils down so always get a full bag and season well! The Nettle seeds taste much like coffee and are good for an energy boost too! The root can be used as a dye. 

    Don't pick nettles that are flowering like the image on the left. Instead, pick the young leaves at the top of younger plants, these are the most tender nettles which appear in spring and can be harvested until the end of July before the leaves start to fill with crystals of calcium carbonate which can be gritty and unpleasant.
    The entire plant is so useful! Yet so unappreciated.

    This is not evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

    References: Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine | 2005 | Hanrahan, Clare; Frey, RebeccaCOPYRIGHT 2005 The Gale Group, Inc.

    Your Period - A Toxic Time Of The Month

    Friday, May 6, 2016
    Are you aware that you're exposing yourself to harmful chemicals every month?
    Are you aware of how likely you are to contract Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) just through using seemingly ordinary tampons and sanitary towels?
    Did you know that using ordinary store bought sanitary products can cause thrush, fibroids, endometriosis, infertility and ovarian cancer?
    Do you know it takes 30 seconds for substances to be absorbed into your bloodstream, through your skin?

    Research conducted in Argentina has found traces of cancer-causing herbicides in 85% of personal and feminine hygiene products that contained cotton.


    The menstrual cycle is an important part of every woman's life. We need to be more vigilant about the products we use and the chemicals we are absorbing through using sanitary protection. Recognising and reducing your contact with harmful chemicals are essential, since 90% of conventional sanitary products are unregulated and laden with bleachers, synthetic chemicals, and cancer causing carcinogens.


    TSS is a rare but fatal disease caused by a particular type of bacteria that can produce toxins in the body. The symptoms of TSS  come on fast and are often severe. 



    A chemical used to bleach your period pads.


    Responsible for various allergic reactions and frequent skin irritation.


    Disturbs hormone levels.


    Simply put a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue.


    An endocrine disruptor with widespread exposure and multiple effects BPA has also been associated with infertility. 


    Women who want to reduce their exposure to harmful chemicals now have a new resource to enlighten them following the launch of Nearer Nature's Information Pack called 'A Toxic Time Of The Month'
    Specifically created to highlight and raise awareness of the hidden harmful chemicals in the products we use. Along with organic sanitary products and natural pain relief included.

    'A Toxic Time Of The Month' Information Pack can be ordered from Nearer Nature's Online Boutique, which also stocks only natural and organic body care products.

    Help your periods along with 100% cotton pads and tampons and no chemically laden feminine hygiene products. For a safer and more comfortable period, I recommend buying 'A Toxic Time Of The Month' information pack.

    Brought to you by the online boutique Nearer Nature, specialising in organic and all natural body care


    15 Tips To Staying Plant Based Vegan

    Thursday, April 7, 2016

    Have your favourite alternative foods around at all times
    Have prepared food ready at all times
    Have your favourite snacks available at all times
    Swap quick processed food for raw food
    Know your body
    Know your mental triggers
    Eat larger portions of vegetables and fruit
    Replace your meat for carbs
    Detox regularly for the first year
    Find your local vegan cafes and restaurants
    Get well acquainted with your local markets and wholesalers
    Get well acquainted with whole foods
    Don't bother going into corner shops
    Buy 2 of everything you used to have one packet of
    Ignore your cravings they will be intense for the first 3-6 months
    Every time you mess up detox (detoxing lessens the cravings)

     Contact me via my contact form, for meal planning, coaching and any other questions you have concerning transitioning to a plant-based diet.

    50 Legitimate Reasons To Be Vegan For 2016

    Wednesday, December 30, 2015

    In no particular order...

    1. Vegetarians are not healthy
    2. The top causes of pollution are the manufacturing of meat and diary
    3. The top cause for wasting water is manufacturing meat and diary
    4. Meat and dairy gives you cancer
    5. Meat and Diary gives you diseases
    6.Meat and Diary lowers your immune system
    7.Meat and diary are difficult for your body to digest
    8. Science proves humans we're created to be herbivores/fruitarians
    9. Plants and legumes contain just as much protein as its meat equivalent
    10. Being vegan repairs your DNA strands (in other words helps you evolve)
    11. Being vegan helps you understand your body better
    12. Being vegan helps you be more creative
    13. Being vegan helps you lower your carbon footprint
    14. Being vegan encourages you to make better changes to your lifestyle that better suit you
    15. Being vegan encourages you to eat more variety
    16. Being vegan keeps your body at optimum health and fitness
    17. Being vegan increases your stamina, concentration and reflexes
    18. Being vegan is the best way to heal your body
    19. Being vegan is the best anti-ageing formula
    20. Being vegan gives you better memory and awareness
    21. Being vegan encourages you to learn more
    22. Being vegan helps animal extinction
    23. Being vegan saves the planet
    24. Being vegan are the preliminary steps to healing your mind, body and soul
    25. Being vegan automatically makes you a winner
    26. Being vegan is normal practise in many religious cultures
    27. Being vegan is cheaper depending on where you live
    28. Being vegan is more self sustainable
    29. Vegan food can be planted and regrown to eat again
    30. Not being vegan in 2016 doesn't make sense
    31. Most vegans live with no signs of ageing
    32. Healthy vegans are lean muscle
    33. Animals really like vegans
    34. Vegans have no body odour
    35. Healthy vegan excretion smells like plants
    36. Vegans have impeccable memory
    37. Vegans are ways slim and eat as much as they want
    38. Vegans always have unlimited amounts of energy
    39. Vegans are usually much happier then other people (usually because there bodies are happy)
    40. Celebrities are vegan (if that helps float your boat)
    41. Your not missing anything
    42.You can eat as much as you want without getting fat
    43. You always know what's in your food
    44. Vegans don't get heart disease
    45. Vegans don't get diabetes 
    46. Vegans don't count calories or watch cholesterol
    47. Everyone loves vegans
    48. Vegans taste like fruit
    49. Vegans are humble
    50. Meat = Fruit in the bible

