Sunshine Chilli: perspective

Showing posts with label perspective. Show all posts
Showing posts with label perspective. Show all posts

What Is Family? - The Difference Between Family & Family Relatives

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

What Is Family To You?
What should a family be and what should they do? 
What are relatives and where do they fit into your life?

Everyone has a different perception of family, it's one of those things that don't have one common answer. When is it fair to say enough is enough? Where do we cross the line between who we class and family and who are just relatives?

Using Symbolism To Train The Subconscious Mind


My Experiences With Detachment

Saturday, February 24, 2024
The philosophical definition of detachment is non-attachment. The desire or ability to release control of things, concepts or people. A principle predominantly taught in Buddhism and Hinduism.

Detachment from all things that won't benefit your growth a the keystone concept that changes your life for the better. 

Early Life

I casually waltzed in and out of depression in my early teens, having this forthright view on life, that teenage 'I know it all perception'. Eventually realising that even when you think you know something, there's still more to learn. Of course, I only acknowledged most things through the perception I had and through observation of what my perception could see. Years later only to realise that you never really know the entirety of anything, the more experiences you have, of course the more it teaches you. Realising that what you believe is not predominantly the problem. It's good to believe in something but it's the way you go about it that makes it wrong or right, no matter your intentions. Try to approach everything with integrity, otherwise, you will draw the short straw. Often responding from lack of experience will have you recollecting your thoughts and wishing you had known better.

How To Be Vegan Without Deficiencies

If your well read up like you should be, the well educated know that being vegan is the way to be at your optimum at all times. Eating plant based means your always getting very varied but always optimum levels of nutrients, vitamins and minerals everyday. (If your very plant based consuming friut and vegtables daily and not just starchy and sugary foods with technically don't count)

Fruits and Veggies In Season This May

Friday, May 11, 2018

Recently I've had the joy of being able to plant, prune and harvest organic vegetables in season. Since then I'm obsessed with in-season fruit and veg because it tastes better and leaves you fulfilled nutritionally you eat less because your body feels better about what you're eating. I also enjoy trying out new foods and seeing what they taste like freshly picked instead of freshly packed.

In the month of April/May I managed to get my hands on some rhubarb (I made a rhubarb crumble, asparagus with wild garlic leaves and roasted herby celeriac.

I've really been enjoying apricots and plums which are fresh and juicy this time of year as well! Also spring greens, sorrel, radishes, pak choi, lettuce, various potatoes, cabbage, pomegranate, grapefruit are just a few.  Check out some more in season food here.

Be Happy
Be Healthy 
Be Unified 
Be You!

Thanks For Reading!


Do You Hate Your Morning Commute In London?

Monday, April 30, 2018

According to the women's health mag, we spend on average 28 days a year committing to work. Sharing space with smelly people, smelly food and loud people after a long day’s work can make you question for faith in humanity.

On average we spend 59-70 minutes courting to and from work every day! Somehow we've allowed ourselves to believe it's a necessary evil. I'm here to remind you that it's not!

Did you know there has been a 56 percent increase in the cost of train travel in the past 10 years (rac foundation)

Commuting wastes time, money, emotional & physical energy
Those who drive to work tend to weigh more, spend less time exercising and are more at risk of disease.
Each driver spend on average 30 hours in traffic each year in the UK (Inirix)

Make the most of your commute
Cycling takes less time, London is smaller than you think
Treat yourself to a cab every now and then depending on your distance is probably the same price
Leave for work at off-peak hours
Bring something interesting along for your journey

Enjoy the commute the best you can, we've all got to get somewhere!


Let Us Grow

Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Fuuny those,
who find happiness victimising others
enjoy robbing and removin
eradicating joy
all to feel right
to feel greater
yet never acknowledging the damage done
the chaos created
deep seated, in the heart break of others
though only seem unhappy
when the pressure, the pain and the difficulty 
inspires growth
of those presumed weak
Oh, what to do when the tables turn
how to feel when doing better
Is the only option
only then does sorrow riddle the immature
the cruel
wanting to be blameless for hatred
spread and shared
as though enough had not be done

So be here,
listen close
let us create a future we can be proud of
our children can be fond of
to say that we continued
to develop ourselves
our people
out of confined cages
limited belief systems
lets prove we are not
just a sign of the times
that we did not cause destruction
to the natural
contented planet we live on
that we germinated as seeds
and emerged to form
a better life then, as we know it 


'Why I Don't See Colour' comments & Renewed hope for the diaspora

Monday, March 5, 2018
Being a brown girl of Afro Caribbean descent in western society comes with challanges on a daily basis that simply cannot be denied. For the most part, even when I try to deny them, it presents itself again and again glaringly in different ways. Through these difficulties, like being the only brown girl in the room, class or establishment. It is clear that wherever you look across the world darker skinned people are simply not given the same opportunities, resources and at times even respect, just because of what they look like. While the Arian, lighter skinned European nations do not suffer from these issues. Due to living in a colder climate, (which my tropical nature loving body has never really gotten used to). I have developed all of my characteristics from the original woman, my body shape, my hair texture, eyes and full lips, my beauty spots and moles even down to my personality, my health all derive predominately from my sub-Saharan genetics.

