Sunshine Chilli: food revolution

Showing posts with label food revolution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food revolution. Show all posts

How To Be Vegan Without Deficiencies

Saturday, February 24, 2024
If your well read up like you should be, the well educated know that being vegan is the way to be at your optimum at all times. Eating plant based means your always getting very varied but always optimum levels of nutrients, vitamins and minerals everyday. (If your very plant based consuming friut and vegtables daily and not just starchy and sugary foods with technically don't count)

Rogue Vegan Meals Incredibly Delicious Food

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

    Healthy Afro-Carribean food delivered straight to your door!

About Rogue Vegan Meals

Rogue Vegan meals are an Afro-Caribbean and Asian meal catering and meal preparation service. Eating consciously is at the forefront of the business, remaining aware of what different foods and substances do to the body. Making sure to include little to no preservatives, additives, tap water (fluoride etc) or soy. Rogue Vegan meals use strictly natural and organic whole foods and hope to include more variety as the establishment grows. The owners consider small details like using Spelt flour instead of wheat and quinoa for people with higher nutritional preferences. Making sure that they cater adequately for everyone not just the health conscious.
    Jaz and Lorre put time, love and positive vibes into the food they create and they say the greatest part is seeing people enjoy it!

I know I do! In between my own ups and downs with motivation, I really appreciate their food and what they do especially when I don't feel like cooking.

The Founders and Why Plant Based?

Jaz and Lorre are a vegan couple who both wanted to combine both of their ideals into their food creations and it's clearly part of the beauty inspired in what they do. With influences by many teachers including the legends known as Dr.Sebi, Laila Africa and Queen Afua. The food they cook is undoubtedly delicious, with Lorre being vegan 5 years and passionate about healing healthful foods and Jaz being vegan for 2 years yet still not wanting to miss out on her junk food favourites. They lovingly merged the two and created versatile yet creative meal prep's for everyone to enjoy.

Jaz highlights that there are 100's of varieties of foods to choose from aside from eating meat and that it makes you more creative with your food and your recipes. She believes that it broadens your horizons because you can become extremely artistic and innovative with your food. I completely agree, when I am flowing creatively food is and has become more than just eating. It's a highly experimental, inventive and expressive thing to do.
    This is one of my favourite things about ordering Rogue Vegan meals.

What inspired Rogue Vegan Meals?

In the beginning, they had a friend that wanted to try to incorporate more vegan meals into their diet. After asking friends and family whether they prepared vegan meals, it initially started as a 1 person venture. Cooking for friends and family which then expanded. Jaz and Lorre found that a lot of people didn't have time to make the food and most importantly they didn't know what vegans ate, what to make or where to start. Making traditional good tasting, balanced and wholesome food was difficult for many people.

These were a few of the many reasons The Rogue Vegans began meal preparation, to help progress and support the vegan community, helping the public to transition from meat. fish and dairy and also to avoid heavily processed foods. Without compromising on taste. They wanted to inspire people to include alkaline wholefood aspects with cultural Afro-Carribean and Asain favourites while remaining healthful, flavoursome and nutritionally optimised food.

The Mission

This year you can expect that The Rogue Vegans will establish a place of trade serving hot food weekly, with alkaline wholefood and fast food options available. Which I am so excited about, their food is mouthwateringly tasty. Not to mention fulfilling their desire to assist the larger vegan community with knowledge and information on a what to eat, recipes and nutrition. The future sounds delightful for The Rogue Vegans and Rogue Vegan Meals.

They have a youtube channel sharing different ideas on cooking vegan at home. For more information about veganism and their personal journey check them out at The Rogue Vegans on youtube and rogue.vegans on Instagram.

At the moment The Rogue Vegans do vegan meal prep and catering, they deliver all across London, with free delivery to certain areas. You can DM or call them for orders. Order on Saturdays for delivery on Mondays. Payments are accepted by direct debit, Litcoin, Dash and Ripple. (Due to faster and lower transaction fees. Crypto will be in future!)

