Hot Topic: 6 Things Happy People Usually Do

Saturday, March 3, 2018
Regardless of where you are in life don't expect people to think or worry about your happiness. (Unless they really love you). Truth is your joy, health and wellbeing are only down to you. At times it can seem a struggle just remembering to stay positive, active and future-focused in difficult times. We often rely on different things to keep us happy. Since putting mindfulness at the forefront of my thoughts every day, there are things I have noticed that happier people just do more often. Since practising mindfulness regularly we often forget that our thoughts are not things, no matter how true or false they are. Your thoughts are there as a guide, decisions we make and ultimately how we choose to feel. When bringing awareness to these things using mindfulness techniques, you start becoming aware of how much the capacity of the mind has over our lives and the way we live it.

    Happiness is an inside job

1. Happy people tend to find the positive in every situation

Being in good spirits more often is down to the mind more than anything else. Practising mindfulness every day over the past couple months has made me realise that what you think about most is a key part of how you feel. Happy people usually appreciate challenges because they innerstand that this is how you grow. Inner peace and balance is true wealth, regardless of what we get presented with in life, it is our own responsibility to observe it, accept it and decide what or how much it really means to us.

2. Happy people are usually happy with what they have

Happier people don't spend much time thinking about what they don't have. Some people even find happiness in not having certain things. Optimistic people generally focus on what they do have, what they're pleased with and how they can work towards becoming even happier with their lives and themselves. Happier people don't spend much time comparing themselves to others because that take would take away from their own gifts that are special to them. So happy people make more time for things that are important to their happiness.

3. Happy people are usually more compassionate to others

Happy people usually like to treat others with respect, they listen to others and can be more sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of those around them. Happy people usually appreciate honest feedback and trustworthiness, happy people prefer the painful truth over lies or false narratives.

    'Do to others as you would like done to yourself'

4. Happy people tend to take responsibility for their actions and are more honest with themselves

Because not doing so tends to lead to being more unhappy. Consciously or unconsciously lying to others or yourself makes for resistance in life. Happier people tend to forgive themselves and forgive others. I have found being more accountable can be difficult, but I have noticed it allows for you to get to know yourself more and what you will or won't do in the future. No one is perfect but happy people tend to admit that because they know being perfect is impossible.

5. Happy people live in the present moment

Happier people tend to let things go. We get that bad things happen in life and that mistakes are made yet it's much better to truly let it go, then carry resentment or negativity because you feel its necessary. Unhappy people can dwell on the past or the future. Living life to the fullest starts with being happy in the present, despite your circumstances. Time usually heals all and happy people would rather live in the present.

6. Happy people tend to attract more happy people

Unhappy people like to see others unhappy. Happy people tend to be more passionate about positivity. Happy people don't constantly compete with others and put them down. They are usually happy for others and appreciate individual gifts. Happy people try not to hold any unexpressed negative intent but instead have more innerstanding, compassion and happiness for themselves and others. Happy people might enjoy art, dancing, singing, making people laugh and messing around etc yet they live passionately. So then attract people with similar high spirits who appreciate good cheer, lightheartedness and better well-being.

Be Happy
Be Healthly
Be Unified 

Thanks For Reading,

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