Anyone that knows me and even knew me well in the past could call me different, unorthodox or even misunderstood (personality wise), but never racist. That would be deliberately undermining the very nature of who I am, my lifestyle, the way I eat and live, and my fundamental beliefs.

In 2015 my 'Colourism vs Racism' blog post was in no way shape or form, diminishing my own heritage or that of my ancestors. My lineage were also slaves and potentially slave owners, they were also aboriginal people of the land. To insidiously undermine this notion would be denying and disrespecting my blended family and the many people that raised me. Essentially attempting to erode the very essence of who I am and my ancestors.

    It takes a village to raise a child

I know that anyone that knows and even knew me well in the past would never do that, as it would be completely fraudulent claims. Although at the same time I innerstand how politically and historically the present time we live in requires us to increasingly acknowledge the repercussions that colonialism and slavery has had on our family lives, education, history and our financial resources for those who have suffered and still suffer all varieties of different prejudice and discrimination for the way that they look and I do not want these things to ever be ignored.

   It is for these reasons we are the strongest people alive and unbreakable.

In my blog post about colourism it has come to my attention that my comments in the past of 'I don't see colour' may have been misinterpreted. For that I apologise, I obviously do see colour what I meant was I do not judge others stereotypically by their looks, features or colour and I should make it clear that it is because I myself hate to be stereotypically categorised and boxed into the labels, thoughts and narratives of other people, especially by people of European descent. I am sure most people can relate we all hate being judged before people get to know us.

I must also include that in no way shape or form do I ignore the difficulties, pain and struggles of the many nations of people throughout the diaspora that have African and Afro-Caribbean heritage (including my own), even more so in the UK and, Europe and  America. In my early years, teenage years and adolescents. The trans-Atlantic slave trade, colonialism and the general white-washing of African history infuriated me the more I studied it. A very big concept in my early life was trying to innerstasnd why we are not taught about afro inventors, leaders and history, why we only celebrate european holidays and why we are so severely punished and underrepresented.

    Most of all why to this day, we 're we never paid any reparations?

I have also always been a very passionate person, especially about my views and it made me angrier and eventually quite hopeless as many people around me didn't seem to care, the way that I did at the time. I created facebook pages and social media handles designed to share as much history and raise as much awareness as I could and it gained quite a bit of momentum. Although through difficulties in my own life, being quite young and unprepared, plus distractions and frustration against prejudice and discrimination in my own life that we're still prevalent.

I remember expressing this to friends around me at the time. Although eventually, I decided for the betterment of my own health and the way I see other people, I needed to take a less militant and more mature approach to it, plus I hadn't learnt enough to really do anything more about it. Little did I know I was thinking years before my time and looking into the future.

Being 24 now and knowing myself that much better, I know that it is truly an amazing time to be alive, with the all-black cast of Black Panther and even more representation for those of African and all mixed heritage. We're being given more opportunities, promotions and a better platform publically and this is so beautiful to finally see more of. I am not only confident in more African/Afro-Caribbean ambassadors stepping up to the plate in defense of our people's needs, requirements and voices but that the burdens felt by so many will now finally be naturally addressed with time, by assertive brothers and sisters that are better educated, equipped and suited to create a debate and discussion raising greater awareness about what really matters. The issues that our people face and what can be done about it. Working to make a change in this system without becoming part of it.

I will naturally gravitate to these efforts because it will be difficult, but it is and has always been close to my heart. Although I know now that my path and my purpose is different and that's just through knowing myself better, the struggles I have been through, my life circumstances and knowing my limitations.

My Path In Life

I have a natural interest in world history which can be translated as African or original history of the original humans. World theology translated as original African spirituality. Our ancestors knew things like science, mathematics, literature, metaphysics, herbal medicine, astrology and cosmology some being under different names. Holistic lifestyle translated as the way we originally lived as people eating and living naturally and sustainably. I am naturally passionate about embodying traditional and historical knowledge and ways of life with 21st-century living knowing that we are all taking part and shaping the future as we know it. This is my part and this is why it's a beautiful and dynamic time to be alive.