Smiles all round,
From your favourite plant based crypto/blockchain advocate :) 

Thanks for Reading


Dear Nubian Woman...

Saturday, November 18, 2017

This is a letter to all Nubian women,
My Afro-Asiatic Women,
My Bantu Women,
To the African & Caribbean Diaspora, Residing Worldwide

We are all systematically underappreciated, undervalued and underrepresented. When I reflect on my past mistakes and my own self hatred I notice one thing in common. Why we do not value our Nubian mothers, teachers and queens enough. Why is it I have not celebrated the Nubian queens that we're in my life, the same way I celebrated the ones I read about in books at exactly the same time, why is it that when I look at my past mistakes, there's a continuing reoccurrence. Not all heroes wear capes, I have not appreciated all the beautiful Nubian queens in my life, I have sometimes judged them, sometimes complained about them and even at times said hateful things about them in vain, when I was unhappy and when I look to the root of it.

I can't explain why, except that I think a lot of us do

I valued things that weren't even there, but complained about what already was. The women that we're loving, praising and respecting me, uplifting and silently educating me without me noticing. Why is it I can only look back years later and really innerstand how even I didn't appreciate the Nubian queens in life, where I thought that just because they weren't saying or doing the things I wanted or expected that somehow what they we're already doing was not enough.

When I look back at some of my harshest words they we're directed at Nubian women, Melanated women. Women that loved me, praised me and we're doing there best to help me. Where did I learn that? Would I have treated other women like that? Why is it that in older age, I can see how subtle, caring and wise those diamonds we're to me regardless what teacher; mother, wife or treasure they have all been shining lights in my life. That taught me life lessons in parables, I only understand now and that truly is the power of the African woman. The most high created everything on the planet with the very same curves you find on a brown woman. True natural beauty. Brown women are truly made of the universe, in turn are versed with every lesson you need to hear when the time is right. We work very closely in Yahweh's way, tis why the darker the berry, really is the sweeter the juice. Nubian women teach universal laws, traditions you cannot learn from books. I'm so glad I never took that for granted.

With black only representing the unlimited depths of this universe we live in, with black representing the fullness, uncanny beauty and hope of our history, the kindness of our words elders words, with black only demonstrating all the great civilisations that came before us, with black representing the wisest sage, priestess and abundant creation that we would cease to exist without, with black meaning full of colour, richness, spice and curvaceous beauty, in that case, there is really nothing like the beauty and origins of what we call a black woman. (I prefer calling us brown but hey) 

Hazels have always been beautiful to me...
To all the Nubian teachers, mentors, mothers, aunties and sisters I have ever unappreciated, disrespected, complained about and not acknowledged truthfully, in the past out of pain.  I am truly sorry, coming from someone like me that is a disaster in itself because I really believe we are made in the image of the highest good. Systematic self-hatred will have you researching your history but disrespecting the history standing right in front you, dealing with you, giving you lifts home and somehow forgetting that because you've been hurt, just as society dictates.

Nubian woman, of the darkest glowing opal skin, the tightest curls, coils and spirals, to the yellow gold flowing metallic curls and spirals, our hair stands up against this worldly state. Most women desire your full lips and wide hips more then even you do. You are not represented or appreciated, half the way you should be in the media because you are one of the most beautiful living creatures on earth.
we need our women, life simply doesn't continue on without you.
Forgive me, my old friend, 'she's ugly, she's pretty for a....' Self-hatred of that kind is the most obvious cry for help, I have always loved my Nubian queens, but I see clearly now how society doesn't. African queens should be praised universally and unconditionally and we're simply not taught to even think about doing that.
So whenever idiots (I have been one of them at times) have attributed your value to your looks, you are not determined by other people's lack of the ability to appreciate you. If so it was and truly has been their loss.
It has only taught me to love all my brown mothers, sisters, teachers, aunty's and queens better.
Some of the most beautiful women I have ever perceived are women just like you,
Thank you for giving me good memories,
I am sorry, for anything I said or did because I was hurting,
I was wrong and you are truly appreciated.

