Sunshine Chilli: The Elite

Showing posts with label The Elite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Elite. Show all posts

Shocking News Libya's Slavery In 2017

Friday, December 1, 2017

Hot Topic Of The Week: Libya's Modern Day Slave Trade - A Complete Atrocity

Image result for african migrants in libya
There are few greater violations of human rights and human dignity then this..

It was almost hard to believe reading the news featured on Al Jeezera and CNN this week. Which features video evidence of undercover reporters witnessing the auction of enslaved Africans being sold for money. CNN reports that there are on average 9 locations where these unimaginable auctions take place and many more across the country. 

Where over a dozen men we're being sold, like commodities..

It is said that since 2014 Libya has been struggling with the influx of migrants from the south of the continent. Attempting to travel through Libya to get to Europe with the help of 'smugglers', Migrants who flee Libya on overcrowded and unsafe rafts over the Mediterranean sea for fear of their life. When they arrive to European countries such as Malta and Italy they are terrified to share their ordeals of being beaten, kidnapped and enslaved. Reading about this and witnessing evidence of in 2017 is heartbreaking. With historical ties to such lawless and inhumane activities, perpetrated in the past, it is hard to believe that there are some people out there who believe human lives can be bartered and sold for money.

Since then. the Libyan authorities have launched an investigation into the slave auctions in the country and whomever is responsible for these inhumane acts. This was on the 17/11/2017.


Reports Questioning Authenticity

Since then the Libyan authorities have now questioned the authenticity of the secret footage recorded due to Donald Trump's allegations that CNN has some sort of political ulterior motive. While yes it is true that ALL news channels are controlled media, which have a secret political agenda of which all potentially work for the likes of Trump himself. I do not see how African migrants risking their lives ;are travelling in such harsh conditions from deserts, to the Mediterranean sea, just to evade capture and detainment from Libyan 'smugglers', who are promising them safe passage to Europe yet abusing them instead. Not to mention the turmoil in Libya since Mummar Ghaddifi who's death turned out to be caused by a political agenda/propaganda. Would these atrocities have been committed if Mummar Ghaddifi we're still alive? 

I am no expert in Libyan politics (Politricks). Although I do know that he had some rather remarkable plans for the future of Africa and Libya, his death was a great shock to many. Even if under his rule the country still struggled with human and drug trafficking.

It might be conclusive to also mention that Gaddaffi's 'regime' would have enabled Libya and other African heads of state to setup a central bank backed by gold and many other rich natural resources found in Libya and across Africa. That UN member states exploit to this day. The African Union would have used this natural wealth to back this new currency which in turn would have made one of the richest currencies on the planet. During Colonels government rule since 1969, Gaddafi had assembled, improved and established Libya from the ground up. For 42 years Colonel Gaddafi was a Libyan Politician revolutionary and political theorist, who most of his career had great ties with the western countries involved in his death. It could be argued that many Libyan's died due to NATO and UN member states demolishing Libya's infrastructure without proper evidence or discussion before military involvement, so that they could benefit from the wealth of Libya. 

The political system has been turbulent for years and is widely considered in western democracy as I quote 'a failed state'. So in no way do I believe that this story is just a smear campaign to tarnish the reputation of Libya. In fact looking at the bigger picture, this is tarnishing the reputation of the Motherland since Libya is in Africa, yet Africans are being sold and tortured technically in their own home. It seems that since the civil war, the Libyan authorities are somewhat helpless in controlling these crimes, which led to them spiraling out of control.

Recently the French ambassador of the United Nation's urged the security council to consider sanctions of the African slave trade and African Migrants.

The Bigger Picture

Yet looking at the bigger picture, the UN's  (United Nations) and NATO's (The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) military involvement in the Libyan governments affairs, of crimes against the Libyan people seems to have done more harm then good. It seems the so called 'Humanitarian involvement' could actually have directly caused this crisis, since Gaddaffi's so called 'regime' was clearly misrepresented in the media and by these organisations themselves.

