Sunshine Chilli: natural remedies

Showing posts with label natural remedies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label natural remedies. Show all posts

Chorella - Nature’s Multivitamin PSA

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

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I hereby undertake not to remove from the locality, nor to mark, deface, or injure in any way, any volume, document or other object belonging to it or in its custody; not to bring into the premises, or kindle therein, any fire or flame, and not to smoke in the locality; and I promise to obey all rules of the private entity.

enjoy chlorella below:

Chorella is the most popular researched superfood

Chlorella is a type of algae that grows in fresh water. The whole plant is used to make nutritional supplements and medicine. Chlorella is ranked one of the top 10 health foods in the world when you look at its’ nutrient density score. In fact, per gram it is way more nutrient dense than other greens including kale, spinach and broccoli! Chlorella is a good source of protein, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, chlorophyll, vitamins, and minerals. The cell wall of chlorella must be broken down before people can digest it.

Chlorella is an astounding package of complete nutrition. All of its natural properties function together in a way individual supplements can't touch. Chlorella is famous for providing a vast array of benefits while fighting numerous diseases and conditions. Popular in Japan where over 10 million people use it regularly. The Japanese value chlorella so highly for its natural detoxification abilities. 

Its molecular structure, allows it to bond to metals, chemicals and some pesticides inside the body. It can be applied topically & can even be used as a natural plant fertiliser. Chlorella has been extensively studied as a food source since it is made up of a whopping 50 percent protein and is considered a complete amino acid-based food

"Chlorella's nutrients are undeniable. Even NASA has studied using chlorella as the one of first whole foods in space on the international space station"

Click here to read an article from the daily telegraph UK, highlighting how Chorella helps to fight disease 

Nutritional Facts 

  1. Amino Acids (Protein) 
  2. Vitamin A 
  3. Vitamin B2 
  4. Vitamin B3 
  5. High Levels of Iron 
  6. Calcium 
  7. Phosphorus 
  8. Iron 
  9. Potassium 
  10. Magnesium 
  11. Zinc 
  12. B1 
  13. B6 
  14. B2 
  15. B12 

Probiotics - Chlorella promotes the production of healthy flora, bacteria and probiotics throughout the digestive system. This is essential for good digestion and overall health, and also makes chlorella effective for fighting candida and yeast overgrowth(parasities). Its anti-inflammatory benefits can also work to heal the digestive system.

Chlorella has also been proven effective for: 

  1. Balancing hormones (relieving PMS, regulating cycles, etc.) 
  2. Treatment of ulcers 
  3. Balancing the digestive system (improving digestion, relieving constipation) 
  4. Increasing the white blood cell count (helps with infections, warding off of illness) 
  5. Reduces or eliminates body odors 
  6. Increased energy and elevated mood 
  7. Balances blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar (fighting/preventing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity) 
  8. Reduces occurrence of asthma attacks and allergies 
  9. Treats fatigue 
  10. Highest known source of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll helps in the prevention of the spread of cancer by increasing the oxygen uptake, therefore promoting cell reproduction. 
  11. Helps boost immune response 
  12. Helps weight loss 
  13. Anti-aging 
  14. Stress prevention 
  15. Protects the brain and nervous system 
  16. Supports elimination of many kinds of pollutants, from heavy metals to molds 
  17. Boosts tissue growth, healing and repair 
  18. Removes pesticides and toxins from daily life and pollution 
  19. Detoxifies harmful radiation, protects organs 

Chorella and Weight Loss

Losing weight is difficult, especially as we age.Chlorella benefits you by helping to regulate hormones, helping with metabolism, improving circulation, and promoting higher levels of energy. It also helps to reduce weight and body fat, and removes stored toxins.

