Fruits and Veggies In Season This May

Friday, May 11, 2018

Recently I've had the joy of being able to plant, prune and harvest organic vegetables in season. Since then I'm obsessed with in-season fruit and veg because it tastes better and leaves you fulfilled nutritionally you eat less because your body feels better about what you're eating. I also enjoy trying out new foods and seeing what they taste like freshly picked instead of freshly packed.

In the month of April/May I managed to get my hands on some rhubarb (I made a rhubarb crumble, asparagus with wild garlic leaves and roasted herby celeriac.

I've really been enjoying apricots and plums which are fresh and juicy this time of year as well! Also spring greens, sorrel, radishes, pak choi, lettuce, various potatoes, cabbage, pomegranate, grapefruit are just a few.  Check out some more in season food here.

Be Happy
Be Healthy 
Be Unified 
Be You!

Thanks For Reading!


Do You Hate Your Morning Commute In London?

Monday, April 30, 2018

According to the women's health mag, we spend on average 28 days a year committing to work. Sharing space with smelly people, smelly food and loud people after a long day’s work can make you question for faith in humanity.

On average we spend 59-70 minutes courting to and from work every day! Somehow we've allowed ourselves to believe it's a necessary evil. I'm here to remind you that it's not!

Did you know there has been a 56 percent increase in the cost of train travel in the past 10 years (rac foundation)

Commuting wastes time, money, emotional & physical energy
Those who drive to work tend to weigh more, spend less time exercising and are more at risk of disease.
Each driver spend on average 30 hours in traffic each year in the UK (Inirix)

Make the most of your commute
Cycling takes less time, London is smaller than you think
Treat yourself to a cab every now and then depending on your distance is probably the same price
Leave for work at off-peak hours
Bring something interesting along for your journey

Enjoy the commute the best you can, we've all got to get somewhere!


Rogue Vegan Meals Incredibly Delicious Food

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

    Healthy Afro-Carribean food delivered straight to your door!

About Rogue Vegan Meals

Rogue Vegan meals are an Afro-Caribbean and Asian meal catering and meal preparation service. Eating consciously is at the forefront of the business, remaining aware of what different foods and substances do to the body. Making sure to include little to no preservatives, additives, tap water (fluoride etc) or soy. Rogue Vegan meals use strictly natural and organic whole foods and hope to include more variety as the establishment grows. The owners consider small details like using Spelt flour instead of wheat and quinoa for people with higher nutritional preferences. Making sure that they cater adequately for everyone not just the health conscious.
    Jaz and Lorre put time, love and positive vibes into the food they create and they say the greatest part is seeing people enjoy it!

I know I do! In between my own ups and downs with motivation, I really appreciate their food and what they do especially when I don't feel like cooking.

The Founders and Why Plant Based?

Jaz and Lorre are a vegan couple who both wanted to combine both of their ideals into their food creations and it's clearly part of the beauty inspired in what they do. With influences by many teachers including the legends known as Dr.Sebi, Laila Africa and Queen Afua. The food they cook is undoubtedly delicious, with Lorre being vegan 5 years and passionate about healing healthful foods and Jaz being vegan for 2 years yet still not wanting to miss out on her junk food favourites. They lovingly merged the two and created versatile yet creative meal prep's for everyone to enjoy.

Jaz highlights that there are 100's of varieties of foods to choose from aside from eating meat and that it makes you more creative with your food and your recipes. She believes that it broadens your horizons because you can become extremely artistic and innovative with your food. I completely agree, when I am flowing creatively food is and has become more than just eating. It's a highly experimental, inventive and expressive thing to do.
    This is one of my favourite things about ordering Rogue Vegan meals.

What inspired Rogue Vegan Meals?

In the beginning, they had a friend that wanted to try to incorporate more vegan meals into their diet. After asking friends and family whether they prepared vegan meals, it initially started as a 1 person venture. Cooking for friends and family which then expanded. Jaz and Lorre found that a lot of people didn't have time to make the food and most importantly they didn't know what vegans ate, what to make or where to start. Making traditional good tasting, balanced and wholesome food was difficult for many people.

These were a few of the many reasons The Rogue Vegans began meal preparation, to help progress and support the vegan community, helping the public to transition from meat. fish and dairy and also to avoid heavily processed foods. Without compromising on taste. They wanted to inspire people to include alkaline wholefood aspects with cultural Afro-Carribean and Asain favourites while remaining healthful, flavoursome and nutritionally optimised food.