A time line of NATO's events as follows;

  1. Feb 2011 - Peaceful protests in Benghazi meet with violent oppression. (No physical evidence of violence, only images of protest) UN Security council imposes weapons ban on trade and other commercial activity.
  2. March 2011 - NATO deploys early warning airborne aircraft and battle ships in the Mediterranean to monitor the country. Imposes Resolution 1973, a no fly zone and encourages other member states to 'take all necessary measures' to protect civilians against attack or threat of attack. (only a month after peaceful protest - with no overwhelming evidence of genocide or mass slaughter) ( NATO/UN have their own 'political agenda')
  3. March 2011 - Several UN member states take 'immediate military action'. NATO air and sea assets begin taking military action.
  4. April 2011 - NATO agrees to carry out the UN Mandate (a so called peace keeping operation even though they had already initiated military action)
  5. June 2011 - Operation Unified Protector was enforced 'for as long it takes to end the crisis in Libya' the 'civil war ended in just a few months on the 31st October  (The initiation of everything above including extended military action which was 'vital to the support of the rebel victory over 'forces' loyal to Gaddafi)

The timeline extends to October 2011 on the website, the whole process under the disguise of 'civil war' appears to have started and ended way before civil war even broke out (Civil war can last decades). NATO and the UN appear to have intervened in Libya's political affairs way to quickly. It seems there is definitely a political agenda here, which has clearly caused way more harm then good.


Civilians from Libya report:
 that the country has not been stable since then, currently in financial crisis. The Libyan people have been suffering, human rights have not been at the forefront of issues for developing countries. Libyan citizens state that African migrants come to the city for easy access to Europe by a connected ring of smugglers who ask them for money at each stage of their journey. Smuggling migrants is not rare in this region, civilians believe this is a political game that the government have set this up. 

Our Humanitarian Effort

Even if it will be difficult to regulate and safely return migrants home, it absolutely has to be done.  Overall people are migrating to Europe for a better life, many of us are feeding these notions by our materialism and capitalism. Most developing countries wouldn't be developing countries if it wasn't for our constant need for more and more material things. We need to start showing our people that  wealth is abundant right where they are, they can build wealth right where they are and that there is a better life where they are with the right training and resources.

The International Organisation For Migration staff has since revealed shocking testimonies, using the social media tag #Libya many hundreds of thousands are signing petitions and even celebrities are calling for more action to raise awareness the topic of the Libyan Slave trade.

Related image

Is Modern Day Slavery Uncommon?

Unfortunately it is not, maybe there is lack of evidence to towards it. Potentially it goes unreported or we are simply not aware of it. Yet according to The International Labour Organisation (ILO) around 40 Million people worldwide are still victims of modern slavery. More then 150 Million minors are subjected to child labour, this would account for 1 in 10 children across the world. 

We can all admit that we turn a blind eye to where our clothes are made, what conditions the people assembling our furniture, technology and jewelry have to endure before it gets to us as consumers. At least some of these people are given a jobs, some form of free will and livelihood. That is something being a slave cannot provide for you or anyone. Slavery in any form is a complete disregard of human life, it is one of the most inhumane and abominable ways to treat another human being who has sentient life just as you do. The most high witnesses all.

I have attached links to petitions you can sign to help end this horrific treatment. I hope we all widen our awareness to the part we play in all of this through capitalism, I also hope we can widen our awareness to how this is happening in many other countries in Africa and across the world.

How To Do Something You Love For A Living

Sunday, February 19, 2017

When I think back on my life, I wonder how it was so hard to just decide to do what I wanted instead of doing what everyone else insisted I do. I was sickly, overweight, pale and depressed before I finally decided that enough was enough. I was willing to go to extreme length to keep my family happy and to keep up appearances. I was willing to do courses I hated and work doing something for the rest of my life just because my everyone around me said I should do it.

I often imagined what would become of me, if I didn't get sick, tired and depressed. Something inside me continued fighting even when I had given up. I trusted myself and I turnedmy whole life upside down so that it was the right way up.