Chlorella’s ability to surround the toxins and heavy metals residing in our bodies helps facilitate elimination and prevent reabsorption. Studies in Japan have shown Chlorella's unique properties may also have the ability to lower overall body fat the study showed Chlorella can reduce body fat percentages. This may be due to its ability to aid fat metabolism and improve insulin sensitivity (diabetes). Plus, when we replace nutritionally empty foods with powerful superfoods like chlorella, the body tends to crave less junk food because it feels more nourished. It may also help reduce both cholesterol and hypertension. Chlorella's cleansing action on your bowel and other elimination channels, as well as its protection of your liver, also helps promote clean blood. Clean blood helps assure metabolic waste get efficiently carried away from your tissues.

Look Younger 

Research continues to reveal that Chlorella may also slow the aging process, making you look younger. Evidence suggests that Chlorella greatly reduces oxidative stress, that can be caused from pollution, stress and a poor diet.The reason Chlorella is so effective at giving you younger looking skin is because it naturally increases levels of vitamin A, vitamin C and glutathione in your body which eliminates free-radicals and protects your cells.

 "By just taking 1 teaspoon or a couple capsules daily of a Chlorella supplement, you can see results in as little as 2 weeks."


Chlorella is known for its remarkable cancer-fighting benefits, possibly because it is rich in natural carotenoids, which can prevent oxidation (a leading cause behind cancer and heart disease). Paired with its detoxifying nature and ability to nourish the immune system, chlorella is a natural anti-carcinogenic agent.

It is believed that all human bodies at some time develop cancer cells. Properly functioning immune systems have the ability to attack and destroy these cells, before they have the chance to take hold and create cancer. A recent medical study found that Chlorella helps fight cancer in several ways.

Blood Sugar And Cholesterol

Type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol are two of the serious chronic conditions facing western society today. Chlorella activates a number of genes at the cellular level that improve insulin sensitivity, encouraging a healthy balance. 

Working with Diabetes. Preliminary studies have shown, chlorella can improve insulin sensitivity and blood sugar levels over time. This can prevent and improve conditions like diabetes and insulin resistance (metabolic syndrome). It is also thought that chlorella may guard against side effects of diabetes such as vision loss.

Chlorella and Spirulina

We have also seen that Chlorella contains the highest known source of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll helps in the prevention of the spread of cancer by increasing the oxygen uptake, therefore promoting cell reproduction. Many people have been taking Spirulina for years. They are both waterborne organisms, but at the cellular level, they are quite different. Both Spirulina and Chlorella have a concentrated balance of nutrients shown to help cleanse and detoxify the body, and a high concentration of protein that supports energy and clarity.

In fact, Spirulina has been used in the World Health Organization’s feeding programs for malnourished children in undeveloped countries. A single one-gram dose of Spirulina a day can counteract Vitamin A deficiency that can lead to blindness.

Chlorella’s protein levels, and combination of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients go one step beyond Spirulina. When used in together, their powers intensify. Chlorella’s tough exterior cellular walls are difficult to digest. It took many years of research, study, trial, and error to find a way for the human body to effectively digest it. The substance in these walls is believed to be what surrounds heavy metals, pesticides, and other toxins and helps to remove them from the human body.

Chlorella is at its best in pure powder form without any kind of binding agents or additives. However, tablets are acceptable if you can't find a way to work the powder into your routine. Look for broken cell wall chlorella, which has been processed to make the nutrients in chlorella more digestible.

Chlorella provides an abudance of nutrients in a whole food bundle which is far superior to any manufactured formula.

Join the Health Revolution, try our superpowered, Premium quality organic (Broken Cell Wall)Chorella and Spirulina Superfood Supplements for Optimum Health, Higher Energy Levels, Natural Anti-aging properties your 5-A-Day and more! 


Terms & Conditions Apply

DISCLAIMER* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product. 


How To Be Vegan Without Deficiencies

Saturday, February 24, 2024
If your well read up like you should be, the well educated know that being vegan is the way to be at your optimum at all times. Eating plant based means your always getting very varied but always optimum levels of nutrients, vitamins and minerals everyday. (If your very plant based consuming friut and vegtables daily and not just starchy and sugary foods with technically don't count)

Make Homemade Surface Cleaners With Only 4 Ingredients

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

What Is Pumpkin Seed Oil Good For? The Amazing Benefits Of Pumpkin Seeds

Sunday, November 13, 2016
Don't underestimate the potential of pumpkin oil; not just in flavour but for it's amazing health benefits, pumpkin seeds are virtually exploding with health and beauty benefits. Being rich in vitamins A, K and E packed with fatty acids perfect for strengthening hair plus potentially boosting hair growth by hydrating hair follicles but that's not all.