Be Happy
Be Healthy
Be Unified
Be You!

Thankyou for reading and thank you for your continued love and support!

It really makes a difference, please feel free to message me in the contact form with any feedback and more ideas for posts to write about and address.


Hot Topic: 6 Things Happy People Usually Do

Saturday, March 3, 2018
Regardless of where you are in life don't expect people to think or worry about your happiness. (Unless they really love you). Truth is your joy, health and wellbeing are only down to you. At times it can seem a struggle just remembering to stay positive, active and future-focused in difficult times. We often rely on different things to keep us happy. Since putting mindfulness at the forefront of my thoughts every day, there are things I have noticed that happier people just do more often. Since practising mindfulness regularly we often forget that our thoughts are not things, no matter how true or false they are. Your thoughts are there as a guide, decisions we make and ultimately how we choose to feel. When bringing awareness to these things using mindfulness techniques, you start becoming aware of how much the capacity of the mind has over our lives and the way we live it.

    Happiness is an inside job

1. Happy people tend to find the positive in every situation

Being in good spirits more often is down to the mind more than anything else. Practising mindfulness every day over the past couple months has made me realise that what you think about most is a key part of how you feel. Happy people usually appreciate challenges because they innerstand that this is how you grow. Inner peace and balance is true wealth, regardless of what we get presented with in life, it is our own responsibility to observe it, accept it and decide what or how much it really means to us.

2. Happy people are usually happy with what they have

Happier people don't spend much time thinking about what they don't have. Some people even find happiness in not having certain things. Optimistic people generally focus on what they do have, what they're pleased with and how they can work towards becoming even happier with their lives and themselves. Happier people don't spend much time comparing themselves to others because that take would take away from their own gifts that are special to them. So happy people make more time for things that are important to their happiness.

3. Happy people are usually more compassionate to others

Happy people usually like to treat others with respect, they listen to others and can be more sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of those around them. Happy people usually appreciate honest feedback and trustworthiness, happy people prefer the painful truth over lies or false narratives.

    'Do to others as you would like done to yourself'

4. Happy people tend to take responsibility for their actions and are more honest with themselves

Because not doing so tends to lead to being more unhappy. Consciously or unconsciously lying to others or yourself makes for resistance in life. Happier people tend to forgive themselves and forgive others. I have found being more accountable can be difficult, but I have noticed it allows for you to get to know yourself more and what you will or won't do in the future. No one is perfect but happy people tend to admit that because they know being perfect is impossible.

5. Happy people live in the present moment

Happier people tend to let things go. We get that bad things happen in life and that mistakes are made yet it's much better to truly let it go, then carry resentment or negativity because you feel its necessary. Unhappy people can dwell on the past or the future. Living life to the fullest starts with being happy in the present, despite your circumstances. Time usually heals all and happy people would rather live in the present.

6. Happy people tend to attract more happy people

Unhappy people like to see others unhappy. Happy people tend to be more passionate about positivity. Happy people don't constantly compete with others and put them down. They are usually happy for others and appreciate individual gifts. Happy people try not to hold any unexpressed negative intent but instead have more innerstanding, compassion and happiness for themselves and others. Happy people might enjoy art, dancing, singing, making people laugh and messing around etc yet they live passionately. So then attract people with similar high spirits who appreciate good cheer, lightheartedness and better well-being.

Be Happy
Be Healthly
Be Unified 

Thanks For Reading,


Desert Saxaphone

Thursday, January 18, 2018
the desert heat in cool dry weathers
where the kindest of light is just a feather
let us turn these in the days we remain
the saxophone sings for the days we reclaimed
the wind whistles yearning twirling for you
of all the things most of all wish we could do
to turn the world upside down and shake it through
and let only beauty make its abide in you
and me too


Speaking Positivity Into Your Life

Sunday, January 7, 2018
Mental Health And Positive Self Talk
Image result for positive

Enduring hard times and even anticipating hardship is really, all the way that we see it. At times when we feel our lowest our thought processes mirror that. The things we focus on, the things we say and the things we think about all reflect how we are feeling at the time.

Something I have learnt through my own melancholy is that through each stage, I always found something negative to think about, even if it had nothing to do with me. Somehow I found a reason and that was it. I also had this overwhelming need for other people, to be responsible for my happiness and other the happiness of people. The whole thought process that we should all be co-existing happily and making each other happy, which is cute if you're actually practising what you preach.  Its possible but still unrealistic.