    Veganism vs Green Veganism article coming soon..


    5 Minute Apples With Honey

    Wednesday, December 9, 2015
                             Prep time: 5 minutes      Serves: 2
    3 Organic Pink Lady, Granny Smith or Cooking Apples (Usually green)
    Raw Honey
    1. Core and slice the 3 apples until you have thin slices. (As seen in photo)
    2. Get a small bowl or cup to pour the honey into. 
    3. Dip the apples slices into the honey
    4. (Optional - Sprinkle with cinnamon, I drizzled mine with agave)
    5. Done!

    Explore more plant based recipes with these ingredients here:
    Apples       Honey        Agave 

    Delilah's Festive Apple Crumble - Recipe Coming Soon


    How To Live Within Your Means

    Thursday, December 3, 2015

    We all have too many things, too many belongings. Way more then we could ever use or need. We hoard things and keep things in case we may need it in the future. We live in a consumerist society. Any material thing you need is easily accessible and always available, at your local shop or shipped to your door. We all behave as though the finite natural resources we have will last forever, much like having good health when you are young. 

    The earth's magnetic field is deteriorating, there a gaping holes in the ozone layer, increasing earthquakes and sinkholes, not to mention the global temperature rising, animals are facing extinction at the fastest rate known to man. It would not be far fetched to say, you should know at least some of these things. 
    So how can you make a difference?
    Start small, do what you can do instead of nothing at all. Here are a few of my tips to start living within your means: 


    Keep 2 bins in your house and 2 bins outside. One for recycling and one for non recycling. You'll find that the bin used for recycling will fill up much quicker then the other one, so eventually I used my other one for food waste.

    Keep a small sealed food waste bin. Keeping in mind that a lot of your food scraps can either be regrown, composted or eaten by pets which would also be a good way of living within your means. Throw away anything that will decompose inside this bin, you can buy counter top ones if your not going to eat that much.

    Reusing Things 

    I do this with everything including cosmetic and make up bottles. Sometimes I buy products just for the containers, you'd be surprised at the amount of household items that have reusable packaging even if you don't like the product. Old honey jars or sweet jam jars, lip gloss containers, I favour anything in a glass container, because glass containers preserve things very well. 

    Do It Yourself

    It's actually better for you to consider making your own cosmetic products or at least buying it from small businesses that do. Traditionally many cultures across the world, made their own cosmetic products and passed the knowledge down to the later generations. Buying toothpaste in tube or shower gel soap in a bottle was unheard of. It's healthier and ecofriendly, to do it yourself.

    Giving To The Needy

    Face it, we all have way more then we actually need. My simple rule is if I cannot fit all my belongings into the storage I have (with extra space left over), then I have too much. If I don't use something weekly or monthly I don't need it. Apply this rule to all your belongings and give them to people who need them, you'll be surprised how easy they are to replace when you do. You should be able to fit all your precious belongings on your back to carry around with you, any more then that and you have too much. 
    I usually give to charity every season, so 4 times a year because of how easy it is nowadays to accumulate things.

     Support Small Businesses/Charity Shops

    Buy Reusable Bags

    I have always reused plastic bags, but the time has come to buy some quality reusable bags and actually remember to use them for shopping, no more purchasing plastic bags that ruin the environment.

    Get On Your Bike

    Cycling more, if your only going somewhere local within a 5 mile radius, try cycling. It's fulfilling, it gives your body a good work out and you actually learn more about where you live, scenic routes, different bike paths, small shops etc.

    Eat Vegan

    Plant based eating is one of the easiest ways to reduce your carbon footprint, the amount of manufacturing that meat has to go through to get to our shops is ridiculous. It's also by far much easier to grow produce then farm animals. If you had to hunt or farm your own food, this would be a much easier decision for you to make.

    Grow Your Own Food

    Which leads to my last tip. If you have a garden or even just a sunny window seal. Grow your own food, there are really no excuses, change your food with the season and taste the difference between the GMO versions that are sold in the shops. Start with spring onions, celery or leeks, try herbs that grow easily if your unsure where to start check out my article on growing food at home

    Ultimately the more self sustainable you are, the lower your carbon footprint. Try to live within your means, for the planets sake and your own.

    Thanks For Reading

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