Pumpkin oil is the new superfood in town, it's a must-have, instead of coconut oil that is.

Pumpkin seed oil is a natural source of vitamins which strengthens the immune system, also improving physical stamina. It is rich in antioxidants and unsaturated fatty acids containing countless vitamins and trace elements (e.g. phosphates, sodium, calcium, magnesium, selenium, iron, zinc, copper and manganese) 

These excellent and useful components help to prevent cardiovascular disease, prostate problems and help the circulatory system function. It is also recommended for use during pregnancy, as it helps the development of the fetus's nervous system. Due to its antioxidant content, pumpkin seed oil slows down the ageing process. It is no coincidence that the beauty industry has discovered it, and recognises its benefits. 

Pumpkin oil has been used to fight off acne, cure scarring and promote skin renewal by retaining moisture with zinc and vitamin E improving the skin's healing process.
Pumpkin seeds and chia seeds are known in the top ten list of mood boosting foods, pumpkin seeds are one of the richest sources of tryptophan which increases production of serotonin a hormone that helps us feel relaxed. 
With its incredibly high zinc content, it has capabilities to boost your immune system and cell division increasing brain power and enhancing memory and focus.

Pumpkin seed oil has positive effect on: 

  • Prostate Function – Reduces LDL 
  • Cholesterol Lowering – Omega 9 
  • Kidney Function 
  • Anti-Arthritic – high fatty acid content 
  • Diabetes 
  • Anti-Parasitic 
  • Increasing mothers milk production 
  • Skin Care – Omega 6 , Vitamin E 
  • Hair loss - DHT blocking properties

Beneficial for prostate health:

An investigation of alternative and complementary medicine in the prevention and treatment of
benign prostatic hyperplasia (prostate cancer) took place in just 3 months the international prostate system score were reduced, quality of life score improved after just 6 months mixed with saw palmetto oil , it was actually suggested as a satisfactory treatment using pumpkin seed oil and saw palmetto oil as a clinically safe and effective for benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Alternative Remedy for Male Pattern Baldness & DHT:

Being the most common type of balding in male affecting roughly 30% of men by 30 and 50% by 50. Which is a staggering amount? Yet massaging pumpkin oil is said to be a natural DHT blocker which can massively increase hair growth. DHT is a sex steroid, androgen hormone responsible for biological characteristics in males, deep voices, increased muscle mass etc. DHT is a potent androgen.

Phytosterols or plant sterols are plant compounds with chemical structures similar to that of cholesterol. Interestingly, phytosterols so closely resemble cholesterol that they can actually block food-based cholesterol from being absorbed into the bloodstream. The result is that both phytosterols and dietary cholesterol end up excreted in waste matter. Because of their ability to block dietary cholesterol absorption, phytosterols can help lower cholesterol levels.

Just one serving of pumpkin seed oil contains most of your daily magnesium intake, promoting tooth and bone health, reduces blood vessel tension and even promotes better focus. Magnesium naturally soothes aches and pain and is perfect for after workouts and even for arthritis. 

My favourite brand of pumpkin oil is from Pepo Papa based in Hungary, it's deliciously thick and tasty thus why they call it 
The velvety thick golden-green ‘elixir of life’ has excellent health benefits as well as being a great flavour enhancer.

and I love dressing my pasta and salad dishes with it. I also love massaging my scalp as a hot oil treatment it really does leave my hair and scalp glossy and moisturised. Get yours today! Head over to for recipe ideas and where you can find this delicious oil!

Next Post: Self Employment & 913 Garratt Lane


How Did I Become A Holistic Health Blogger?

