Sunshine Chilli: disclaimers

Showing posts with label disclaimers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label disclaimers. Show all posts

What Is Family? - The Difference Between Family & Family Relatives

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

What Is Family To You?
What should a family be and what should they do? 
What are relatives and where do they fit into your life?

Everyone has a different perception of family, it's one of those things that don't have one common answer. When is it fair to say enough is enough? Where do we cross the line between who we class and family and who are just relatives?

How To Be Vegan Without Deficiencies

Saturday, February 24, 2024
If your well read up like you should be, the well educated know that being vegan is the way to be at your optimum at all times. Eating plant based means your always getting very varied but always optimum levels of nutrients, vitamins and minerals everyday. (If your very plant based consuming friut and vegtables daily and not just starchy and sugary foods with technically don't count)

Hot Topic: 6 Things Happy People Usually Do

Saturday, March 3, 2018
Regardless of where you are in life don't expect people to think or worry about your happiness. (Unless they really love you). Truth is your joy, health and wellbeing are only down to you. At times it can seem a struggle just remembering to stay positive, active and future-focused in difficult times. We often rely on different things to keep us happy. Since putting mindfulness at the forefront of my thoughts every day, there are things I have noticed that happier people just do more often. Since practising mindfulness regularly we often forget that our thoughts are not things, no matter how true or false they are. Your thoughts are there as a guide, decisions we make and ultimately how we choose to feel. When bringing awareness to these things using mindfulness techniques, you start becoming aware of how much the capacity of the mind has over our lives and the way we live it.

    Happiness is an inside job

1. Happy people tend to find the positive in every situation

Being in good spirits more often is down to the mind more than anything else. Practising mindfulness every day over the past couple months has made me realise that what you think about most is a key part of how you feel. Happy people usually appreciate challenges because they innerstand that this is how you grow. Inner peace and balance is true wealth, regardless of what we get presented with in life, it is our own responsibility to observe it, accept it and decide what or how much it really means to us.

2. Happy people are usually happy with what they have

Happier people don't spend much time thinking about what they don't have. Some people even find happiness in not having certain things. Optimistic people generally focus on what they do have, what they're pleased with and how they can work towards becoming even happier with their lives and themselves. Happier people don't spend much time comparing themselves to others because that take would take away from their own gifts that are special to them. So happy people make more time for things that are important to their happiness.

3. Happy people are usually more compassionate to others

Happy people usually like to treat others with respect, they listen to others and can be more sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of those around them. Happy people usually appreciate honest feedback and trustworthiness, happy people prefer the painful truth over lies or false narratives.

    'Do to others as you would like done to yourself'

4. Happy people tend to take responsibility for their actions and are more honest with themselves

Because not doing so tends to lead to being more unhappy. Consciously or unconsciously lying to others or yourself makes for resistance in life. Happier people tend to forgive themselves and forgive others. I have found being more accountable can be difficult, but I have noticed it allows for you to get to know yourself more and what you will or won't do in the future. No one is perfect but happy people tend to admit that because they know being perfect is impossible.

5. Happy people live in the present moment

Happier people tend to let things go. We get that bad things happen in life and that mistakes are made yet it's much better to truly let it go, then carry resentment or negativity because you feel its necessary. Unhappy people can dwell on the past or the future. Living life to the fullest starts with being happy in the present, despite your circumstances. Time usually heals all and happy people would rather live in the present.

6. Happy people tend to attract more happy people

Unhappy people like to see others unhappy. Happy people tend to be more passionate about positivity. Happy people don't constantly compete with others and put them down. They are usually happy for others and appreciate individual gifts. Happy people try not to hold any unexpressed negative intent but instead have more innerstanding, compassion and happiness for themselves and others. Happy people might enjoy art, dancing, singing, making people laugh and messing around etc yet they live passionately. So then attract people with similar high spirits who appreciate good cheer, lightheartedness and better well-being.

Be Happy
Be Healthly
Be Unified 

Thanks For Reading,


Dear Nubian Woman...

