Women That Bleed With The Full Moon (useful information to know)

Tuesday, February 20, 2024


Women that bleed during the full moon, are moving and pushing to produce from the energy and space of a warrior. She is taking the darkness inside and charging forth into the world, either sharing her darkness with others or sacrificing herself to benefit humanity

I will create a little list of what oxytocin does and then get into why it matters to women who bleed with the full moon. Oxytocin is the chemical that bond you with your child, it reduces social anxiety and created bonds in groups, it is the healing catalyst and a pain reliever, helps you lose extra weight and is an antidepressant. It is what gives women our truly generous nature. It is like sacred feminine in a bottle! Women who bleed with the full moon are pushing so much that they are turning this natural yearning to help into a deficit.

So often we see women give until they can’t give anymore and that is giving from an adrenaline or survival state. The message is this: Full moon bleeders are needing nourishment. The full moon is the time when you are suppose to be creating a child, living in abundance, hitting your production peak and feeling sexy. Feeling like you have enough to provide and what is the opposite?

The opposite is when you are shedding your uterine lining and the most infertile, in other words your period. Your body is asking you to step into the light of inner sanctity, to honor your self first. The message that your spirit, God, the universe; who ever that is to you, is asking you; is to go into your specific mage mystery school. Ancient women used to go in the red tent and bring forth wisdom for all of the tribe to feed from. Rest when you start to bleed beautiful girl, so the universe can fill you up with a healthy body and mind. The blood moon was initiating you into a knowing that is meant to be shared with the world but if you keep running and never stop to catch your breath, you will never have the voice to fully receive and share the message.

The full moon represents fire, abundance, power and vitality. It’s time to claim one’s own power, make decisions, work changes, and bring something into being.
The energy of full moon menstruation is outward, world-nourishing. Feasts and celebration go well with full moon bleeding. The transformational quality of the fire energy makes it an ideal time to learn to transform negative energies into positive ones: rage into creative action, belly cramps into sensuousness.

So I am sure you are now wondering,” What are some ways that I can sync back into the New Moon bleeding cycle?”

Why ancient texts could have been deciphered wrongly?
Ishtar, the Red Goddess of Babylon is the guardian of this menstrual fire.
Owen, Laura. Her Blood Is Gold: Celebrating the Power of Menstruation. San Francisco: HarperCollins Publishers, 1993.
Walker G. Barbara. The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets. San Francisco: HarperCollins Publishers, 1983.

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