Thanks for reading,


30 Seconds Of Fame Or A Lifetime Of Glory

Monday, November 6, 2017

It has been a whole 9 months since I last wrote to you..
I'm sorry..
Some of my greatest work is right here on this website,

(I had to edit this since by G-d's grace and timing difficult situations actually changed into positive ones. Also somethings are deeply personal and important to me, this post requires empathy and positive attention. I also re-direct supporters, potential future clients and employers here, although everything here is and was so necessary and I have no issue sharing. These are the parts that matter the most for inspiration to others who need it)

I took time to heal...
I can action my dreams
Let my past go and forgive the people that hurt me..
Put into practice many things I had been studying..
See through the matrix and BEGIN to navigate through it..
G-d creates everything & there is no such thing as coincidence..
Realise being deeply spiritual does not mean that we do not fight for our cause,
We all have to truly free myself mentally, physically and spiritually

Over 5 years ago, g-d finally gave me tests to put everything I had been preparing for into action. To see if I really believed what I had studied, what I had meditated on, visions I had seen and things I had learned. Which is why I can't be angry, I can't be heavy-hearted what G-d gifts his children in this physical realm cannot be measured or seen, it's energy can only be actioned and felt. I have learned more by being betrayed then I ever would have if nothing had happened at all.

In the greatest way possible..

Thank you to all those who subscribed to the newsletter! As promised you will receive private content, I will continue adding to the ESOTERIC knowledge I have already studied.

Let me continue getting myself together, I'm heading there, grateful that I came prepared.

Thanks for reading, I'll be back soon..


How Did I Become A Holistic Health Blogger?

Saturday, November 5, 2016


On the 1st March 2013, I officially turned plant based vegan. What that meant for me at the time, even I didn't entirely know. I had someone in my life at the time who wanted to go completely cold turkey and it was not only a drastic but very shocking transition. Just under 4 years later, looking at what I've accomplished since then is amazing.

When I first turned vegan I wanted to change my life 360, I wanted the opportunity to study and cleanse myself and totally channel my energy inwards. I began detoxing monthly and eating mostly raw for the first 6 months. Which spelled body weakness and having to adjust to a 2 stone lighter me, although my energy levels hit the roof, my skin cleared up and  I lost a lot of excess toxicity. My brain fog disappeared and all I wanted to do every day was put pen to paper and write. Which leads me to the title.


Well, to begin with, it comes with no strict criteria, I've learnt spiritually and mentally about the wholeness of holistic living all by myself, a a natural life is a simple life, in my culture living holistically is how our ancestors lived. But it all really started from taking my journal online with me, from pen and paper to screen and keypad. The blog naturally becomes itself. 

Not everyone likes to read... over time I have noticed that unless you're really old and wealthy. A lot of people don't like reading anymore, remember that blogging should be for you first and not just your audience. Write about something you specialise in and live for every day. 

Having a blog or website to represent your personality, knowledge and findings is too priceless not just for yourself but the people around you and kiss goodbye to lengthy job applications, one look at your portfolio of work and businesses can see your speciality.


Whether it be for transcribing those important notes, SEO optimisation, Content Writing, Online Advertising, Copywriting for all of your document specialist needs you can contact me! It's really what I do...

 Contact me via my contact form.


Guide To Detoxing On The Go

Thursday, November 3, 2016
There are many ways to detox your body, some herbs are more potent then others.
Detoxing is so important before transitioning to a new diet. It reduces cravings and totally cleanses the body. Alkalizing the body, getting rid of excess toxins stored in fat, ailments, bad breath, ache's and pains.

In the same way you would clean you car and house, you should clean your body inside and out regularly. Toxins and chemicals are being fed to us in a variety of ways, we have heavy metal pollution through chem-trails, environment and air pollution, fluoridation in our water supply which is absorbed through our skin daily. Chemicals and preservatives laced into our food, which leads to a lot of the diseases we suffer from, from the cold and flu to much more severe cancer and Alzheimers. 