You cannot live through someone else, not there successes or failures you must be there for yourself first.
Primarily mental health is like mental hygiene, you have to mentally give yourself instructions of support, upliftment and positivity as many times you need it daily. Also having awareness of ourselves and how we feel is important, your body shows you signs when you're unhappy. Listen to them and think about your thoughts at that exact time. Our mind is a tool and the way it works is literally down to how we use it, so what you do with it, in turn, will become your strength or your weakness. This was something up till recently I didn't really understand properly. We assume affirmations are something we think about most and recite every day afterwards, but it doesn't particularly matter how many times you say something inspiring to yourself, it's what you say/do that matters.

Speaking positive instruction into life is not something we're taught. It's not particularly easy to shift into. It works best at the time when your upset, emotional or frustrated. There doesn't actually have to be a particular reason for the way your feeling, in essence, you're just pissed off and it's beginning to affecting your day.

Better Mental Hygiene Through Positive Instruction

Listening to signs in your body really helps, it's connected straight to what's controlling everything else. 

Plus eating well really helps, 4 chemicals that influence more happiness in the brain are Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin and exercising which help to release more endorphins in the body making, you feel happier. I have found that whenever I have eaten unhealthy food regularly, it's a lot easier for me to be miserable, same with not exercising some exercise is good even if it isn't rigorous exercise. 

What's most important to do what's best for you.

Be Happy
Be Healthy
Be Unified
Be You
Thanks For Reading!


Shocking News Libya's Slavery In 2017

Friday, December 1, 2017

Hot Topic Of The Week: Libya's Modern Day Slave Trade - A Complete Atrocity

Image result for african migrants in libya
There are few greater violations of human rights and human dignity then this..

It was almost hard to believe reading the news featured on Al Jeezera and CNN this week. Which features video evidence of undercover reporters witnessing the auction of enslaved Africans being sold for money. CNN reports that there are on average 9 locations where these unimaginable auctions take place and many more across the country. 

Where over a dozen men we're being sold, like commodities..

It is said that since 2014 Libya has been struggling with the influx of migrants from the south of the continent. Attempting to travel through Libya to get to Europe with the help of 'smugglers', Migrants who flee Libya on overcrowded and unsafe rafts over the Mediterranean sea for fear of their life. When they arrive to European countries such as Malta and Italy they are terrified to share their ordeals of being beaten, kidnapped and enslaved. Reading about this and witnessing evidence of in 2017 is heartbreaking. With historical ties to such lawless and inhumane activities, perpetrated in the past, it is hard to believe that there are some people out there who believe human lives can be bartered and sold for money.

Since then. the Libyan authorities have launched an investigation into the slave auctions in the country and whomever is responsible for these inhumane acts. This was on the 17/11/2017.


Reports Questioning Authenticity

Since then the Libyan authorities have now questioned the authenticity of the secret footage recorded due to Donald Trump's allegations that CNN has some sort of political ulterior motive. While yes it is true that ALL news channels are controlled media, which have a secret political agenda of which all potentially work for the likes of Trump himself. I do not see how African migrants risking their lives ;are travelling in such harsh conditions from deserts, to the Mediterranean sea, just to evade capture and detainment from Libyan 'smugglers', who are promising them safe passage to Europe yet abusing them instead. Not to mention the turmoil in Libya since Mummar Ghaddifi who's death turned out to be caused by a political agenda/propaganda. Would these atrocities have been committed if Mummar Ghaddifi we're still alive? 

I am no expert in Libyan politics (Politricks). Although I do know that he had some rather remarkable plans for the future of Africa and Libya, his death was a great shock to many. Even if under his rule the country still struggled with human and drug trafficking.

It might be conclusive to also mention that Gaddaffi's 'regime' would have enabled Libya and other African heads of state to setup a central bank backed by gold and many other rich natural resources found in Libya and across Africa. That UN member states exploit to this day. The African Union would have used this natural wealth to back this new currency which in turn would have made one of the richest currencies on the planet. During Colonels government rule since 1969, Gaddafi had assembled, improved and established Libya from the ground up. For 42 years Colonel Gaddafi was a Libyan Politician revolutionary and political theorist, who most of his career had great ties with the western countries involved in his death. It could be argued that many Libyan's died due to NATO and UN member states demolishing Libya's infrastructure without proper evidence or discussion before military involvement, so that they could benefit from the wealth of Libya. 

The political system has been turbulent for years and is widely considered in western democracy as I quote 'a failed state'. So in no way do I believe that this story is just a smear campaign to tarnish the reputation of Libya. In fact looking at the bigger picture, this is tarnishing the reputation of the Motherland since Libya is in Africa, yet Africans are being sold and tortured technically in their own home. It seems that since the civil war, the Libyan authorities are somewhat helpless in controlling these crimes, which led to them spiraling out of control.

