Winter Solstice And Reflection

Sunday, February 25, 2024

I wanted to write a quick admiration form y work. My blog and the portal of grwoth that it is for me, a way to express and communicate whats within. I'm so grateful for that.

So it's now Winter Solistice and a whole year has passed, what can I say. Summer time you always imagine loads of things will happen but lif comes along.

I have been working on plentiful things but also reflecting on things to.

Winter solstice is approaching it's cold and bitter end over here in the UK. It has been a much needed time of reflection and hibernation but also lack of vitamin D. Looking back over the last gregorian year, my plans have somewhat abruptly changed. Veganism is trending, becoming healthy is the new in thing. With most of the vegan businesses I work for being owned by non-vegans. It's also very much a money making industry and not just about the ethical, eco-friendly or healthy side of veganism which is all we see publised.

I personally dislike the fact the non-vegan runs the vegan industry. The cost of trying to live a healthy lifestyle is very expensive, when the kind of food we're eating grows for free. Personally with all these meat substitues about, the vegan scene is becoming less health orientated and much more about animal cruelty which is not the only reason people decide to eat differently.

It does spell a turn for the times we're living in and I would like to urge #teamvegan to get together. Open businesses, spread the word and work and in hand. To make the plant based eating about sharing, health and happiness and not just purely about animals and profit.

There should be no such thing as fine dining

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