Saturday, November 18, 2017

This is a letter to all Nubian women,
My Afro-Asiatic Women,
My Bantu Women,
To the African & Caribbean Diaspora, Residing Worldwide

We are all systematically underappreciated, undervalued and underrepresented. When I reflect on my past mistakes and my own self hatred I notice one thing in common. Why we do not value our Nubian mothers, teachers and queens enough. Why is it I have not celebrated the Nubian queens that we're in my life, the same way I celebrated the ones I read about in books at exactly the same time, why is it that when I look at my past mistakes, there's a continuing reoccurrence. Not all heroes wear capes, I have not appreciated all the beautiful Nubian queens in my life, I have sometimes judged them, sometimes complained about them and even at times said hateful things about them in vain, when I was unhappy and when I look to the root of it.

I can't explain why, except that I think a lot of us do

I valued things that weren't even there, but complained about what already was. The women that we're loving, praising and respecting me, uplifting and silently educating me without me noticing. Why is it I can only look back years later and really innerstand how even I didn't appreciate the Nubian queens in life, where I thought that just because they weren't saying or doing the things I wanted or expected that somehow what they we're already doing was not enough.

When I look back at some of my harshest words they we're directed at Nubian women, Melanated women. Women that loved me, praised me and we're doing there best to help me. Where did I learn that? Would I have treated other women like that? Why is it that in older age, I can see how subtle, caring and wise those diamonds we're to me regardless what teacher; mother, wife or treasure they have all been shining lights in my life. That taught me life lessons in parables, I only understand now and that truly is the power of the African woman. The most high created everything on the planet with the very same curves you find on a brown woman. True natural beauty. Brown women are truly made of the universe, in turn are versed with every lesson you need to hear when the time is right. We work very closely in Yahweh's way, tis why the darker the berry, really is the sweeter the juice. Nubian women teach universal laws, traditions you cannot learn from books. I'm so glad I never took that for granted.

With black only representing the unlimited depths of this universe we live in, with black representing the fullness, uncanny beauty and hope of our history, the kindness of our words elders words, with black only demonstrating all the great civilisations that came before us, with black representing the wisest sage, priestess and abundant creation that we would cease to exist without, with black meaning full of colour, richness, spice and curvaceous beauty, in that case, there is really nothing like the beauty and origins of what we call a black woman. (I prefer calling us brown but hey) 

Hazels have always been beautiful to me...
To all the Nubian teachers, mentors, mothers, aunties and sisters I have ever unappreciated, disrespected, complained about and not acknowledged truthfully, in the past out of pain.  I am truly sorry, coming from someone like me that is a disaster in itself because I really believe we are made in the image of the highest good. Systematic self-hatred will have you researching your history but disrespecting the history standing right in front you, dealing with you, giving you lifts home and somehow forgetting that because you've been hurt, just as society dictates.

Nubian woman, of the darkest glowing opal skin, the tightest curls, coils and spirals, to the yellow gold flowing metallic curls and spirals, our hair stands up against this worldly state. Most women desire your full lips and wide hips more then even you do. You are not represented or appreciated, half the way you should be in the media because you are one of the most beautiful living creatures on earth.
we need our women, life simply doesn't continue on without you.
Forgive me, my old friend, 'she's ugly, she's pretty for a....' Self-hatred of that kind is the most obvious cry for help, I have always loved my Nubian queens, but I see clearly now how society doesn't. African queens should be praised universally and unconditionally and we're simply not taught to even think about doing that.
So whenever idiots (I have been one of them at times) have attributed your value to your looks, you are not determined by other people's lack of the ability to appreciate you. If so it was and truly has been their loss.
It has only taught me to love all my brown mothers, sisters, teachers, aunty's and queens better.
Some of the most beautiful women I have ever perceived are women just like you,
Thank you for giving me good memories,
I am sorry, for anything I said or did because I was hurting,
I was wrong and you are truly appreciated.