Don't do something you know you don't like, you should never do that anyway. You wouldn't eat food you didn't like every day or wear clothes you hated. So why are you working somewhere you can't stand, or pretending to enjoy a course you signed up for because it will pay well in the future. Why not use all the money you have and invest in your own skills? Why not believe in your own capabilities? Instead of societies assumptions of what success actually means? One thing I can be sure that we all face is that we all need money. That's a fact. You can survive without it, but you can live with just enough of it.

You all have a minimum budget that you live on at the moment. Maybe it's just making sure you have enough to cover all the bills and debt payments. The little you have left over is for food and travel. Or maybe you have more than that, but let's start with the bare minimum. Whatever that number is, think about ways you can make it in the same amount of time or less. It has to be working for yourself, yes it's not as reliable and it may not start off well, but it is all about you. You depend on yourself and your natural instincts tell you every single day you wake up for work, that you need the money. Imagine if you persevered and was able to get that money yourself, aren't you a worthy investment.

Everyone can be an entrepreneur if they started with what they have. You don't even have to work for yourself, 9 times out 10 your dream job is not your passion and if there is a dream job let it be your passion. Even if your not yet qualified for it, or you believe it won't pay enough. All that doesn't matter, I promise you getting up every day and enjoying your life is astounding. You will enjoy every day because you are in control and your actually doing something you enjoy. Everyday!


Being your brand is liberating. It gives you a sense of clarity and position. You always know your path of progression and you really feel like you can never fail because you and your business are not separate entities but in fact they are you. Naturally, you never want to be a failure so you work hard and never give up on whatever you do. You are your business so you put aside money to invest in yourself(business) every month. Everything becomes a lot clearer and feels much less like your living your life to please or work daily for others.

There is much opportunity in this modern world. Articulate your naturals skills and abilities and apply your gifts to what your passionate about.


Why Life Shouldn't Be Complicated 'Lessons Learned'

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Life is simple, honestly. There's a simple explanation to almost any question you can think of in the world. For some reason we over complicate everything, we overthink and over analyse. We don't use our intuition and inner knowing much anymore. Instead we need evidence and facts to provide and decide what we actually think, instead of just asking yourself.

I believe in the most high g-d. I believe we have creators who created us and our honourable ancestors who have lived before us. Certain things in life are inevitable, you were born here alone and you will die alone, for that reason it makes sense to me that our lives are somehow planned out. We have paths to follow, the right path which is our divine path planned out by g-d, or the wrong path planned out by evil energies or satan. I believe that g-d is fully aware that a large proportion of people are born do not follow the right path, but everyone is still given the right to chances and opportunities to choose which path they would like to take, Keeping in mind that you cannot take both.

If you feel as though your born at a disadvantage in this life, it usually means one of 2 things, you did not learn from the mistakes in your past life or if you achieve the life your living now you will have past your lasts tests before entrance to 'heaven' or the next dimensional stage of existence. I believe all dimensions and realms are different, they have different purposes, organisms and overall life and I believe that life is a series of tests. 

In life, you have to utilise what you have been given or what you can create and make the most of it. Life is about navigating around to make the best decisions for yourself and thus creating the best existence. When you learn to transcend worldly desires, you learn that your body, mind and spirit is all you own. You learn that your body is just a beautiful custom-made spacesuit to keep you alive on this planet, it's a physical representation of who you are, but it is not you. Mentally you must master yourself, using your mental capacity to figure out who you are, where you are, how your body works and what you are destined to do here. Your mind also controls your emotions, by learning your mind properly you know your emotions. Nothing will be able to control you. 

Then there's the spiritual side of you. It's the real you, the part of you that you can only feel or hear but not see. Your spiritual side is what transcends this world that you live in, it knows everything about you, everything you think and feel and everything your going to do. Your soul is pure energy when you die it becomes lifeforce for another person and continues this cycle until you finally learn what you need to move up to the next stage.