Saturday, November 5, 2016


On the 1st March 2013, I officially turned plant based vegan. What that meant for me at the time, even I didn't entirely know. I had someone in my life at the time who wanted to go completely cold turkey and it was not only a drastic but very shocking transition. Just under 4 years later, looking at what I've accomplished since then is amazing.

When I first turned vegan I wanted to change my life 360, I wanted the opportunity to study and cleanse myself and totally channel my energy inwards. I began detoxing monthly and eating mostly raw for the first 6 months. Which spelled body weakness and having to adjust to a 2 stone lighter me, although my energy levels hit the roof, my skin cleared up and  I lost a lot of excess toxicity. My brain fog disappeared and all I wanted to do every day was put pen to paper and write. Which leads me to the title.


Well, to begin with, it comes with no strict criteria, I've learnt spiritually and mentally about the wholeness of holistic living all by myself, a a natural life is a simple life, in my culture living holistically is how our ancestors lived. But it all really started from taking my journal online with me, from pen and paper to screen and keypad. The blog naturally becomes itself. 

Not everyone likes to read... over time I have noticed that unless you're really old and wealthy. A lot of people don't like reading anymore, remember that blogging should be for you first and not just your audience. Write about something you specialise in and live for every day. 

Having a blog or website to represent your personality, knowledge and findings is too priceless not just for yourself but the people around you and kiss goodbye to lengthy job applications, one look at your portfolio of work and businesses can see your speciality.


Whether it be for transcribing those important notes, SEO optimisation, Content Writing, Online Advertising, Copywriting for all of your document specialist needs you can contact me! It's really what I do...

 Contact me via my contact form.


Guide To Detoxing On The Go

Thursday, November 3, 2016
There are many ways to detox your body, some herbs are more potent then others.
Detoxing is so important before transitioning to a new diet. It reduces cravings and totally cleanses the body. Alkalizing the body, getting rid of excess toxins stored in fat, ailments, bad breath, ache's and pains.

In the same way you would clean you car and house, you should clean your body inside and out regularly. Toxins and chemicals are being fed to us in a variety of ways, we have heavy metal pollution through chem-trails, environment and air pollution, fluoridation in our water supply which is absorbed through our skin daily. Chemicals and preservatives laced into our food, which leads to a lot of the diseases we suffer from, from the cold and flu to much more severe cancer and Alzheimers. 

Activated Charcoal
Apple Cider Vinegar
Lemon Water
Baking soda water
coconut oil
papaya seeds
eating vegan
psyllium husk
bentonite clay 
moringa seeds
liquorice root tea
green tea
Sage/Ginger tea
garlic clove

Try one of these daily for 10 days, each season. You should see any ailments you do have beginning clear up or get better.


Why I'm All About Natural Beauty

Sunday, October 2, 2016
We are all made in g-ds image. But how often do we women feel that gorgeous and precious, even personally I have only started to learn to take good compliments from people and stop glaring at them like their crazy.

Be accepting, be a naturally open minded person and always decide to be at peace with the way you look. Even I wake up some mornings feeling like a pile.. I don't look in the mirror and admire myself all the time. But from a young age, I decided that although I don't feel or look remotely similar to anything I see around me. This is how I was made, I am human and I can function and operate just like everyone else. 
How I look shouldn't take over my whole life.
I was raised in a family of very natural women, my grandma a maroon was into natural bush remedies. My mother's favourite colour was natural tones and wood browns, the women in my family embraced what they were, even if they didn't have much self-confidence and this has been engrained in me.

How can this help my sisters...

I have been waiting, to absolutely rant and rave about natural beauty. Women.
We are created to be so curvaceous and mesmerising, take off the fakery the makeup and insecurities, don't let society tell you how to look, how to act and who to be...

stand against it,

make natural makeup
create your own style
and most importantly be yourself
eventually, you won't want to wear makeup at all!