Thanks for reading,


30 Seconds Of Fame Or A Lifetime Of Glory

Monday, November 6, 2017

It has been a whole 9 months since I last wrote to you..
I'm sorry..
Some of my greatest work is right here on this website,

(I had to edit this since by G-d's grace and timing difficult situations actually changed into positive ones. Also somethings are deeply personal and important to me, this post requires empathy and positive attention. I also re-direct supporters, potential future clients and employers here, although everything here is and was so necessary and I have no issue sharing. These are the parts that matter the most for inspiration to others who need it)

I took time to heal...
I can action my dreams
Let my past go and forgive the people that hurt me..
Put into practice many things I had been studying..
See through the matrix and BEGIN to navigate through it..
G-d creates everything & there is no such thing as coincidence..
Realise being deeply spiritual does not mean that we do not fight for our cause,
We all have to truly free myself mentally, physically and spiritually

Over 5 years ago, g-d finally gave me tests to put everything I had been preparing for into action. To see if I really believed what I had studied, what I had meditated on, visions I had seen and things I had learned. Which is why I can't be angry, I can't be heavy-hearted what G-d gifts his children in this physical realm cannot be measured or seen, it's energy can only be actioned and felt. I have learned more by being betrayed then I ever would have if nothing had happened at all.

In the greatest way possible..

Thank you to all those who subscribed to the newsletter! As promised you will receive private content, I will continue adding to the ESOTERIC knowledge I have already studied.

Let me continue getting myself together, I'm heading there, grateful that I came prepared.

Thanks for reading, I'll be back soon..


How To Do Something You Love For A Living

Sunday, February 19, 2017

When I think back on my life, I wonder how it was so hard to just decide to do what I wanted instead of doing what everyone else insisted I do. I was sickly, overweight, pale and depressed before I finally decided that enough was enough. I was willing to go to extreme length to keep my family happy and to keep up appearances. I was willing to do courses I hated and work doing something for the rest of my life just because my everyone around me said I should do it.

I often imagined what would become of me, if I didn't get sick, tired and depressed. Something inside me continued fighting even when I had given up. I trusted myself and I turnedmy whole life upside down so that it was the right way up.

Don't do something you know you don't like, you should never do that anyway. You wouldn't eat food you didn't like every day or wear clothes you hated. So why are you working somewhere you can't stand, or pretending to enjoy a course you signed up for because it will pay well in the future. Why not use all the money you have and invest in your own skills? Why not believe in your own capabilities? Instead of societies assumptions of what success actually means? One thing I can be sure that we all face is that we all need money. That's a fact. You can survive without it, but you can live with just enough of it.

You all have a minimum budget that you live on at the moment. Maybe it's just making sure you have enough to cover all the bills and debt payments. The little you have left over is for food and travel. Or maybe you have more than that, but let's start with the bare minimum. Whatever that number is, think about ways you can make it in the same amount of time or less. It has to be working for yourself, yes it's not as reliable and it may not start off well, but it is all about you. You depend on yourself and your natural instincts tell you every single day you wake up for work, that you need the money. Imagine if you persevered and was able to get that money yourself, aren't you a worthy investment.

Everyone can be an entrepreneur if they started with what they have. You don't even have to work for yourself, 9 times out 10 your dream job is not your passion and if there is a dream job let it be your passion. Even if your not yet qualified for it, or you believe it won't pay enough. All that doesn't matter, I promise you getting up every day and enjoying your life is astounding. You will enjoy every day because you are in control and your actually doing something you enjoy. Everyday!


Being your brand is liberating. It gives you a sense of clarity and position. You always know your path of progression and you really feel like you can never fail because you and your business are not separate entities but in fact they are you. Naturally, you never want to be a failure so you work hard and never give up on whatever you do. You are your business so you put aside money to invest in yourself(business) every month. Everything becomes a lot clearer and feels much less like your living your life to please or work daily for others.

There is much opportunity in this modern world. Articulate your naturals skills and abilities and apply your gifts to what your passionate about.