This is why I say life is simple, we complicate life by showing no interest in ourselves. In our own infinite capacity, we don't believe in ourselves. So instead we seek from everything around us, which leads to confusion. We listen to teachers and doctors and scientist who have only been taught selective knowledge. True sage teachers are people who have mastered their mind, body and spirit. True sages understand the connection with everything around them, G-d created the earth and everything on it to teach us valuable lessons in life.
Life is simple, Don't make life complicated. Don't let bad experiences shape you, don't let good experiences encourage you to take life for granted. Enjoy this existence the best way you can and remember to stay humble. What's important is where you go when you die, not where you are now.

Thanks for reading!

How To Control Your Emotions

Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Ever wonder why you're sometimes your just upset or confused for no reason?
Ever done something that seemed like a good idea at the time and turned out to be one of the worst decisions you've ever made?
You can control your emotions by observing them. Observing your emotions will change your life.


Your emotions are free-flowing energy within you. We are always feeling emotions at all times. Emotions and how we categorise them are just words we use, so that other people understand how we feel. Although how you truly feel can never be put in words. You can never really describe your deepest emotions, you just try to make sense of them the best you can. 

Life is simple. There are, no complicated methods, to being you. It's just your emotions; the influence it has on all your actions, emotions influence everything you think and feel whether you realise it or not. The fact is when you're in a bad mood you react badly to things around you. You loose control of yourself, these are not things that are helping you for the better but instead for the worst.
When you observe your emotions you really are observing how you feel. You're observing how certain things are making you feel, in knowing that the way something makes you feel will influence your actions.
Everything you attract in your life is based on your energy. Every action you take is based on how you feel, the way you express yourself, the way you carry yourself, the way you do things. Are all based on how you feel. 

So are your emotions controlling you? Or are you controlling your emotions?
Your emotions are so powerful, they are infinite energy. You never run out of emotions, you never loose steam and forget them. Even those who claim to have the coldest hearts still have feelings and emotions. Your better off not pretending they exist because they do. They influence your life every day.


For example;
When someone asks you a question you reply.
When someone asks you a question when you're angry, you shout
When someone asks you a question when your crying, your overwhelmed and don't want to answer
When someone asks you a question and your excited, you answer in delight

You are the greatest version of yourself when you are, observing yourself. You are not who you think you are. You are the infinite life force inside of you. That keeps you conscious, happy and healthy every day. You are in a space suit walking around life observing everything around you, nothing around you has any value apart from the value you have already applied it. You are not your experiences but you think you are because they trigger feelings and how you feel about these memories. You are not anything that you see around you. You have not yet seen your true self, only the outer shell given for you to survive on this planet.

Imagine your emotions like a flowing river of energy, you cannot stop the river. Even if you build a dam it only slows down the momentum of the river. Yet if you flow with the river, where ever it goes you will eventually reach its end and you will already know it's source. The source of your emotions points out how you feel, not how you act.
Flow with your emotions and ask yourself, why do I feel like this? Where are these emotions coming from?
Do not act on your emotions instead, consider it's source and choose the way it will end. You can only fix a problem when you are aware that you are experiencing it. 

Place no value on your emotions, instead place value on why you are feeling them and this is where your answers will be found. Remember no matter what it is that anyone in this world says or does to you. It is how you feel about it that makes it true. It is how you feel about it that makes it real. The only truth that exists is within you and the power of your feelings and emotions.

I reached this breakthrough through reading this article 'Removing Suffering From Pain With Meditation'.
Jaja Wallace also known as @spiritelixir on twitter is the creator and author of a spiritual community called KindFeelings. He writes on kindness, love, truth and staying focused on your life path despite many distractions in this modern day and age. Be sure to check him out!

Thanks For Reading!

How To Live Within Your Means

Thursday, December 3, 2015

We all have too many things, too many belongings. Way more then we could ever use or need. We hoard things and keep things in case we may need it in the future. We live in a consumerist society. Any material thing you need is easily accessible and always available, at your local shop or shipped to your door. We all behave as though the finite natural resources we have will last forever, much like having good health when you are young. 