Recently the French ambassador of the United Nation's urged the security council to consider sanctions of the African slave trade and African Migrants.

The Bigger Picture

Yet looking at the bigger picture, the UN's  (United Nations) and NATO's (The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) military involvement in the Libyan governments affairs, of crimes against the Libyan people seems to have done more harm then good. It seems the so called 'Humanitarian involvement' could actually have directly caused this crisis, since Gaddaffi's so called 'regime' was clearly misrepresented in the media and by these organisations themselves.

A time line of NATO's events as follows;

  1. Feb 2011 - Peaceful protests in Benghazi meet with violent oppression. (No physical evidence of violence, only images of protest) UN Security council imposes weapons ban on trade and other commercial activity.
  2. March 2011 - NATO deploys early warning airborne aircraft and battle ships in the Mediterranean to monitor the country. Imposes Resolution 1973, a no fly zone and encourages other member states to 'take all necessary measures' to protect civilians against attack or threat of attack. (only a month after peaceful protest - with no overwhelming evidence of genocide or mass slaughter) ( NATO/UN have their own 'political agenda')
  3. March 2011 - Several UN member states take 'immediate military action'. NATO air and sea assets begin taking military action.
  4. April 2011 - NATO agrees to carry out the UN Mandate (a so called peace keeping operation even though they had already initiated military action)
  5. June 2011 - Operation Unified Protector was enforced 'for as long it takes to end the crisis in Libya' the 'civil war ended in just a few months on the 31st October  (The initiation of everything above including extended military action which was 'vital to the support of the rebel victory over 'forces' loyal to Gaddafi)

The timeline extends to October 2011 on the website, the whole process under the disguise of 'civil war' appears to have started and ended way before civil war even broke out (Civil war can last decades). NATO and the UN appear to have intervened in Libya's political affairs way to quickly. It seems there is definitely a political agenda here, which has clearly caused way more harm then good.


Civilians from Libya report:
 that the country has not been stable since then, currently in financial crisis. The Libyan people have been suffering, human rights have not been at the forefront of issues for developing countries. Libyan citizens state that African migrants come to the city for easy access to Europe by a connected ring of smugglers who ask them for money at each stage of their journey. Smuggling migrants is not rare in this region, civilians believe this is a political game that the government have set this up. 

Our Humanitarian Effort

Even if it will be difficult to regulate and safely return migrants home, it absolutely has to be done.  Overall people are migrating to Europe for a better life, many of us are feeding these notions by our materialism and capitalism. Most developing countries wouldn't be developing countries if it wasn't for our constant need for more and more material things. We need to start showing our people that  wealth is abundant right where they are, they can build wealth right where they are and that there is a better life where they are with the right training and resources.

The International Organisation For Migration staff has since revealed shocking testimonies, using the social media tag #Libya many hundreds of thousands are signing petitions and even celebrities are calling for more action to raise awareness the topic of the Libyan Slave trade.

Related image

Is Modern Day Slavery Uncommon?

Unfortunately it is not, maybe there is lack of evidence to towards it. Potentially it goes unreported or we are simply not aware of it. Yet according to The International Labour Organisation (ILO) around 40 Million people worldwide are still victims of modern slavery. More then 150 Million minors are subjected to child labour, this would account for 1 in 10 children across the world. 

We can all admit that we turn a blind eye to where our clothes are made, what conditions the people assembling our furniture, technology and jewelry have to endure before it gets to us as consumers. At least some of these people are given a jobs, some form of free will and livelihood. That is something being a slave cannot provide for you or anyone. Slavery in any form is a complete disregard of human life, it is one of the most inhumane and abominable ways to treat another human being who has sentient life just as you do. The most high witnesses all.

I have attached links to petitions you can sign to help end this horrific treatment. I hope we all widen our awareness to the part we play in all of this through capitalism, I also hope we can widen our awareness to how this is happening in many other countries in Africa and across the world.

Dear Nubian Woman...

Saturday, November 18, 2017

This is a letter to all Nubian women,
My Afro-Asiatic Women,
My Bantu Women,
To the African & Caribbean Diaspora, Residing Worldwide

We are all systematically underappreciated, undervalued and underrepresented. When I reflect on my past mistakes and my own self hatred I notice one thing in common. Why we do not value our Nubian mothers, teachers and queens enough. Why is it I have not celebrated the Nubian queens that we're in my life, the same way I celebrated the ones I read about in books at exactly the same time, why is it that when I look at my past mistakes, there's a continuing reoccurrence. Not all heroes wear capes, I have not appreciated all the beautiful Nubian queens in my life, I have sometimes judged them, sometimes complained about them and even at times said hateful things about them in vain, when I was unhappy and when I look to the root of it.