Activated Charcoal
Apple Cider Vinegar
Lemon Water
Baking soda water
coconut oil
papaya seeds
eating vegan
psyllium husk
bentonite clay 
moringa seeds
liquorice root tea
green tea
Sage/Ginger tea
garlic clove

Try one of these daily for 10 days, each season. You should see any ailments you do have beginning clear up or get better.


Why I'm All About Natural Beauty

Sunday, October 2, 2016
We are all made in g-ds image. But how often do we women feel that gorgeous and precious, even personally I have only started to learn to take good compliments from people and stop glaring at them like their crazy.

Be accepting, be a naturally open minded person and always decide to be at peace with the way you look. Even I wake up some mornings feeling like a pile.. I don't look in the mirror and admire myself all the time. But from a young age, I decided that although I don't feel or look remotely similar to anything I see around me. This is how I was made, I am human and I can function and operate just like everyone else. 
How I look shouldn't take over my whole life.
I was raised in a family of very natural women, my grandma a maroon was into natural bush remedies. My mother's favourite colour was natural tones and wood browns, the women in my family embraced what they were, even if they didn't have much self-confidence and this has been engrained in me.

How can this help my sisters...

I have been waiting, to absolutely rant and rave about natural beauty. Women.
We are created to be so curvaceous and mesmerising, take off the fakery the makeup and insecurities, don't let society tell you how to look, how to act and who to be...

stand against it,

make natural makeup
create your own style
and most importantly be yourself
eventually, you won't want to wear makeup at all!

I'm officially starting my all natural journey, by cutting my hair. Here's is me completely makeup free just healthy sun tan and castor oil/aloe vera/charcoal/clay on my lashes to make them grow. One day I woke up and said to myself everything in my life will change from this day. I want to pamper, heal and treat myself like the queen that I am. So I cut my hair, this will be great for massaging hair oils into my scalp for better hair and scalp texture, which means fewer products and a less maintenance for a more beautiful natural me! Inside and out! I want to help myself to help others.. love you all 13 times over.


Autumn Is Here

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Autumn is approaching on the 22nd September and I can't help but enjoy the beautiful changes in nature and on the planet. Now is the time for us to enjoy our favourite berries (rosehips above) and harvest our luscious herbs and vegetables. Root vegetables begin to thrive as the beautiful autumn leaves greet the pavements. 

Now is the time to mix your herbal medicine concoctions of raw honey, orange, onions and garlic. It's time to light some beeswax candles and re-align yourself with all your surroundings. Get out those comfy jumpers and blankets and enjoy herbal teas to keep you cosy at sunset. Autumn is full of curiosity and wonder. Here are some pictures I took on a foraging walk in Enfield, London. Taking in my surroundings and observing the natures changes from flower blossoms turning to berries. Here they are!

Horsetail, retail price is £8 per mini bottle. A great tonic for colon and hair!

Hawthorn berries are good for coughs and colds when made into a syrup

Stinging Nettle Seeds great for alcohol and good for energy drinks!

Dock leaves are nature's cabbage, once cooked down with lots of seasonings to avoid the bitter taste!


I can't help but scream the amazing things I have planned for the blog in the next few months, just in the planning stages! Stay tuned!


Vegan VS Green Vegan (Plant Based)

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Veganism has transformed only 60 years ago food was less processed and manufactured.

Although vegan food alternatives are not as widespread as unhealthy food, you can pretty much source all of your favourite food alternatives. Unfortunately, this doesn't mean you're doing right by yourself, even if they're not animal products. Vegans nowadays are usually people who turn vegan because of animal cruelty they pretty much eat anything that doesn't contain meat, dairy or egg. Which equally makes no sense once you do research on what you're actually eating. Any artificial additives, colours or preservatives usually contain animal substances, since they do not occur naturally and are man-made substances. Even if they don't contain animal substances why are we eating chemicals and calling it food? 