The earth's magnetic field is deteriorating, there a gaping holes in the ozone layer, increasing earthquakes and sinkholes, not to mention the global temperature rising, animals are facing extinction at the fastest rate known to man. It would not be far fetched to say, you should know at least some of these things. 
So how can you make a difference?
Start small, do what you can do instead of nothing at all. Here are a few of my tips to start living within your means: 


Keep 2 bins in your house and 2 bins outside. One for recycling and one for non recycling. You'll find that the bin used for recycling will fill up much quicker then the other one, so eventually I used my other one for food waste.

Keep a small sealed food waste bin. Keeping in mind that a lot of your food scraps can either be regrown, composted or eaten by pets which would also be a good way of living within your means. Throw away anything that will decompose inside this bin, you can buy counter top ones if your not going to eat that much.

Reusing Things 

I do this with everything including cosmetic and make up bottles. Sometimes I buy products just for the containers, you'd be surprised at the amount of household items that have reusable packaging even if you don't like the product. Old honey jars or sweet jam jars, lip gloss containers, I favour anything in a glass container, because glass containers preserve things very well. 

Do It Yourself

It's actually better for you to consider making your own cosmetic products or at least buying it from small businesses that do. Traditionally many cultures across the world, made their own cosmetic products and passed the knowledge down to the later generations. Buying toothpaste in tube or shower gel soap in a bottle was unheard of. It's healthier and ecofriendly, to do it yourself.

Giving To The Needy

Face it, we all have way more then we actually need. My simple rule is if I cannot fit all my belongings into the storage I have (with extra space left over), then I have too much. If I don't use something weekly or monthly I don't need it. Apply this rule to all your belongings and give them to people who need them, you'll be surprised how easy they are to replace when you do. You should be able to fit all your precious belongings on your back to carry around with you, any more then that and you have too much. 
I usually give to charity every season, so 4 times a year because of how easy it is nowadays to accumulate things.

 Support Small Businesses/Charity Shops

Buy Reusable Bags

I have always reused plastic bags, but the time has come to buy some quality reusable bags and actually remember to use them for shopping, no more purchasing plastic bags that ruin the environment.

Get On Your Bike

Cycling more, if your only going somewhere local within a 5 mile radius, try cycling. It's fulfilling, it gives your body a good work out and you actually learn more about where you live, scenic routes, different bike paths, small shops etc.

Eat Vegan

Plant based eating is one of the easiest ways to reduce your carbon footprint, the amount of manufacturing that meat has to go through to get to our shops is ridiculous. It's also by far much easier to grow produce then farm animals. If you had to hunt or farm your own food, this would be a much easier decision for you to make.

Grow Your Own Food

Which leads to my last tip. If you have a garden or even just a sunny window seal. Grow your own food, there are really no excuses, change your food with the season and taste the difference between the GMO versions that are sold in the shops. Start with spring onions, celery or leeks, try herbs that grow easily if your unsure where to start check out my article on growing food at home

Ultimately the more self sustainable you are, the lower your carbon footprint. Try to live within your means, for the planets sake and your own.

Thanks For Reading


The Highly Anticipated New Mix tape Release: 'WIDE AWAKE' by The 67thking 13/09/2015

Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Eagerly Awaited New Mix Tape, From The UK's 'The 67th King' 'Wide Awake' Exploded Onto The Scene 13.09.2015! #wideawake

This mix tape is a bringing in a new and unique sound, that the 21st Century has never heard before. The 67th King brings hip hop back to its conscious roots. Highlighting political and controversial topics, while telling a story to the listeners. Bringing diversity with every track, it's a mix tape that must be listened to from start to finish. This mix tape packs a punch, delivering a message loud and clear. With deep mind elevating sounds, that make you question the common perspective on life! Discussing the depths of humanity and the cruel truth of the world we live in. The 67th King also tells a story of his own, hard times and his journey of awakening that encouraged him to pursue his purpose and how he's grown from the past till now. Everyone should be excited about this new artist and the message he has to bring. 