I can't explain why, except that I think a lot of us do

I valued things that weren't even there, but complained about what already was. The women that we're loving, praising and respecting me, uplifting and silently educating me without me noticing. Why is it I can only look back years later and really innerstand how even I didn't appreciate the Nubian queens in life, where I thought that just because they weren't saying or doing the things I wanted or expected that somehow what they we're already doing was not enough.

When I look back at some of my harshest words they we're directed at Nubian women, Melanated women. Women that loved me, praised me and we're doing there best to help me. Where did I learn that? Would I have treated other women like that? Why is it that in older age, I can see how subtle, caring and wise those diamonds we're to me regardless what teacher; mother, wife or treasure they have all been shining lights in my life. That taught me life lessons in parables, I only understand now and that truly is the power of the African woman. The most high created everything on the planet with the very same curves you find on a brown woman. True natural beauty. Brown women are truly made of the universe, in turn are versed with every lesson you need to hear when the time is right. We work very closely in Yahweh's way, tis why the darker the berry, really is the sweeter the juice. Nubian women teach universal laws, traditions you cannot learn from books. I'm so glad I never took that for granted.

With black only representing the unlimited depths of this universe we live in, with black representing the fullness, uncanny beauty and hope of our history, the kindness of our words elders words, with black only demonstrating all the great civilisations that came before us, with black representing the wisest sage, priestess and abundant creation that we would cease to exist without, with black meaning full of colour, richness, spice and curvaceous beauty, in that case, there is really nothing like the beauty and origins of what we call a black woman. (I prefer calling us brown but hey) 

Hazels have always been beautiful to me...
To all the Nubian teachers, mentors, mothers, aunties and sisters I have ever unappreciated, disrespected, complained about and not acknowledged truthfully, in the past out of pain.  I am truly sorry, coming from someone like me that is a disaster in itself because I really believe we are made in the image of the highest good. Systematic self-hatred will have you researching your history but disrespecting the history standing right in front you, dealing with you, giving you lifts home and somehow forgetting that because you've been hurt, just as society dictates.

Nubian woman, of the darkest glowing opal skin, the tightest curls, coils and spirals, to the yellow gold flowing metallic curls and spirals, our hair stands up against this worldly state. Most women desire your full lips and wide hips more then even you do. You are not represented or appreciated, half the way you should be in the media because you are one of the most beautiful living creatures on earth.
we need our women, life simply doesn't continue on without you.
Forgive me, my old friend, 'she's ugly, she's pretty for a....' Self-hatred of that kind is the most obvious cry for help, I have always loved my Nubian queens, but I see clearly now how society doesn't. African queens should be praised universally and unconditionally and we're simply not taught to even think about doing that.
So whenever idiots (I have been one of them at times) have attributed your value to your looks, you are not determined by other people's lack of the ability to appreciate you. If so it was and truly has been their loss.
It has only taught me to love all my brown mothers, sisters, teachers, aunty's and queens better.
Some of the most beautiful women I have ever perceived are women just like you,
Thank you for giving me good memories,
I am sorry, for anything I said or did because I was hurting,
I was wrong and you are truly appreciated.

Thanks for reading,


30 Seconds Of Fame Or A Lifetime Of Glory

Monday, November 6, 2017

It has been a whole 9 months since I last wrote to you..
I'm sorry..
Some of my greatest work is right here on this website,

(I had to edit this since by G-d's grace and timing difficult situations actually changed into positive ones. Also somethings are deeply personal and important to me, this post requires empathy and positive attention. I also re-direct supporters, potential future clients and employers here, although everything here is and was so necessary and I have no issue sharing. These are the parts that matter the most for inspiration to others who need it)

I took time to heal...
I can action my dreams
Let my past go and forgive the people that hurt me..
Put into practice many things I had been studying..
See through the matrix and BEGIN to navigate through it..
G-d creates everything & there is no such thing as coincidence..
Realise being deeply spiritual does not mean that we do not fight for our cause,
We all have to truly free myself mentally, physically and spiritually

Over 5 years ago, g-d finally gave me tests to put everything I had been preparing for into action. To see if I really believed what I had studied, what I had meditated on, visions I had seen and things I had learned. Which is why I can't be angry, I can't be heavy-hearted what G-d gifts his children in this physical realm cannot be measured or seen, it's energy can only be actioned and felt. I have learned more by being betrayed then I ever would have if nothing had happened at all.