Freeman Declaration

Thursday, December 22, 2016

I-Delilah Elcaro Bey is a walking. talking, independent living spirit, NOT a person, corporation, or another type of abomination.
For the record on the record, I am no fictitious entity nor straw man I am Delilah Elcaro Bey I am aboriginal flesh and blood of the earth.
I Delilah Elcaro Bey Rebuke ALL False Assumptions Pertaining To my Natural Being. I Am A Flesh And Blood Sentient Wombman Created In The Image Of Hashem

I Delilah Bey, take ownership and mastership of the strawman "TENESHA MAY ALEXANDER", and its commerce, trust, and fictitious holdings

For the record
Delilah Bey&Associates®, Actual Naturals™, the Delilah Bey® logo and all associated logos are trademarked and owned by Delilah Elcaro Bey
I-Delilah Elcaro Bey is a true Moor and original immortal bloodline.

I would also like the record to reflect I am Delilah Bey™ Builder of Actual Naturals™ In association with TLC 13Love Community™ Private

Originality And How To Be Authentically You

Be different, always do the opposite of what everyone else is doing. Take pride in everything you do, have no shame in yourself. Remember you are a creator, never accept everything just the way it is. Never let anyone box you in, or frown upon your creativity.

Don't think about what other people will think, they're going to judge you anyway. Always do what you want and what's right for you.

Being authentic is a gift, being able to turn nothing into something is pure alchemy. Our imagination is heaven, our imagination knows no limits or bounds. It is not confined to any space or time, it is always present at our call, but we've stopped using it. We've stopped tapping into our creativity and wonder. We have given up on our creativity. We have stopped thinking about those little things we love that truly define ourselves. We mimic and copy each other in different variations, we have changed so much that we don't even notice how similar we are becoming to each other.

Men have started dressing like women and are almost unrecognisable. We are where similar fashion, eat and drink the same things, same hairstyles, brand names, TV shows. We watch the same sports and scorn anything that's even slightly different, Don't let anyone take your authenticity away from you, it defines your very being. It's the most beautiful representation of you and whoever doesn't like it, will have to lump it!

Live In This World, But Be Not Of It

What Is Pumpkin Seed Oil Good For? The Amazing Benefits Of Pumpkin Seeds

Sunday, November 13, 2016
Don't underestimate the potential of pumpkin oil; not just in flavour but for it's amazing health benefits, pumpkin seeds are virtually exploding with health and beauty benefits. Being rich in vitamins A, K and E packed with fatty acids perfect for strengthening hair plus potentially boosting hair growth by hydrating hair follicles but that's not all.

Pumpkin oil is the new superfood in town, it's a must-have, instead of coconut oil that is.

Pumpkin seed oil is a natural source of vitamins which strengthens the immune system, also improving physical stamina. It is rich in antioxidants and unsaturated fatty acids containing countless vitamins and trace elements (e.g. phosphates, sodium, calcium, magnesium, selenium, iron, zinc, copper and manganese) 

These excellent and useful components help to prevent cardiovascular disease, prostate problems and help the circulatory system function. It is also recommended for use during pregnancy, as it helps the development of the fetus's nervous system. Due to its antioxidant content, pumpkin seed oil slows down the ageing process. It is no coincidence that the beauty industry has discovered it, and recognises its benefits. 

Pumpkin oil has been used to fight off acne, cure scarring and promote skin renewal by retaining moisture with zinc and vitamin E improving the skin's healing process.
Pumpkin seeds and chia seeds are known in the top ten list of mood boosting foods, pumpkin seeds are one of the richest sources of tryptophan which increases production of serotonin a hormone that helps us feel relaxed. 
With its incredibly high zinc content, it has capabilities to boost your immune system and cell division increasing brain power and enhancing memory and focus.