Artist Background:
The 67th King was born in West Africa and raised in Western Europe. He has travelled and seen the very best of both worlds. Influenced by the legends of our time, he resonates with music that has the same effect on you, as the first time you ever listened to it. 
I have been inspired by musicians that create timeless music.
The 67th king has always been fascinated by art, choosing to take it up in higher education. Music has always been something The 67th king would do to pass by time, until now. 
'I've always been pulled towards music, because whenever I hear a beat or a melody, I always try to synchronise with what I hear, I listen to instrumentals all the time, instrumentals have no words so you really have to create a scene from the vibe that it gives you'
For The 67th King making music came naturally;
 'I created my first studio in my mums house when I was younger, so I started experimenting from there'
I will listen to the instrumental for weeks, before I start writing for the song, so the music just flows because I know the beat inside out.
The 67th King's long term goals are for his music to be his legacy, he wants people from the future millennium to listen to his work, and think about the new sound he created ahead of his time.

Insta: @67thking
Soundcloud: @67thking
Google+: +67 King Bey  
Twitter: @67thking


  • For any personal enquiries please email:
  • For any events, performances or bookings please email management (Delilah) with all complete details: 

Negativity vs Positivity

Wednesday, June 24, 2015
The times we live in at the moment bring out, our somewhat 'ungracious' nature. Most of us get so caught up in our emotions and the pressures of society that we don't even realise we're being arse's, to other people. Speaking from experience, there has been negativity literally leaking into the air. Not being mindful of your thoughts now, could be catastrophic to your future and I'm adamant to learn from all that I see around me.

You cannot seek to control someone for your own gain, by changing them. (Even if they're wrong) You cannot seek to stop a situation from happening to you, it has to happen because it's supposed to be. Fighting these things lead to misery, you can only do the best you can for yourself, constructing your own environment. Changing only the variables that you have control over, strictly for yourself. This may seem straightforward. But if it was, you wouldn't be reading this...

For months now I have been picking up litter on my daily meditation walk, when the litter started to get out of hand I was vexed, the beach was covered in rubbish and the greenery too. I was appalled and disgusted because I can imagine the state of our living planet and that we are all living outside of our means. Months passed and I have just accepted this, I no longer complain or moan I just pick it up and keep walking. I truly understood that I can sit around all day and complain to neighbors about the terrible mess everywhere, or I can settle my mental unrest and do something which makes me feel a little better about it. Months later I find it funny the kind of things you find stuck on a bush, or just lodged into the sandy beaches. I turned my anger and frustration into something I get a sense of satisfaction from.
I cannot stop people from littering but sometimes, I can do my part.

The Key To Real Positivity Is Appreciation

It's finding beauty in the little things, it's being thankful for the things you've just acquired or never had and stretching out that feeling for as long as possible. All the beautiful moments you can create and the loving memories you have with family and friends. It's about all the strangers who smile and wish you well (and for me it's all the freebies I get along the way, I love a good deal!), its about feeling the sensation of the sunshine on your skin and listening to the silence of just the soothing rain pouring down your window. (instead of complaining about the weather)

The earth herself to me is so beautiful, everything that comes out of her grows massive, bright and strong. I admire the planet I live on, not the man-made nations that deplete her. I do not care for the plastic goods we manufacture to impress others or the paper money we use to define our happiness. That's not my world, but it is the world I live in. So I accept that as a value, as nothing more emotionally, than what it actually is. 
My happiness comes from my world and how I choose to make it. 
I love everything in moderation. I don't see my parents every single weekend, but rather as much as I can tolerate them. I speak to friends every few weeks, or less just not everyday messaging them because that's not catching up. That's living in someone Else's pocket. Your real friends and family love you for who you are, there should be no expectations of you. I work for myself because working for other people doesn't make me enjoy getting out of bed. I buy organic food because it makes me feel better about not eating junk, I get taxi's when I can't be bothered to cycle and although I can afford a car, I don't feel like cleaning it regularly and paying for parking everywhere, it's not eco-friendly and so on. These are small things, that are simply what I want and what makes me happy. So collectively, I'm always content.