In the greatest way possible..

Thank you to all those who subscribed to the newsletter! As promised you will receive private content, I will continue adding to the ESOTERIC knowledge I have already studied.

Let me continue getting myself together, I'm heading there, grateful that I came prepared.

Thanks for reading, I'll be back soon..


How To Do Something You Love For A Living

Sunday, February 19, 2017

When I think back on my life, I wonder how it was so hard to just decide to do what I wanted instead of doing what everyone else insisted I do. I was sickly, overweight, pale and depressed before I finally decided that enough was enough. I was willing to go to extreme length to keep my family happy and to keep up appearances. I was willing to do courses I hated and work doing something for the rest of my life just because my everyone around me said I should do it.

I often imagined what would become of me, if I didn't get sick, tired and depressed. Something inside me continued fighting even when I had given up. I trusted myself and I turnedmy whole life upside down so that it was the right way up.

Don't do something you know you don't like, you should never do that anyway. You wouldn't eat food you didn't like every day or wear clothes you hated. So why are you working somewhere you can't stand, or pretending to enjoy a course you signed up for because it will pay well in the future. Why not use all the money you have and invest in your own skills? Why not believe in your own capabilities? Instead of societies assumptions of what success actually means? One thing I can be sure that we all face is that we all need money. That's a fact. You can survive without it, but you can live with just enough of it.

You all have a minimum budget that you live on at the moment. Maybe it's just making sure you have enough to cover all the bills and debt payments. The little you have left over is for food and travel. Or maybe you have more than that, but let's start with the bare minimum. Whatever that number is, think about ways you can make it in the same amount of time or less. It has to be working for yourself, yes it's not as reliable and it may not start off well, but it is all about you. You depend on yourself and your natural instincts tell you every single day you wake up for work, that you need the money. Imagine if you persevered and was able to get that money yourself, aren't you a worthy investment.

Everyone can be an entrepreneur if they started with what they have. You don't even have to work for yourself, 9 times out 10 your dream job is not your passion and if there is a dream job let it be your passion. Even if your not yet qualified for it, or you believe it won't pay enough. All that doesn't matter, I promise you getting up every day and enjoying your life is astounding. You will enjoy every day because you are in control and your actually doing something you enjoy. Everyday!


Being your brand is liberating. It gives you a sense of clarity and position. You always know your path of progression and you really feel like you can never fail because you and your business are not separate entities but in fact they are you. Naturally, you never want to be a failure so you work hard and never give up on whatever you do. You are your business so you put aside money to invest in yourself(business) every month. Everything becomes a lot clearer and feels much less like your living your life to please or work daily for others.

There is much opportunity in this modern world. Articulate your naturals skills and abilities and apply your gifts to what your passionate about.


Patience Is Nature's Best Kept Secret

Saturday, February 11, 2017
Patience, the more you have of it the better you feel.It's so much better to go slow, steady and simple, working things around you and gradually constructing the things you want, the way you want it. How much do we take patience for granted? How do you increase the amount of patience you have for something?


When you loose patience with other people or things, it may not be rightful but there is no love lost. When you loose patience with yourself, you loose everything. 

Meditating for at least 10 minutes a day should help keep you more routinely focused, aware and more self-disciplined and works wonders for low patience. Writing things down, or recording the way you feel daily helps you visualise where you're going wrong and address it. 

The mind can either trap your or liberate you when you find yourself passing the blame or just having too much to deal with too often. Think about how patient you are being with yourself, can you take this task slowly, do you have to skip so many steps ahead, so fast?

If everything you do is done with good intentions, slowly but surely. You're less likely to make mistakes or retakes. Your relaxed, calm and emotionally secure,  thought out in your decisions, your mindful in your actions. You've got this!


3 Ways To Make 2017 Your Year

Sunday, February 5, 2017

2017 is the Chinese year of the rooster, which turns out to be my year. What is to come, even I don't know. But I do know that it will come in the shape of whatever it is supposed to be, just for me. It won't be behind the backs of any other people, next to, in front of, or through them. It is a journey to enlightenment that only I can take and come out on the other side with.

  1. Understand where you are & be realistic about your goals
  2. Plan for the future by taking one step a time
  3. Get rid of what's overdue in your life:

What is overdue in 2017 for me


Having more structure in my life work/study/life balance

Attracting Better People

Stop settling for less

Being More Realistic

the deepest pain for any inventor, is being realistic about your circumstances it means that even the greatest idea may have to stay written down for awhile

Being My True Authentic Self

my main motto, always stay true to you

Not Forsaking My Morals, Decency And Integrity

speaks for itself

Not Settling For Being Lied To Or Mistreated

Stop allowing yourself to be mistreated, take yourself away from people or places who don't value you or your efforts.

