My Experiences With Detachment

Saturday, February 24, 2024
The philosophical definition of detachment is non-attachment. The desire or ability to release control of things, concepts or people. A principle predominantly taught in Buddhism and Hinduism.

Detachment from all things that won't benefit your growth a the keystone concept that changes your life for the better. 

Early Life

I casually waltzed in and out of depression in my early teens, having this forthright view on life, that teenage 'I know it all perception'. Eventually realising that even when you think you know something, there's still more to learn. Of course, I only acknowledged most things through the perception I had and through observation of what my perception could see. Years later only to realise that you never really know the entirety of anything, the more experiences you have, of course the more it teaches you. Realising that what you believe is not predominantly the problem. It's good to believe in something but it's the way you go about it that makes it wrong or right, no matter your intentions. Try to approach everything with integrity, otherwise, you will draw the short straw. Often responding from lack of experience will have you recollecting your thoughts and wishing you had known better.

Letting Go

Detachment changes lives. Applying too much meaning to external things can turn out to be meaningless. Eventually, if it doesn't matter, maybe it never did, yet it still gave you sleepless nights thinking about it. From a holistic perspective it's what's inside of a person that counts. Journeying through life we internalise most things, ultimately when we can't find the inherent answer. We try to find one, by unambiguous overthinking trying to give so many futile things meaning. It could be material items, sentimental stuff, memories, people, places you name it. One of the endless strengths and weakness of a sensitive heart. It will override all your senses and suddenly your mind takes the back seat. You end up running head first with all your emotions, to a bottomless pothole of nonsensical belief systems you knowingly or unknowingly created yourself.

Placing value outside of self will become redundant, especially if you really intend to love yourself wholeheartedly. It's a more popular notion for women than it is for men although this doesn't suggest that it's something men should quietly do. Self-love and self-care is applicable to everyone and when you truly surrender to whatever you are and not what your not, you begin to acquire incomparable happiness, why? because it's authentic it cannot be falsified and it's coming from you. Your that step closer to nirvana. (A concept in Buddhism concerned with transcending worldly cycles and attaining ultimate bliss)
Anything external, has the potential to change, the possibility to weigh us down, hold us back and/or hurt us. 
For example, if anyone had asked me about minimalism at 18 I would have laughed hysterically. I love this about my younger self. I was somewhat the comedian always comical, even in seriousness so if you didn't have a sense of humour you probably wouldn't get me much. Just know that the idea of getting me to give away any if not most of my possessions would have been like pulling teeth. I had a reason for keeping everything, I mean anything even if I didn't use it and it served no purpose. Yet minimalism is at the forefront of my life now and not having too many possessions, makes life more meaningful for me.

Flow With Life

Do what makes you happy, do things that work for you. Don't allow emotions attached to anything govern your decisions or let it filter into the person you are, it will affect the person you're supposed to become. Eventually living like that has its consequences and we all have to truly face ourselves eventually. There's no hiding from anything!
So instead of allowing yourself to be totally immersed in attachment to negative or unhealthy things, you can allow it flow. Observe it for what it is. It is only yours if you hold onto it. It doesn't have to become you. Detach from anything that is not for you or your highest good because you deserve to operate from a space of abundance of freedom and infinite capability to be who you want. The planet and the solar system we live on proves this to us. Don't become your desires or your mistakes, don't hook your happiness to worldly things. In truth everything you need is already within you, no one defines your potential and the things you desire but you. All you have to do is believe it.

Be Happy
Be Healthy
Be Unified
Be You
Thanks for reading!

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