I'm officially starting my all natural journey, by cutting my hair. Here's is me completely makeup free just healthy sun tan and castor oil/aloe vera/charcoal/clay on my lashes to make them grow. One day I woke up and said to myself everything in my life will change from this day. I want to pamper, heal and treat myself like the queen that I am. So I cut my hair, this will be great for massaging hair oils into my scalp for better hair and scalp texture, which means fewer products and a less maintenance for a more beautiful natural me! Inside and out! I want to help myself to help others.. love you all 13 times over.


Autumn Is Here

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Autumn is approaching on the 22nd September and I can't help but enjoy the beautiful changes in nature and on the planet. Now is the time for us to enjoy our favourite berries (rosehips above) and harvest our luscious herbs and vegetables. Root vegetables begin to thrive as the beautiful autumn leaves greet the pavements. 

Now is the time to mix your herbal medicine concoctions of raw honey, orange, onions and garlic. It's time to light some beeswax candles and re-align yourself with all your surroundings. Get out those comfy jumpers and blankets and enjoy herbal teas to keep you cosy at sunset. Autumn is full of curiosity and wonder. Here are some pictures I took on a foraging walk in Enfield, London. Taking in my surroundings and observing the natures changes from flower blossoms turning to berries. Here they are!

Horsetail, retail price is £8 per mini bottle. A great tonic for colon and hair!

Hawthorn berries are good for coughs and colds when made into a syrup

Stinging Nettle Seeds great for alcohol and good for energy drinks!

Dock leaves are nature's cabbage, once cooked down with lots of seasonings to avoid the bitter taste!


I can't help but scream the amazing things I have planned for the blog in the next few months, just in the planning stages! Stay tuned!


All Natural Homemade Fresh Mint Mouthwash Recipe

Sunday, July 24, 2016

 Prep time: 5 minutes      Lasts: 1 Months

3/4 Cup Distilled Water
3 Mint Leaves
20 Drops Peppermint Oil
Optional: 1 Tbsp Fine Sea Salt,1/4 Cup ACV

Please note: You can use alkaline water, but be aware that you may have to use it much quicker.
Depending on how much you make the amount of ingredients may vary.

For fresh minty breath and no harsh chemicals, articial colours or preservatives

  1. Heat the water and mint leaves for 3 minutes. To release enzymes in the mint leaves.
  2. Once heated add salt and leave to cool.
  3. Add your peppermint oil and ACV to the water.
  4. Done!

Please note: 
This recipe is not evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

Works just as well as normal shop bought mouthwash & it's way cheaper!

Explore more homemade DIY recipes with these ingredients:
 Sea Salt      Peppermint Oil     Fresh Mint

Facial Product Review For Amen Simplicity - Simple All Natural Goodness

Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Amen Simplicity started only recently back in April but the standard of the products are really good! Amen Simplicity was born out of the need for skin products that are not full of toxins and chemicals. The owner at Amen Simplicity began making her own products at home and since then and her skin has never felt better.

I have to say that using Amen Simplicity has really nourished my combination skin, I was sent the customised skin care kit recommended specifically for me as I have a mixture of dry and oily skin. It only gets dry due to the hard water we use here in the UK. Her products leave my skin nourished and gives me that natural glow. Her night cream has to be my favourite its infused with patchouli, lemon, and rosemary prevent spots or blemishes cleansing my skin overnight, it also smells so good I really think it promotes sleep too! 

My second favourite is the creamy cleanser which I absolutely love! It softly cleans the skin and isn't harsh or abrasive. It is slightly on the runny side but I really liked how gentle it is on my skin. The purifying toner was the first vegan toner I've ever used apart from witch hazel and I think it's an essential part of this cleansing routine. It freshens up the face, and with ingredients like ACV it also works as sun protection. Last but not least the daily moisturiser, I loved the smell and consistency of this moisturiser I couldn't get enough of it, I only use a little bit at a time because my skin can get quite oily throughout the day otherwise, its comes in a nice bottle and I know it will last me ages. I have not had dry skin at all since using her products but I haven't had any breakouts either!

I would definitely recommend Amen Simplicity, a business that prides it's on simple ingredients which are vegan and chemical free without the huge price tag. Amen simplicity believe that beauty doesn't have to be a big ordeal and beauty is as simple as the ingredients used and I totally agree!  