This year spells financial gain for those working hard for it, it offers home truth's for people who won't accept it. What it is important to know right now is that it is not a time to be naive or unaware of things in your life. Address unwanted issues, end cyclical behaviour. 2017 is a year for the rise of the indigo's, the real children of g-d will spread their wings.


Originality And How To Be Authentically You

Thursday, December 22, 2016
Be different, always do the opposite of what everyone else is doing. Take pride in everything you do, have no shame in yourself. Remember you are a creator, never accept everything just the way it is. Never let anyone box you in, or frown upon your creativity.

Don't think about what other people will think, they're going to judge you anyway. Always do what you want and what's right for you.

Being authentic is a gift, being able to turn nothing into something is pure alchemy. Our imagination is heaven, our imagination knows no limits or bounds. It is not confined to any space or time, it is always present at our call, but we've stopped using it. We've stopped tapping into our creativity and wonder. We have given up on our creativity. We have stopped thinking about those little things we love that truly define ourselves. We mimic and copy each other in different variations, we have changed so much that we don't even notice how similar we are becoming to each other.

Men have started dressing like women and are almost unrecognisable. We are where similar fashion, eat and drink the same things, same hairstyles, brand names, TV shows. We watch the same sports and scorn anything that's even slightly different, Don't let anyone take your authenticity away from you, it defines your very being. It's the most beautiful representation of you and whoever doesn't like it, will have to lump it!

Live In This World, But Be Not Of It

Expectations Lead To Disappointment

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Does it ever seem like whatever your thinking or feeling, is when the complete opposite happens....

The expectations you have of circumstances or people, have the potential to cripple you. 


Replace high expectations with hope. To hope is not to rely on a certain situation. To be hopeful is to set a positive frame on your scenario and allow it to transform into what it is supposed to become. Hope allows the situation to be what it is and not what your idea of it should be, just what you wish it could become. Stop creating your own ideas for circumstances or people. Plan and create for the things you can control, things that are within your arms reach. If you cannot control something let it go.

Imagine g-d created all of us for planet earth. I'm sure originally our creators didn't expect their own offspring to turn against them and pretend they don't exist. But we are still here living day to day, I am sure our creators have the power to end this all now. But they don't expect from us, they allow us to become what we are supposed to be, they flow with the current of our lives, in hope we might eventually float into the right direction.

Expectations lead to disappointments. Don't be naive or foolish, don't expect other people to do as you would do.
Hope is the answer. Learn to hope for the best not expect it. Learn to hope for people, not to expect from them.The root of hope is a positive thing and the more positive you are the more positivity you attract into your life. Expect is a neutral word, it can either succeed for you, or fail you. Unfortunately for you don't get to choose. 

Thanks for reading!

How Did I Become A Holistic Health Blogger?

Saturday, November 5, 2016


On the 1st March 2013, I officially turned plant based vegan. What that meant for me at the time, even I didn't entirely know. I had someone in my life at the time who wanted to go completely cold turkey and it was not only a drastic but very shocking transition. Just under 4 years later, looking at what I've accomplished since then is amazing.

When I first turned vegan I wanted to change my life 360, I wanted the opportunity to study and cleanse myself and totally channel my energy inwards. I began detoxing monthly and eating mostly raw for the first 6 months. Which spelled body weakness and having to adjust to a 2 stone lighter me, although my energy levels hit the roof, my skin cleared up and  I lost a lot of excess toxicity. My brain fog disappeared and all I wanted to do every day was put pen to paper and write. Which leads me to the title.


Well, to begin with, it comes with no strict criteria, I've learnt spiritually and mentally about the wholeness of holistic living all by myself, a a natural life is a simple life, in my culture living holistically is how our ancestors lived. But it all really started from taking my journal online with me, from pen and paper to screen and keypad. The blog naturally becomes itself. 

Not everyone likes to read... over time I have noticed that unless you're really old and wealthy. A lot of people don't like reading anymore, remember that blogging should be for you first and not just your audience. Write about something you specialise in and live for every day. 

Having a blog or website to represent your personality, knowledge and findings is too priceless not just for yourself but the people around you and kiss goodbye to lengthy job applications, one look at your portfolio of work and businesses can see your speciality.


Whether it be for transcribing those important notes, SEO optimisation, Content Writing, Online Advertising, Copywriting for all of your document specialist needs you can contact me! It's really what I do...

 Contact me via my contact form.

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