Pumpkin seed oil has positive effect on: 

  • Prostate Function – Reduces LDL 
  • Cholesterol Lowering – Omega 9 
  • Kidney Function 
  • Anti-Arthritic – high fatty acid content 
  • Diabetes 
  • Anti-Parasitic 
  • Increasing mothers milk production 
  • Skin Care – Omega 6 , Vitamin E 
  • Hair loss - DHT blocking properties

Beneficial for prostate health:

An investigation of alternative and complementary medicine in the prevention and treatment of
benign prostatic hyperplasia (prostate cancer) took place in just 3 months the international prostate system score were reduced, quality of life score improved after just 6 months mixed with saw palmetto oil , it was actually suggested as a satisfactory treatment using pumpkin seed oil and saw palmetto oil as a clinically safe and effective for benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Alternative Remedy for Male Pattern Baldness & DHT:

Being the most common type of balding in male affecting roughly 30% of men by 30 and 50% by 50. Which is a staggering amount? Yet massaging pumpkin oil is said to be a natural DHT blocker which can massively increase hair growth. DHT is a sex steroid, androgen hormone responsible for biological characteristics in males, deep voices, increased muscle mass etc. DHT is a potent androgen.

Phytosterols or plant sterols are plant compounds with chemical structures similar to that of cholesterol. Interestingly, phytosterols so closely resemble cholesterol that they can actually block food-based cholesterol from being absorbed into the bloodstream. The result is that both phytosterols and dietary cholesterol end up excreted in waste matter. Because of their ability to block dietary cholesterol absorption, phytosterols can help lower cholesterol levels.

Just one serving of pumpkin seed oil contains most of your daily magnesium intake, promoting tooth and bone health, reduces blood vessel tension and even promotes better focus. Magnesium naturally soothes aches and pain and is perfect for after workouts and even for arthritis. 

My favourite brand of pumpkin oil is from Pepo Papa based in Hungary, it's deliciously thick and tasty thus why they call it 
The velvety thick golden-green ‘elixir of life’ has excellent health benefits as well as being a great flavour enhancer.

and I love dressing my pasta and salad dishes with it. I also love massaging my scalp as a hot oil treatment it really does leave my hair and scalp glossy and moisturised. Get yours today! Head over to for recipe ideas and where you can find this delicious oil!

Next Post: Self Employment & 913 Garratt Lane


How Did I Become A Holistic Health Blogger?

Saturday, November 5, 2016


On the 1st March 2013, I officially turned plant based vegan. What that meant for me at the time, even I didn't entirely know. I had someone in my life at the time who wanted to go completely cold turkey and it was not only a drastic but very shocking transition. Just under 4 years later, looking at what I've accomplished since then is amazing.

When I first turned vegan I wanted to change my life 360, I wanted the opportunity to study and cleanse myself and totally channel my energy inwards. I began detoxing monthly and eating mostly raw for the first 6 months. Which spelled body weakness and having to adjust to a 2 stone lighter me, although my energy levels hit the roof, my skin cleared up and  I lost a lot of excess toxicity. My brain fog disappeared and all I wanted to do every day was put pen to paper and write. Which leads me to the title.


Well, to begin with, it comes with no strict criteria, I've learnt spiritually and mentally about the wholeness of holistic living all by myself, a a natural life is a simple life, in my culture living holistically is how our ancestors lived. But it all really started from taking my journal online with me, from pen and paper to screen and keypad. The blog naturally becomes itself. 

Not everyone likes to read... over time I have noticed that unless you're really old and wealthy. A lot of people don't like reading anymore, remember that blogging should be for you first and not just your audience. Write about something you specialise in and live for every day. 

Having a blog or website to represent your personality, knowledge and findings is too priceless not just for yourself but the people around you and kiss goodbye to lengthy job applications, one look at your portfolio of work and businesses can see your speciality.


Whether it be for transcribing those important notes, SEO optimisation, Content Writing, Online Advertising, Copywriting for all of your document specialist needs you can contact me! It's really what I do...

 Contact me via my contact form.


Your Home Is An Extention Of You

Thursday, November 3, 2016

my home is my palace
my home is my sanctuary
my home is my sacred place
my home is my place to relax and breathe
my home is my physical expression
my home represents me
my home represents my consciousness
my home is my outer skeleton
my home is my shelter from cold weather

I always say my home is my outer skeleton. My home is my place to shut out the rest of the world, my home is my private quarters to dress and behave any way of like! My home is my creativity it represents the beauty and all the things I would like to see around me. My home is my outer skeleton, solid, stong and reliable, it protects me from the dangers of being outside. My home looks after me, so I do the same in return.