A new rule to veganism is that vegans are not aloud to eat honey!

I have honestly never heard of anything so ridiculous, honey does not harm the bees. Making honey is the purpose of their lives, the argument is that bees are mistreated. SOLUTION: find a fair trade source of raw honey. 

Many turn vegan due to animal cruelty alone, they lack understanding of how the human body works. They are simply skipping meat and diary because it's the right thing to do. This is true animals are living breathing things, who feel pain just the way we do. Yet eating bountiful amounts of soya chunks, seitan, additives and preservatives are just as bad as eating meat (for your body) yet many people fail to realise that. Most ingredients included in processed vegan/vegetarian food is found in processed food and food containing meat. So it doesn't make you much better than the next fast food junkie. 


(My Spanish Potato Pie)
Thus why another category of vegans has come about, plant based or Green Vegans. Are those that are essentially much like the original vegans in that they mostly consume natural raw plants and vegetables. Some may cook and other's may eat raw, but either way they eat mostly fruit and vegetables or naturally raw products. With no added sugars, colours, flavourings or preservatives. 

Green vegans or plant based vegans, usually start considering more then just what has been added to the food. Non-GMO food is also important to plant based vegans, as it is essential to maintaining healthy DNA and fewer health problems in the future. Although yet again in comparison to other vegans and non-vegans the chances of any disease or deformities are much less likely.

Plant-based vegans usually tend to be people that listen to their body, question things more than other people and have strict discipline and focus. They're not easily influenced and are usually people guided by their own intuition. Naturally, they would have done some substantial research on the human body, pollution, agriculture and the food industry. Plant-based vegans tend to be quite strict, healthful, well-rounded and spiritual. Although the same rule cannot be applied to everyone.
 Contact me via my contact form, for meal planning, coaching and any other questions you have concerning transitioning to a plant-based diet.

Nettles (Urtica Dioica) The Forgotten Superfood

Monday, May 30, 2016

Nettle has been used for many years and in history treasured amongst most city dwellers. The entire plant may be used for medicinal purposes and it tastes/cooks much like spinach. Aside from childhood memories to avoid nettles at all costs. Nettle possesses great benefits for skin problems, infections, and even bed wetting, it has been used to treat coughs, assist milk production for pregnant women and as a tonic to promote overall wellbeing.
Nettles remain one of the safest medicinal herbs to use, with fewer side effects then perscription medication and its grows all around London!
Nettles are completely harmless aside from their stinging syringes that inject a histamine-like substance into your skin. These substances are irritating nonetheless great for bee stings, insect bites and treating any poison like substances, it stimulates your natural antihistaminic response increasing white blood cells. 

Despite its piercing defense, the plant is rich in chlorophyll, and a good source of beta-carotene ; vitamins A, C, and E; tannins; iron ; calcium ; phosphates; and various other minerals. Nettle grows in nitrogen and phosphorus-rich soils, it's a great natural fertiliser too! 


  1. A gentle body detoxifier, especially for the digestive system and lymphatic system. 
  2. Good for pregnant women in labour
  3. Good for menstruation and menopause
  4. Good blood builder and good for circulation suggested for anemic people
  5. A powerful anti-inflammatory
  6. Strengthens the immune system
  7. Good for bone health
  8. Good for respiratory issues
  9. Great for kidneys and gallbladder issues
  10. Great for skin especially acne, age spots, and blemishes
  11. Nettles are a superfood high in vitamins C, Iron, calcium and more protein than soya.
  12. The stinging syringes are said to be a cure for baldness and hair loss
  13. All natural durietic and pain killer
  14. It is said to stimulate hair growth and improve quality of hair 
  15. Nettle was used to make fabric before cotton in the UK, German army uniforms were woven from nettle fibers in world war 1.
  16. Fresh nettle juice leaves are used to treat asthma 
  17. Nettles help keep produce fresh, everything from fruit to meat, it prevents mold from growing and keeps bacteria away from nearby plants 
  18. Fresh nettle was placed on the skin, for joint pain, rheumatism, and even gout. 
  19. 2.7g of protein per 100grams 


    Alzheimer's,Arthritis,Asthma,Bladder Infections,Bronchitis, Gingivitis, Gout, Hives, Kidney stones, allergies, multiple sclerosis, PMS , sciatica, baldness, internal bleeding, anemia, heavy menstruation, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, skin complaints.