Some people wonder how I can be so optimistic about nothing, so happy about such little things. Yes, people laugh at the fact that money doesn't make my eyes light up and wonder why on earth I'd rather make handmade gifts then buy the exact same thing from the shops. To me it seems we're losing the sense of the things, that are invisible, like love. Love cannot be seen by the naked eye. But love can be felt and love can be enjoyed every minute of the day, joy can be bought temporarily but authentic love is everlasting. It never runs out, unlike the material pressures society convinces us to buy into.

How To Face Negative Situations

If you find yourself doing something or somewhere with people who are in any way negative to you. Simple words to you, you have let yourself down. Now you have a decision, to transmute(change) the negative around you, or accept it for what it is. By allowing that negative to bother you, or suck your energy in any way, is again letting yourself down. 

These things are difficult to do, but should a negative situation or thought arise, it is your own responsibility to change it. Whether it be to leave the situation to go somewhere you'd rather be. Or to accept it at face value for what it is, it is not your negativity, it does not belong to you or have any association with you. But it is there, in front of you, or being directed to you. So knowing it is not yours. Take a deep breathe. Understand this and know that you, just being you, transcends everything around you. All of space and time , nothing can define you, you are incredible, you are a walking miracle, capable of just as much as the universe is. That's just about anything! So don't limit yourself to negative thoughts or people. Your happiness is yours, so take responsibility for it and make happiness and neutrality a habit that changes your life for the better.

The End Of Times

Thursday, May 7, 2015
Whether your religious or atheist, human history shows us that we are living in a time on earth, that has been like no other. Even though we have Darwin's evolutionary theory and progression in science and robotic intelligence. Sceptics argue we are the lowest in intelligence, we've ever been in human history. Whatever your perception it doesn't change the times we're living in.


Divide & Conquer

If you haven't read my articles on bullying & harassment reading it now, would make a lot better sense on the connection between many types of bullying and harassment and the top 1% richest in the world. My Bullying & Harressment posts, cover some eye opening perspectives and may help you digest the information I'm going to share with you. Spiritually we under attack. This planet we live on teaches us that everything is one and the same and we are all connected. Every living thing is made up of the same elements and compounds comprising our molecular structure, down to all our cells. So when something alters our cycle, another cycle is effected. If all the trees die tomorrow, all living things will die soon after.

How is this linked with Bullying or Harassment?
Many people on earth right now are hurting inside, with hunger, poverty, death, human trafficking, war, genocide, religious turmoil and bestiality on the rise. You don't have to be religious to see that prophecy is showing up everywhere. Science tells us in 50 years the earth won't be able to sustain life, which is why we have been looking for other planets similar to earth. (Which won't work out, might I add)


On a much smaller scale, we often take out our issues on other people. Although at the best of times, we don't admit it. In knowing that those who bully others do not truly value themselves, bullying is a tool, to keep their mind off of themselves. The truth is the top 1% richest in the world are satanistic and there's increasingly substantial evidence to prove that. This is the HUGE cause that trickles down effecting how we treat one another. It might seem very far fetched, but this is where your research should start. From here you can piece the puzzles together, to develop the whole picture. 

The root cause are the elites. Who unfortunately own and run our whole society. They work for themselves and not humanity, but appear to give us free will. There's enough money for everyone to be a millionaire? But why would we need money? Who even created the schooling system? Who really decided this irrelevant curriculum? Who even created money?

In order to understand the full spectrum of human existence mentally, physically and spiritually. You need to accept and rekindle your belief in the unseen. Prophecy gives us warnings about the satanic agenda, the 'new world order' or the 'jewish elites' and the power they have over the world, ancient texts tell us demons flood the planet in the years before the end of time. Yes, Demons. 