My home gives me sanity, my home gives me sanctuary, my home gives me reassurance. When my home is untidy, my thoughts are scattered and I am not grounded. When my house is dirty and dusty my thoughts are not clear and I have no clarity. When my house is not organised, I don't remember things well, I don't use my belongings properly or remember where they are. My home is my sacred space, it is filled with my energy. I cleanse my home with sage and essential oils, I keep bad spirits away with life giving plants and salts. I decorate my home with silk, mirrors and pictures of myself. My space is an extension of me, it looks after me, so I look after my space.


Guide To Detoxing On The Go

There are many ways to detox your body, some herbs are more potent then others.
Detoxing is so important before transitioning to a new diet. It reduces cravings and totally cleanses the body. Alkalizing the body, getting rid of excess toxins stored in fat, ailments, bad breath, ache's and pains.

In the same way you would clean you car and house, you should clean your body inside and out regularly. Toxins and chemicals are being fed to us in a variety of ways, we have heavy metal pollution through chem-trails, environment and air pollution, fluoridation in our water supply which is absorbed through our skin daily. Chemicals and preservatives laced into our food, which leads to a lot of the diseases we suffer from, from the cold and flu to much more severe cancer and Alzheimers. 

Activated Charcoal
Apple Cider Vinegar
Lemon Water
Baking soda water
coconut oil
papaya seeds
eating vegan
psyllium husk
bentonite clay 
moringa seeds
liquorice root tea
green tea
Sage/Ginger tea
garlic clove

Try one of these daily for 10 days, each season. You should see any ailments you do have beginning clear up or get better.


Why I'm All About Natural Beauty

Sunday, October 2, 2016
We are all made in g-ds image. But how often do we women feel that gorgeous and precious, even personally I have only started to learn to take good compliments from people and stop glaring at them like their crazy.

Be accepting, be a naturally open minded person and always decide to be at peace with the way you look. Even I wake up some mornings feeling like a pile.. I don't look in the mirror and admire myself all the time. But from a young age, I decided that although I don't feel or look remotely similar to anything I see around me. This is how I was made, I am human and I can function and operate just like everyone else. 
How I look shouldn't take over my whole life.
I was raised in a family of very natural women, my grandma a maroon was into natural bush remedies. My mother's favourite colour was natural tones and wood browns, the women in my family embraced what they were, even if they didn't have much self-confidence and this has been engrained in me.

How can this help my sisters...

I have been waiting, to absolutely rant and rave about natural beauty. Women.
We are created to be so curvaceous and mesmerising, take off the fakery the makeup and insecurities, don't let society tell you how to look, how to act and who to be...

stand against it,

make natural makeup
create your own style
and most importantly be yourself
eventually, you won't want to wear makeup at all!

I'm officially starting my all natural journey, by cutting my hair. Here's is me completely makeup free just healthy sun tan and castor oil/aloe vera/charcoal/clay on my lashes to make them grow. One day I woke up and said to myself everything in my life will change from this day. I want to pamper, heal and treat myself like the queen that I am. So I cut my hair, this will be great for massaging hair oils into my scalp for better hair and scalp texture, which means fewer products and a less maintenance for a more beautiful natural me! Inside and out! I want to help myself to help others.. love you all 13 times over.


Vegan VS Green Vegan (Plant Based)

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Veganism has transformed only 60 years ago food was less processed and manufactured.

Although vegan food alternatives are not as widespread as unhealthy food, you can pretty much source all of your favourite food alternatives. Unfortunately, this doesn't mean you're doing right by yourself, even if they're not animal products. Vegans nowadays are usually people who turn vegan because of animal cruelty they pretty much eat anything that doesn't contain meat, dairy or egg. Which equally makes no sense once you do research on what you're actually eating. Any artificial additives, colours or preservatives usually contain animal substances, since they do not occur naturally and are man-made substances. Even if they don't contain animal substances why are we eating chemicals and calling it food? 

