How To Be Vegan Without Deficiencies

Saturday, February 24, 2024
If your well read up like you should be, the well educated know that being vegan is the way to be at your optimum at all times. Eating plant based means your always getting very varied but always optimum levels of nutrients, vitamins and minerals everyday. (If your very plant based consuming friut and vegtables daily and not just starchy and sugary foods with technically don't count)

Infact a lot of #vegans or #vegetarians eat everything but fruit and veg. Consuming mostly oats, wheat and grains, potato's, Oily and fried food and very sugary processed food. To top with off with no superfoods which act like all natural multi vitamins for the health concious. Your basically only saving animals and not your health. Even vegans that are very plant based and consuming fruit and vegatables everyday can still end up with deficiences. I even heard of some instances where vegans gain weight since making the transition. This would be because of 2 things, your not eating enough fruit and veg (in a balanced way) and you have got rid of the all the excess toxins and waste you've been building up all this time eating meat, diary and a whole host of other crap that we're slowly poiniosing your body.

Not only is your body trying to adjust to the new change in how your eating, but it's simultaneously trying to get rid of the toxins inside you. Coupled with the fact that eating only fruit and veg will gives your body symtoms of sickeness initially because this food is purging your system and giving your body things that it isn't used to. People that have been vegan for years still come up with deficines not because of the food their eating but the fact that their not eating enough of it and their not eating the right things. You body will be naturally cleansing itself in the first 1 -2 years of being vegan. Baring in mind that I'm 2 years vegan myself, my body has been through so many changes over the coming months and as your body changes your health is thrown off of balance. But this is a natural processes and never usually lasts more then a month. For more long term deficiences these would be vitamins and nutrients that your body simple isn't getting or creating enough of from what your eating.

Your body may also not be used to converting plant proteins and minerals into your body as of yet, because it has become familiarise with processing it from diary and meat. It's much like drugs, when you go cold turkey, things don't change straight away, you could possible die but you know you must persevere because these are all symptoms of your bodily processes.

The best overall advice I can give you for those who are suffering from deficicnees are

consume a lot of fruit/veg that contain a lot of the vitamin that your missing
consume 1/4 cup seeds minium weekly and if not daily if you see no improvement do this daily
consume more superfoods, try to include superfoods in every meal you eat
consume superfoods + veg in every smoothie, put enough in so that it makes no impact on the taste

If after 3 months you still have deficiences and you've completed all of the above. Contact me via the contact form to your right.

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