Speaking Positivity Into Your Life

Sunday, January 7, 2018
Mental Health And Positive Self Talk
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Enduring hard times and even anticipating hardship is really, all the way that we see it. At times when we feel our lowest our thought processes mirror that. The things we focus on, the things we say and the things we think about all reflect how we are feeling at the time.

Something I have learnt through my own melancholy is that through each stage, I always found something negative to think about, even if it had nothing to do with me. Somehow I found a reason and that was it. I also had this overwhelming need for other people, to be responsible for my happiness and other the happiness of people. The whole thought process that we should all be co-existing happily and making each other happy, which is cute if you're actually practising what you preach.  Its possible but still unrealistic.

You cannot live through someone else, not there successes or failures you must be there for yourself first.
Primarily mental health is like mental hygiene, you have to mentally give yourself instructions of support, upliftment and positivity as many times you need it daily. Also having awareness of ourselves and how we feel is important, your body shows you signs when you're unhappy. Listen to them and think about your thoughts at that exact time. Our mind is a tool and the way it works is literally down to how we use it, so what you do with it, in turn, will become your strength or your weakness. This was something up till recently I didn't really understand properly. We assume affirmations are something we think about most and recite every day afterwards, but it doesn't particularly matter how many times you say something inspiring to yourself, it's what you say/do that matters.

Speaking positive instruction into life is not something we're taught. It's not particularly easy to shift into. It works best at the time when your upset, emotional or frustrated. There doesn't actually have to be a particular reason for the way your feeling, in essence, you're just pissed off and it's beginning to affecting your day.

Better Mental Hygiene Through Positive Instruction

Listening to signs in your body really helps, it's connected straight to what's controlling everything else. 

Plus eating well really helps, 4 chemicals that influence more happiness in the brain are Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin and exercising which help to release more endorphins in the body making, you feel happier. I have found that whenever I have eaten unhealthy food regularly, it's a lot easier for me to be miserable, same with not exercising some exercise is good even if it isn't rigorous exercise. 

What's most important to do what's best for you.

Be Happy
Be Healthy
Be Unified
Be You
Thanks For Reading!

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