Everyone has inner demons, these entities present themselves to us in the form of our weaknesses, mistakes and regrets. It feeds on our sadness, jealously, insecurities and guilt. Ultimately from fear. 

As the years wear away at all the love inside of you, those inner demons take hold and grasp an opportunity to keep you on a downward spiral. This has everything to do with all that we are experiencing around us and negative people; news, propaganda, family, poverty and lawlessness.

Ultimately your soul is full of love and light, this was how you we're born. As a child we rush growing out of our childlike self, but the key is to be child-like at heart. Not childish. Many will be consumed by their inner demons and in a few years may loose their soul altogether. (If you believe in prophecy)  Your soul is eternal, it is everlasting and it is the very thing that keeps you alive. It's your life force; keep your wits about you, the deception is going to get worse and the root cause of this will be, the corporations running our society.

Religion is for people who are afraid of going to hell, Spirituality is for people who have already been there


Colourism VS Racism

Tuesday, April 28, 2015
I coined the term coloursim after I realised that the word racism by definition is impossible. It's like saying you hate your own face. 

We are all one race, we are the human race and collectively we are humanity. 
There is no different race of humans.

Yes we are all different colours and shades. Yes we live amongst each other as families in communities, where we all share knowledge/skills in exchange for money and commodities. Without all of us working in collaboration, society would be non existent. In our history we appreciated this more then we do now, up till a few hundred years ago when we started classing each other as colours.


I was born and raised in London. My parents and great grandparents we're migrants from the Caribbean. My great great grandparents we're immigrants of the Caribbean as well. London has been a very multi-cultural place to live for the past 21 years of my life. The British have their good days and bad days, but for the most part, are incredibly curious and accepting of different nationalities. In many cases adopting many worldwide cultural tendencies like eating habits for example. Which I find very open minded. It is honouring to be able to point out how beautiful another persons culture is, so much so that you consider it for yourself.


Up till the 1800's we would distinguish each other by nationality. Which came with different family names (crests) English=Windsor, Trinidadian= Rampersad, Spanish= Morales. These nationalities left legacies and traditions which represent your families history, passed down through generations. The point I'm making is that if you knew your nationality and your family linage, you would know you are not just 'black' or 'white', 'red' & 'yellow'. Your family we're business men, or carpenters, missionaries etc. Colorism is not something your born with, children are not born racist, they do not class each other by being 'white' or 'black' it is something that your taught and conditioned into thinking. You don't find discrimination against looks in the animal kingdom, so why have we adopted this now? 


Colourism is something people 'usually' suffer when they are the minority. Although melanin rich (darker/copper skinned) people are actually the highest population on earth. While melanin recessive (pale skinned) population are actually decreasing, due to less childbirth. Neither the less, societies standards of how we should look are becoming more warped by the day. What's worrying is everyone would rather look exactly the same, then be themselves. 

Colorism/Racism encourages self hatred for everyone no matter what skin tone.

The way I approach colourism, is that I don't. Someone has to be threatened by you emotionally, to make it appropriate, to treat you a certain way because of your skin colour. They have to feel less of a person then you, to try to make you feel that same way. Just be honoured that somebody who normally wouldn't even catch your eye passing by. Would take their time and energy to try and put you down because of something as small as your, glossy strawberry ginger hair or smooth chocolate skin. You stand out, just the way you are, without even trying. 

To help me get to this conclusion about colourism or racism, it helped for me to investigate myself. I had to sit back and think about what I really thought about other people as a child. Afterwards, I researched  my family roots and how far my bloodline dates back. When you find out that before your family became slaves, your Ethiopian uncle's were the Royal family of Germany. At the same time your European cousins were slaves in Africa for Arabs. We are all one human family, so celebrate your differences and be proud of what makes you who you are. You'll learn that the world history is a lot bigger then the western curriculum can teach, even though its the most well known. Our civilisation are the babies of the golden empires of the past, that lasted thousands of years. Don't take colourism too seriously, after all we live in a universe, with at least one billion observable galaxies, hows that for perspective.

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