A new rule to veganism is that vegans are not aloud to eat honey!

I have honestly never heard of anything so ridiculous, honey does not harm the bees. Making honey is the purpose of their lives, the argument is that bees are mistreated. SOLUTION: find a fair trade source of raw honey. 

Many turn vegan due to animal cruelty alone, they lack understanding of how the human body works. They are simply skipping meat and diary because it's the right thing to do. This is true animals are living breathing things, who feel pain just the way we do. Yet eating bountiful amounts of soya chunks, seitan, additives and preservatives are just as bad as eating meat (for your body) yet many people fail to realise that. Most ingredients included in processed vegan/vegetarian food is found in processed food and food containing meat. So it doesn't make you much better than the next fast food junkie. 


(My Spanish Potato Pie)
Thus why another category of vegans has come about, plant based or Green Vegans. Are those that are essentially much like the original vegans in that they mostly consume natural raw plants and vegetables. Some may cook and other's may eat raw, but either way they eat mostly fruit and vegetables or naturally raw products. With no added sugars, colours, flavourings or preservatives. 

Green vegans or plant based vegans, usually start considering more then just what has been added to the food. Non-GMO food is also important to plant based vegans, as it is essential to maintaining healthy DNA and fewer health problems in the future. Although yet again in comparison to other vegans and non-vegans the chances of any disease or deformities are much less likely.

Plant-based vegans usually tend to be people that listen to their body, question things more than other people and have strict discipline and focus. They're not easily influenced and are usually people guided by their own intuition. Naturally, they would have done some substantial research on the human body, pollution, agriculture and the food industry. Plant-based vegans tend to be quite strict, healthful, well-rounded and spiritual. Although the same rule cannot be applied to everyone.
 Contact me via my contact form, for meal planning, coaching and any other questions you have concerning transitioning to a plant-based diet.

All Natural Homemade Fresh Mint Mouthwash Recipe

Sunday, July 24, 2016

 Prep time: 5 minutes      Lasts: 1 Months

3/4 Cup Distilled Water
3 Mint Leaves
20 Drops Peppermint Oil
Optional: 1 Tbsp Fine Sea Salt,1/4 Cup ACV

Please note: You can use alkaline water, but be aware that you may have to use it much quicker.
Depending on how much you make the amount of ingredients may vary.

For fresh minty breath and no harsh chemicals, articial colours or preservatives

  1. Heat the water and mint leaves for 3 minutes. To release enzymes in the mint leaves.
  2. Once heated add salt and leave to cool.
  3. Add your peppermint oil and ACV to the water.
  4. Done!

Please note: 
This recipe is not evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

Works just as well as normal shop bought mouthwash & it's way cheaper!

Explore more homemade DIY recipes with these ingredients:
 Sea Salt      Peppermint Oil     Fresh Mint

Where Did You Go? Well It's Been A Busy Summer!

Thursday, July 7, 2016
Spilling the farty beans!
I haven't posted for just over a month! Any of my readers who follow my social media know that I've got some exciting things coming to the blog this summer and have landed some pretty awesome opportunities myself! Although I think it's time to post about my disappearance this month!

First things first, I am rearranging and redesigning the blog for the 'all important' surprise giveaway for one of my lucky subscribers! Celebrating my 50th post (well in fact my 52nd). It's not that I haven't had mind boggling posts lined up to share with you, it's that I have been doing some all-important networking, studying and travelling London too! Being into holistic health and lifestyle; I make a point of how important it is for change, I believe the new season always brings a new addition to your normal routine, for balance and equillbrium across the board.

The past month I have been health coaching, doing product reviews and have even landed a swarve job in Hyde Park working in fine dining as a Raw Vegan Chef (I will elaborate on the events coming up with that soon). Not to mention doing what I do best, writing content and documents for people including creative writing endeavours.

In amongst that I had been attempting a 21 days completely raw challange which ended at day 7 when I started as a chef (temptation everywhere). I have also been going to events next one is The V show, The Allergy & Free From Show and The Love Natural Love You Show. Weekly I'm at community gardens and herbal gatherings to participate and volunteer for preparing what's in season.