Amen Simplicity is the first all natural product range I've used that is designed to fit your skin type

The owner of Amen simplicity has always believed that things in life should be simple in our bodies and in our homes. 
Visit to check out more products and the blog! 
Follow @amensimplicity on Instagram/twitter! 
Or email


Nettles (Urtica Dioica) The Forgotten Superfood

Monday, May 30, 2016

Nettle has been used for many years and in history treasured amongst most city dwellers. The entire plant may be used for medicinal purposes and it tastes/cooks much like spinach. Aside from childhood memories to avoid nettles at all costs. Nettle possesses great benefits for skin problems, infections, and even bed wetting, it has been used to treat coughs, assist milk production for pregnant women and as a tonic to promote overall wellbeing.
Nettles remain one of the safest medicinal herbs to use, with fewer side effects then perscription medication and its grows all around London!
Nettles are completely harmless aside from their stinging syringes that inject a histamine-like substance into your skin. These substances are irritating nonetheless great for bee stings, insect bites and treating any poison like substances, it stimulates your natural antihistaminic response increasing white blood cells. 

Despite its piercing defense, the plant is rich in chlorophyll, and a good source of beta-carotene ; vitamins A, C, and E; tannins; iron ; calcium ; phosphates; and various other minerals. Nettle grows in nitrogen and phosphorus-rich soils, it's a great natural fertiliser too! 


  1. A gentle body detoxifier, especially for the digestive system and lymphatic system. 
  2. Good for pregnant women in labour
  3. Good for menstruation and menopause
  4. Good blood builder and good for circulation suggested for anemic people
  5. A powerful anti-inflammatory
  6. Strengthens the immune system
  7. Good for bone health
  8. Good for respiratory issues
  9. Great for kidneys and gallbladder issues
  10. Great for skin especially acne, age spots, and blemishes
  11. Nettles are a superfood high in vitamins C, Iron, calcium and more protein than soya.
  12. The stinging syringes are said to be a cure for baldness and hair loss
  13. All natural durietic and pain killer
  14. It is said to stimulate hair growth and improve quality of hair 
  15. Nettle was used to make fabric before cotton in the UK, German army uniforms were woven from nettle fibers in world war 1.
  16. Fresh nettle juice leaves are used to treat asthma 
  17. Nettles help keep produce fresh, everything from fruit to meat, it prevents mold from growing and keeps bacteria away from nearby plants 
  18. Fresh nettle was placed on the skin, for joint pain, rheumatism, and even gout. 
  19. 2.7g of protein per 100grams 


    Alzheimer's,Arthritis,Asthma,Bladder Infections,Bronchitis, Gingivitis, Gout, Hives, Kidney stones, allergies, multiple sclerosis, PMS , sciatica, baldness, internal bleeding, anemia, heavy menstruation, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, skin complaints.

    Nettles work very well as a survival food, thanks to their high-quality protein content and high levels of nutrients. Nettles can contain up to 25% protein by dry weight. A complete protein, with a good mix of essential amino acids. Nettle protein is easily digestible.

    Dry on a sheet and use in nettle tea, great for allergies especially hay fever, also good for heavy periods.Or make into dumplings, old English nettle soups were popular too. I love to use mine in stir fries or steamed salad toppings/ stock. Much like spinach it boils down so always get a full bag and season well! The Nettle seeds taste much like coffee and are good for an energy boost too! The root can be used as a dye. 

    Don't pick nettles that are flowering like the image on the left. Instead, pick the young leaves at the top of younger plants, these are the most tender nettles which appear in spring and can be harvested until the end of July before the leaves start to fill with crystals of calcium carbonate which can be gritty and unpleasant.
    The entire plant is so useful! Yet so unappreciated.

    This is not evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

    References: Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine | 2005 | Hanrahan, Clare; Frey, RebeccaCOPYRIGHT 2005 The Gale Group, Inc.