    Nettles work very well as a survival food, thanks to their high-quality protein content and high levels of nutrients. Nettles can contain up to 25% protein by dry weight. A complete protein, with a good mix of essential amino acids. Nettle protein is easily digestible.

    Dry on a sheet and use in nettle tea, great for allergies especially hay fever, also good for heavy periods.Or make into dumplings, old English nettle soups were popular too. I love to use mine in stir fries or steamed salad toppings/ stock. Much like spinach it boils down so always get a full bag and season well! The Nettle seeds taste much like coffee and are good for an energy boost too! The root can be used as a dye. 

    Don't pick nettles that are flowering like the image on the left. Instead, pick the young leaves at the top of younger plants, these are the most tender nettles which appear in spring and can be harvested until the end of July before the leaves start to fill with crystals of calcium carbonate which can be gritty and unpleasant.
    The entire plant is so useful! Yet so unappreciated.

    This is not evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

    References: Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine | 2005 | Hanrahan, Clare; Frey, RebeccaCOPYRIGHT 2005 The Gale Group, Inc.

    Avocado Choco Mousse With Cashew Bits

    Monday, May 16, 2016
                                   Prep time: 15 minutes      Serves: 2
    2 Avocado's
    1/2 or 1 Small Banana
    Chocolate or Cacao Powder
    1/2 tsp vanilla essence
    5 Tbsps Honey or 2 Cane Sugar
    1 Handful Cashews
    Optional: Cashew Butter
    Please note: I used raw chocolate powder and a mixture of honey and cane sugar.

    Creamy, decadent pudding with a crunchy twist... 

    1. Peal and deseed your avocado and slice half a banana.
    2. Using a hand blender or a high powered food processor (better for larger quantities) add all the ingredients EXCEPT cashews and blend until smooth.
    3. Once blended using a food processor or the end of a large wooden spoon. Crumble your cashews in a bowl by mashing them until they are crumbs.
    4. Stir your cashew bits into your mousse and chill for 5 minutes in the fridge.
    5. Done!

    Explore more plant based recipes with these ingredients:
     Banana       Cashews      Avocado

    Strawberry Banana Ice Cream Sorbet

    Tuesday, April 26, 2016

                                    Prep time: 15 Minutes      Serves: 3

    2 Cups Frozen Strawberries
    1 Cup Frozen Banana
    Optional: Raw Honey or Cane Sugar 

    This can be made into ice lollies too!... 

    1. Blend strawberries and banana's with optional sweetener.
    2. Blend until smooth or blend for less time if you want yummy strawberry chunks.
    3. Use a warmed utensil to scoop.
    4. Done!
    Please note: You can blend ingredients at room temperature, then freeze it if you don't have a powerful food processor. (Leave 20 minutes to defrost)

    Explore more plant based recipes with these ingredients:
    Banana     Strawberries     Raw Honey

    15 Tips To Staying Plant Based Vegan

    Thursday, April 7, 2016

    Have your favourite alternative foods around at all times
    Have prepared food ready at all times
    Have your favourite snacks available at all times
    Swap quick processed food for raw food
    Know your body
    Know your mental triggers
    Eat larger portions of vegetables and fruit
    Replace your meat for carbs
    Detox regularly for the first year
    Find your local vegan cafes and restaurants
    Get well acquainted with your local markets and wholesalers
    Get well acquainted with whole foods
    Don't bother going into corner shops
    Buy 2 of everything you used to have one packet of
    Ignore your cravings they will be intense for the first 3-6 months
    Every time you mess up detox (detoxing lessens the cravings)

     Contact me via my contact form, for meal planning, coaching and any other questions you have concerning transitioning to a plant-based diet.