My clients already know that I also hold what I call my 'sacred routine' in high regard. It is always top of the list whenever I start the day and in short, it includes a 5am wake, nature meditation, stretching/yoga, body exercises and journalling. My day has not started properly without doing these things and believe me even after 2 years it's not always easy to keep up with. But essential nonetheless.

From now on I will post a new article every Sunday 18.00 GMT. All those who have already subscribed you are now entered for the giveaway and more information not available publicly. The updated site will have another subscription button for those who exited out. 

So there we are, I have left some pictures below of some of my June/July

Product Review For Amen Simplicity Coming Soon!


It's Your Sacred Time Of The Month, Protect Yourself

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


The womb is where all life begins; the imbalanced womb means for an imbalanced woman. In some cultures, women would gather together at their sacred time of menstruation, away from men and children. Your menstrual cycle is an elimination cycle, where your body cleanses itself of everything it no longer needs; mentally, physically and spiritually. This is why we get so moody and grumpy, with cramps and cravings. Your monthly cycle is really a time for you to clear your mind, gather your thoughts and reflect. Giving birth to improvements in your life, new creations and ideas for all things new. 
The womb is the centre of womanhood

I believe protecting your womb is so important while menstruating because you are at your most vulnerable. 'A Toxic Time Of The Month' is a knowledge boosting information pack launched by Nearer Nature to encourage women who want to the avoid the harmful chemicals in our sanitary products and try out better alternatives. The pack includes organic sanitary products and natural pain relief too.
Before recieving mine I really couldn't imagine the extent of damage I had been doing to my body by using coventional tampons/towels
My initial thoughts were, how bad could it really be, if it's so widely available in shops and supermarkets across London. I didn't know what to expect when I first received the pack, it was small and I was wondering how much I could really learn from such petite package. Yet what I found was groundbreaking. I always knew that there were synthetic chemicals in women's toiletries, tampons, and towels but I really didn't realise how bad it legitimately was. I had been unknowingly poisoning myself for years, due to lack of knowledge. I don't use tampons or discreet pads which also come in the pack, it would have been nice to try different thicknesses for women who bleed more heavily. But overall the
information provided, with the products made up for that. 

The pads are super absorbent and comfortable, you can really feel the difference, making you feel much better within yourself, it's much more pleasant to use compared to the shop bought pads with plastic texture.


I had no idea how likely it was, that I could contract TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome) just through using ordinary shop bought sanitary protection. TSS is a rare but fatal disease. Yet the pack explains so much more, revealing so many hidden dangers in sanitary protection. It even reveals the lack of government regulation on what big companies are allowed to add to our products, they could sell us a chemical cocktail of products that look appealing but can do serious damage, with no authority to stop them.

So it's more then just chemicals and toxins 
It's about the new generation coming before us, this is all they will use and all they will know, their likelihood of becoming infertile or contracting thrush, fibroids or ovarian cancer will be ridiculously high if we all don't educate each other about it. I was really stumped at infertility, how on earth are we encouraging teenage girls to use pads and tampons when they're likely to cause bacteria growth leading toxic shock which could lead to death, why are we increasing the likelihood of adult infertility 
Why on earth are companies selling us products that are not really protecting us, but actually putting us in more danger?


I would highly recommend 'A Toxic Time Of The Month' to young women new to their cycle; and mature women who haven't tried any natural alternatives.
For me, the toxic time of the month pack, really allowed me to protect myself, holistically. The information I read in the pack was shocking and not only made me want to change my protection but help other women too. It really does a good job at encouraging you to change your monthly habits and become more aware of all the products available to such a sensitive part of your body. Conventional sanitary products are a no, no. When you can try out all natural alternatives in the 'A Toxic Time Of The Month' information pack instead.
I'm more conscious of the products I'm using with higher awareness to what's out there. Plus after trying out the products included I was really impressed with it.

can be ordered from Nearer Nature's Online Boutique, which also stocks only natural and organic body care products.

Specialising in organic and all natural body care

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