    Delilah's Simple Toothpaste Recipe

    Monday, May 16, 2016
                             Prep time: 10 minutes      Lasts: 3 Months

    5 tbsps Bicarbonate Soda (food grade)/or baking soda
    5 heaped tbsps Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
    20 drops Peppermint  Oil
    5 drops of Eucalyptus oil
    2 tbsp vanilla essence or honey

    Please note: You can substitute baking soda for Bentonite Clay, Activated Charcoal.

    Cleanyour teeth without fluoride using household ingredients!

    1. Put 5 heaped spoonfuls of coconut oil into a dish, you will need to melt the coconut oil if it is hard.
    2. Once liquefied, add the soda, sweetener (vanilla or honey) and peppermint/eucalyptus oil and stir until combined. 
    3. Prepare your glass container, glass has a better preservative quality to store your toothpaste.

    Please note: You may suffer acute gum and teeth sensitivity. If this persists for more than a week, substitute soda for something else.

    This recipe is not evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

    Works just as well as normal toothpaste & with no harsh chemical or perservatives!

    Explore more homemade DIY recipes with these ingredients:
     Coconut Oil    Peppermint Oil   Baking Soda

    Your Period - A Toxic Time Of The Month

    Friday, May 6, 2016
    Are you aware that you're exposing yourself to harmful chemicals every month?
    Are you aware of how likely you are to contract Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) just through using seemingly ordinary tampons and sanitary towels?
    Did you know that using ordinary store bought sanitary products can cause thrush, fibroids, endometriosis, infertility and ovarian cancer?
    Do you know it takes 30 seconds for substances to be absorbed into your bloodstream, through your skin?

    Research conducted in Argentina has found traces of cancer-causing herbicides in 85% of personal and feminine hygiene products that contained cotton.


    The menstrual cycle is an important part of every woman's life. We need to be more vigilant about the products we use and the chemicals we are absorbing through using sanitary protection. Recognising and reducing your contact with harmful chemicals are essential, since 90% of conventional sanitary products are unregulated and laden with bleachers, synthetic chemicals, and cancer causing carcinogens.


    TSS is a rare but fatal disease caused by a particular type of bacteria that can produce toxins in the body. The symptoms of TSS  come on fast and are often severe. 



    A chemical used to bleach your period pads.


    Responsible for various allergic reactions and frequent skin irritation.


    Disturbs hormone levels.


    Simply put a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue.


    An endocrine disruptor with widespread exposure and multiple effects BPA has also been associated with infertility. 


    Women who want to reduce their exposure to harmful chemicals now have a new resource to enlighten them following the launch of Nearer Nature's Information Pack called 'A Toxic Time Of The Month'
    Specifically created to highlight and raise awareness of the hidden harmful chemicals in the products we use. Along with organic sanitary products and natural pain relief included.

    'A Toxic Time Of The Month' Information Pack can be ordered from Nearer Nature's Online Boutique, which also stocks only natural and organic body care products.

    Help your periods along with 100% cotton pads and tampons and no chemically laden feminine hygiene products. For a safer and more comfortable period, I recommend buying 'A Toxic Time Of The Month' information pack.

    Brought to you by the online boutique Nearer Nature, specialising in organic and all natural body care


    15 Tips To Staying Plant Based Vegan

    Thursday, April 7, 2016

    Have your favourite alternative foods around at all times
    Have prepared food ready at all times
    Have your favourite snacks available at all times
    Swap quick processed food for raw food
    Know your body
    Know your mental triggers
    Eat larger portions of vegetables and fruit
    Replace your meat for carbs
    Detox regularly for the first year
    Find your local vegan cafes and restaurants
    Get well acquainted with your local markets and wholesalers
    Get well acquainted with whole foods
    Don't bother going into corner shops
    Buy 2 of everything you used to have one packet of
    Ignore your cravings they will be intense for the first 3-6 months
    Every time you mess up detox (detoxing lessens the cravings)

     Contact me via my contact form, for meal planning, coaching and any other questions you have concerning transitioning to a plant-based diet.
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