    Quick Guide To Turning Vegan 2016

    Tuesday, April 5, 2016
    I meet a lot of people who find plant-based eating very interesting. But don't believe in themselves enough, to actually push through with it. Turning vegan isn't easy, but it's not incredibly difficult either. I believe turning vegan is just about  willpower, programming yourself to resist your desires and control the effect that food has over you. It breaks down barriers and brings you into the real world. Which is that most of the things you are eating have meat in it or it's laden with chemicals and preservatives which your body simply doesn't need.

    90% of the time your eating food that's not good for you.


    DO take it in steps, although it is best to go cold turkey (worked for me)
    DO keep your favourite food alternatives around you, when the cravings hit 
    DON'T let other people tell you how to eat 
    DO remember when you get cravings, focus on why you started 
    DO remember that it's just food, don't allow your food habits to have control over you 
    DON'T forget it only takes 3 weeks to create a new habit 
    DO get used to not being able to buy anything much from the sweet shops and much less packaged foods from the supermarket 
    DON'T trust food unless it's labelled 
    DO understand that your body will begin to detoxify and react to anything old you reintroduce to your diet 
    DON'T give in
    DO get googling for your favourite vegan recipes and remakes
    DON'T do what's easy and sacrifice your health
    DO plan out your food and what you'll eat tomorrow
    DO have snacks prepared for when your starving hungry (this is when anything becomes tempting)
    DON'T forget this is one of the greatest decisions you've made in your life (apart from choosing your life path, hobby or profession)
    DO get to know your body and research your ailments
    DO take herbs to alleviate suffering from allergies or deficiencies


    You may break out in spots, bumps, and rashes. This is just your body naturally detoxifying itself 
    You're being cured
    You can do anything you truly put your mind into
    Build a cast iron will power

    Thank me later 
    Contact me via my contact form, for meal planning, coaching and any other questions you have concerning transitioning to a plant-based diet. 

    Delilah's Vegan Meal Plan (LIVE)

    Monday, April 4, 2016


    This meal plan is extremely healthy and extremely strict. Most vegans are eating meat without knowing it, most knowingly eat complete rubbish. Most vegans are not particularly healthy because they don't go vegan for health reasons, they go vegan for animals or because they nearly died from a disease. This is the sad and honest truth. 

    With my meal plan I will not offer you processed vegan meat or cheese substitutes that are on the market. I will not offer any food with more than one artificial preservative. I will not recommend any artificially processed food, with artificial chemicals in it. Whatever I do recommend that cannot be homemade, will be made from completely natural ingredients. Everything below is tried and tested by me and current clients.

    Turning Vegan Do's & Dont's
     15 Tips To Being A Plant Based Vegan
    Quick Guide To Turning Vegan
    Vegan all natural food shopping sources (link coming soon)
    Efficient and easy body cleansing and detox methods on the go(link coming soon)



    1 Litre of Tea/Water, 
    A large smoothie (Chia/Flaxseeds, psyllium husk, avocado/banana in it, so it's filling)
    A large bowl of fruit (3 times more fruit then you would normally eat) (with honey)
    Cereal, Muesli Porridge/Steel Cut Oats,Cornmeal Porridge, Chickpea omelette (With Black Salt, high sulphur content tastes like egg)
    Banana pancakes,
    Baked beans, toast, avocado,
    nut butter (cashew, almond, peanut - I used to eat spoons of this on it's own as a snack)

    Non-dairy milk, chia seed pudding (With added fruit), 

    Banana chocolate smoothie, 
    smoothie bowl (With added fruit and seeds)

    (Your aiming for something that will fill your stomach, so you will have energy and won't be tempted into eating in your morning commute)


