Using Symbolism To Train The Subconscious Mind

Tuesday, April 23, 2024
The problem is not the mind; the problem is your identification with it. You think you are it, that is the problem. Disidentify. Watch the mind, let the mind be there watched, witnessed, observed. A radical change happens through observation. Mind functions far more efficiently when you observe it because all that is rubbish drops, and mind ceases to carry unnecessary weight; it becomes light. And when you become a watcher, the mind can also have some rest too - Osho

'The Powerful Awareness of the Subconscious Mind'

What are you feeding your subconscious mind?
Science shows that most of our decisions, actions, emotions and behaviour depend on the 95% of brain activity that is beyond our conscious awareness, which means that 95 – 99% of our life comes from the programming in our subconscious mind.

Your subconscious is the part of your mind which you are not fully aware of, but it influences your decisions, actions and feelings. Your subconscious mind has what is called a homeostatic impulse. It keeps your body temperature at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, just as it keeps you breathing regularly and keeps your heart beating at a certain rate. Your subconscious mind also practices homeostasis in your mental realm, by keeping you thinking and acting in a manner consistent with what you have done and said in the past.

We are all dangerous when in the unconscious state and this should not be taken for granted. Your subconscious mind is like a memory bank, it has infinite potential because it permanently records everything that happens to you, every single thing that you do. Your subconscious mind is like your master program. Recent studies have shown proof that the subconscious mind can do everything the conscious mind can perform and more. Thus why the subconscious mind, takes up more capacity in your brain. Yet psychologists still debate whether the subconscious mind is 'smart or dumb'? 
...It seems you would have to be in good relationship with your own mind, to answer that.

How To Train Your Subconscious

Symbolism - the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities.
Symbolism is deeply en-grained within our subconscious, it seems unnatural to think that most people do not know their minds, but symbolism is everywhere around us and for the most part-we don't notice it because some symbols effect us in a more direct and intentional way then others. Symbols are a language, symbols are of high importance because of what we associate them with. There are many aspects to symbolism, which can be used in art, literature, branding, you name it. But symbolism is also a good way to train your subconscious mind, into virtually anything you want. Your subconscious mind is infinite.

As I journey deeper within myself, I have noticed how much importance I place on the unseen. But now I wonder how much of the unseen is actually visible. On my daily rituals I notice how I can replenish myself just through my thoughts and how possible it is to change my thought processes through symbolism. Let me explain...

In meditation, I speak within myself as I breathe, I breathe in 'with the positive' and breathe out 'with the negative'. I convince myself of what I am doing so I am telling my subconscious that this is working. When I run a sacred bath, I anoint it with coconut milk, spirulina and pink salt symbolic of the sea but also wealth, growth and prosperity. I add vanilla bean oil symbolic of sweetness and femininity. I release all my worries into the water and tell myself I am absorbing all the purity from the water and purging myself of all impurities. When I'm finished the water drains away, down the plug hole. Symbolic of all my impurities draining away. I am brand new, my conscious instructed me to do this and my subconscious mind is automatic, so it obeys my instructions.
Your subconscious mind causes you to feel emotionally and physically uncomfortable whenever you attempt to do anything new or different, or to change any of your established patterns of behaviour. All your habits of thinking and acting are stored in your subconscious mind. It has memorised all your comfort zones and it works to keep you in them.
In simple terms, you have to train your mind by continuously pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. Fortunately for me, life got pretty uncomfortable on it's own. This pushed me to make big changes to my thinking and my state of my mind. Superior people are always travelling outside of their comfort zone, they know that being complacent and comfortable is the enemy of positive change. They know that anything worthwhile never comes easy, to gain a higher competency at anything you have to push yourself mentally but still remain balanced.

Think about the things you want to change in your life, train your subconscious mind to change it. Symbolise what you want to release. Repeat it and most importantly believe it. Remember that your thoughts can save you or ruin you. From the wise words of ' Osho - "Handle your mind carefully. Remain aloof, unconcerned, uninvolved."

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