Sunshine Chilli: foraging

Showing posts with label foraging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label foraging. Show all posts

How Did I Become A Holistic Health Blogger?

Saturday, November 5, 2016


On the 1st March 2013, I officially turned plant based vegan. What that meant for me at the time, even I didn't entirely know. I had someone in my life at the time who wanted to go completely cold turkey and it was not only a drastic but very shocking transition. Just under 4 years later, looking at what I've accomplished since then is amazing.

When I first turned vegan I wanted to change my life 360, I wanted the opportunity to study and cleanse myself and totally channel my energy inwards. I began detoxing monthly and eating mostly raw for the first 6 months. Which spelled body weakness and having to adjust to a 2 stone lighter me, although my energy levels hit the roof, my skin cleared up and  I lost a lot of excess toxicity. My brain fog disappeared and all I wanted to do every day was put pen to paper and write. Which leads me to the title.


Well, to begin with, it comes with no strict criteria, I've learnt spiritually and mentally about the wholeness of holistic living all by myself, a a natural life is a simple life, in my culture living holistically is how our ancestors lived. But it all really started from taking my journal online with me, from pen and paper to screen and keypad. The blog naturally becomes itself. 

Not everyone likes to read... over time I have noticed that unless you're really old and wealthy. A lot of people don't like reading anymore, remember that blogging should be for you first and not just your audience. Write about something you specialise in and live for every day. 

Having a blog or website to represent your personality, knowledge and findings is too priceless not just for yourself but the people around you and kiss goodbye to lengthy job applications, one look at your portfolio of work and businesses can see your speciality.


Whether it be for transcribing those important notes, SEO optimisation, Content Writing, Online Advertising, Copywriting for all of your document specialist needs you can contact me! It's really what I do...

 Contact me via my contact form.


Autumn Is Here

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Autumn is approaching on the 22nd September and I can't help but enjoy the beautiful changes in nature and on the planet. Now is the time for us to enjoy our favourite berries (rosehips above) and harvest our luscious herbs and vegetables. Root vegetables begin to thrive as the beautiful autumn leaves greet the pavements. 

Now is the time to mix your herbal medicine concoctions of raw honey, orange, onions and garlic. It's time to light some beeswax candles and re-align yourself with all your surroundings. Get out those comfy jumpers and blankets and enjoy herbal teas to keep you cosy at sunset. Autumn is full of curiosity and wonder. Here are some pictures I took on a foraging walk in Enfield, London. Taking in my surroundings and observing the natures changes from flower blossoms turning to berries. Here they are!

Horsetail, retail price is £8 per mini bottle. A great tonic for colon and hair!

Hawthorn berries are good for coughs and colds when made into a syrup

Stinging Nettle Seeds great for alcohol and good for energy drinks!

Dock leaves are nature's cabbage, once cooked down with lots of seasonings to avoid the bitter taste!


I can't help but scream the amazing things I have planned for the blog in the next few months, just in the planning stages! Stay tuned!


Nettles (Urtica Dioica) The Forgotten Superfood

Monday, May 30, 2016

Nettle has been used for many years and in history treasured amongst most city dwellers. The entire plant may be used for medicinal purposes and it tastes/cooks much like spinach. Aside from childhood memories to avoid nettles at all costs. Nettle possesses great benefits for skin problems, infections, and even bed wetting, it has been used to treat coughs, assist milk production for pregnant women and as a tonic to promote overall wellbeing.
Nettles remain one of the safest medicinal herbs to use, with fewer side effects then perscription medication and its grows all around London!
Nettles are completely harmless aside from their stinging syringes that inject a histamine-like substance into your skin. These substances are irritating nonetheless great for bee stings, insect bites and treating any poison like substances, it stimulates your natural antihistaminic response increasing white blood cells. 

Despite its piercing defense, the plant is rich in chlorophyll, and a good source of beta-carotene ; vitamins A, C, and E; tannins; iron ; calcium ; phosphates; and various other minerals. Nettle grows in nitrogen and phosphorus-rich soils, it's a great natural fertiliser too! 


  1. A gentle body detoxifier, especially for the digestive system and lymphatic system. 
  2. Good for pregnant women in labour
  3. Good for menstruation and menopause
  4. Good blood builder and good for circulation suggested for anemic people
  5. A powerful anti-inflammatory
  6. Strengthens the immune system
  7. Good for bone health
  8. Good for respiratory issues
  9. Great for kidneys and gallbladder issues
  10. Great for skin especially acne, age spots, and blemishes
  11. Nettles are a superfood high in vitamins C, Iron, calcium and more protein than soya.
  12. The stinging syringes are said to be a cure for baldness and hair loss
  13. All natural durietic and pain killer
  14. It is said to stimulate hair growth and improve quality of hair 
  15. Nettle was used to make fabric before cotton in the UK, German army uniforms were woven from nettle fibers in world war 1.
  16. Fresh nettle juice leaves are used to treat asthma 
  17. Nettles help keep produce fresh, everything from fruit to meat, it prevents mold from growing and keeps bacteria away from nearby plants 
  18. Fresh nettle was placed on the skin, for joint pain, rheumatism, and even gout. 
  19. 2.7g of protein per 100grams 


    Alzheimer's,Arthritis,Asthma,Bladder Infections,Bronchitis, Gingivitis, Gout, Hives, Kidney stones, allergies, multiple sclerosis, PMS , sciatica, baldness, internal bleeding, anemia, heavy menstruation, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, skin complaints.

    Nettles work very well as a survival food, thanks to their high-quality protein content and high levels of nutrients. Nettles can contain up to 25% protein by dry weight. A complete protein, with a good mix of essential amino acids. Nettle protein is easily digestible.

    Dry on a sheet and use in nettle tea, great for allergies especially hay fever, also good for heavy periods.Or make into dumplings, old English nettle soups were popular too. I love to use mine in stir fries or steamed salad toppings/ stock. Much like spinach it boils down so always get a full bag and season well! The Nettle seeds taste much like coffee and are good for an energy boost too! The root can be used as a dye. 

    Don't pick nettles that are flowering like the image on the left. Instead, pick the young leaves at the top of younger plants, these are the most tender nettles which appear in spring and can be harvested until the end of July before the leaves start to fill with crystals of calcium carbonate which can be gritty and unpleasant.
    The entire plant is so useful! Yet so unappreciated.

    This is not evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

    References: Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine | 2005 | Hanrahan, Clare; Frey, RebeccaCOPYRIGHT 2005 The Gale Group, Inc.
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