    Cucumber Crackers with topping, 
    Okra salad, 
    Lime green beans, 
    Banana and nut butter sandwich, 
    Carrots and celery with hummus, 
    Tahini salad, 
    (Blue potato crisps are the only ones I eat now)
    Indian bamboo mix/crispy vegetable snacks (check ingredients first)
    Vegan crackers (brand:nairns) with tomato/avocado topping, Vegetable pasties/patties (ask how it's made) 
    1 litre coconut water, 
    Large smoothie, 
    avocados and salt/seasonings, 
    Large bowl of fruit (minimum 2 /3 pieces of fruit each to sustain you), 
    Nuts (unlimited), seeds, 
    Soup, Ramen, 
    Pasta salad, Lentil salad, Quinoa salad, Beans, Legumes salad, Potato salad,
    Vegetable wraps, 

    (Lunch is really about snacking. Although you can eat the breakfast options instead of lunch, which is what I recommend. It will keep you full till dinner. Unless you are very active, want to gain weight, a body builder or an athlete. Your aiming for something light and easy to digest, before dinner)


    Sweet potatoes with salad(brown/wild rice), 
    Chinese stir fry, 
    Pesto sundried tomato pasta, 
    Cabbage wraps, 
    Nori wraps, 
    Peanut stew, 
    Black bean stew, 
    Crispy Brussel sprouts, 
    Coconut creme spinach, couscous, 
    Roti/dhal puri with curry, Gato pima, Spring rolls, Chips,
    Vegetable bolognese, Ratatouille, 
    Bean burgers, Stuffing, Chips, 
    Plantain with rice, 
    Lentil bowl, 
    Mushroom or Cauliflower steak, Artichokes, Seaweed (add to meals for nutrition), 
    Steamed veg, Sesame fried veg.
    Large bowl of raw veg 
    vegetable curry Indian,Jamaican,creole,African,Chinese,Japanese,Cantonese,Ethiopian,Persian) (When buying curry powder check the ingredients first)

    Try to eat at least 4 hours before bed.


    Fruit dressings
    Balsamic/coconut/apple vinegar, 
    No-soya soya sauce, 
    Chinese sauces(check ingredients), 
    Toasted sesame oil, 
    Peanut oil, 
    Coconut cream, 
    Extra virgin olive oil. 
    Coconut secret or brags amino acid, 
    Hot sauce, 
    Teriyaki sauce 
    Walnut oil


    Sesame snaps, 
    Vegan macaroons, 
    (naked) date bars, 
    Popcorn, Crisps, Indian bamboo mix/crispy vegetable snacks (check ingredients first), 
    Cucumber crackers with topping, 
    Okra salad, 
    Lime green beans, 
    Banana and nut butter sandwich, 
    Carrots and celery with hummus, 
    Vegan crackers (brand:nairns) with tomato/avocado topping, Vegetable pasties/patties (ask how it's made) 
    1 litre coconut water/juice, 
    Large smoothie, 
    Avocados and salt/seasonings
    Date with peanut butter on top


    Must have food seasonings, for raw & cooked food:
    Black salt
    Garlic powder
    Black pepper
    Chili pepper 
    (Mixed herb)


    Ocado (online)
    Amazon (online)
    Farmaround (online)
    Justorganics (Ask me about this)
    Holland & Barrett
    Vegetable Markets
    Free from sections of most supermarkets
    TK Max also has some rare food options


    Minimum 1/2 cup Seeds
    Barley grass

    Ingredients To Avoid: 
    NO SOYA, 
    (This list will eventually get lengthy)


    • Unless you have a really high metabolism, if you eat the majority of the food listed above. You shouldn't suffer from lack of protein. Just make sure your plate sizes are adequate. You will experience slight weakness if you are also detoxing. This is as a result of your body going cold turkey. Remember you have consumed meat all or most of your life. All symptoms should subside.
    • You must replace vegetables, fruit and specifically carbohydrates with meat. 

    This is just a first draft and will become much more detailed. Contact me personally or via the contact form if  you have any questions.

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