The Mission

This year you can expect that The Rogue Vegans will establish a place of trade serving hot food weekly, with alkaline wholefood and fast food options available. Which I am so excited about, their food is mouthwateringly tasty. Not to mention fulfilling their desire to assist the larger vegan community with knowledge and information on a what to eat, recipes and nutrition. The future sounds delightful for The Rogue Vegans and Rogue Vegan Meals.

They have a youtube channel sharing different ideas on cooking vegan at home. For more information about veganism and their personal journey check them out at The Rogue Vegans on youtube and rogue.vegans on Instagram.

At the moment The Rogue Vegans do vegan meal prep and catering, they deliver all across London, with free delivery to certain areas. You can DM or call them for orders. Order on Saturdays for delivery on Mondays. Payments are accepted by direct debit, Litcoin, Dash and Ripple. (Due to faster and lower transaction fees. Crypto will be in future!)

Smiles all round,
From your favourite plant based crypto/blockchain advocate :) 

Thanks for Reading


Let Us Grow

Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Fuuny those,
who find happiness victimising others
enjoy robbing and removin
eradicating joy
all to feel right
to feel greater
yet never acknowledging the damage done
the chaos created
deep seated, in the heart break of others
though only seem unhappy
when the pressure, the pain and the difficulty 
inspires growth
of those presumed weak
Oh, what to do when the tables turn
how to feel when doing better
Is the only option
only then does sorrow riddle the immature
the cruel
wanting to be blameless for hatred
spread and shared
as though enough had not be done

So be here,
listen close
let us create a future we can be proud of
our children can be fond of
to say that we continued
to develop ourselves
our people
out of confined cages
limited belief systems
lets prove we are not
just a sign of the times
that we did not cause destruction
to the natural
contented planet we live on
that we germinated as seeds
and emerged to form
a better life then, as we know it 


'Why I Don't See Colour' comments & Renewed hope for the diaspora

Monday, March 5, 2018
Being a brown girl of Afro Caribbean descent in western society comes with challanges on a daily basis that simply cannot be denied. For the most part, even when I try to deny them, it presents itself again and again glaringly in different ways. Through these difficulties, like being the only brown girl in the room, class or establishment. It is clear that wherever you look across the world darker skinned people are simply not given the same opportunities, resources and at times even respect, just because of what they look like. While the Arian, lighter skinned European nations do not suffer from these issues. Due to living in a colder climate, (which my tropical nature loving body has never really gotten used to). I have developed all of my characteristics from the original woman, my body shape, my hair texture, eyes and full lips, my beauty spots and moles even down to my personality, my health all derive predominately from my sub-Saharan genetics.

Anyone that knows me and even knew me well in the past could call me different, unorthodox or even misunderstood (personality wise), but never racist. That would be deliberately undermining the very nature of who I am, my lifestyle, the way I eat and live, and my fundamental beliefs.

In 2015 my 'Colourism vs Racism' blog post was in no way shape or form, diminishing my own heritage or that of my ancestors. My lineage were also slaves and potentially slave owners, they were also aboriginal people of the land. To insidiously undermine this notion would be denying and disrespecting my blended family and the many people that raised me. Essentially attempting to erode the very essence of who I am and my ancestors.

    It takes a village to raise a child

I know that anyone that knows and even knew me well in the past would never do that, as it would be completely fraudulent claims. Although at the same time I innerstand how politically and historically the present time we live in requires us to increasingly acknowledge the repercussions that colonialism and slavery has had on our family lives, education, history and our financial resources for those who have suffered and still suffer all varieties of different prejudice and discrimination for the way that they look and I do not want these things to ever be ignored.

   It is for these reasons we are the strongest people alive and unbreakable.

In my blog post about colourism it has come to my attention that my comments in the past of 'I don't see colour' may have been misinterpreted. For that I apologise, I obviously do see colour what I meant was I do not judge others stereotypically by their looks, features or colour and I should make it clear that it is because I myself hate to be stereotypically categorised and boxed into the labels, thoughts and narratives of other people, especially by people of European descent. I am sure most people can relate we all hate being judged before people get to know us.

I must also include that in no way shape or form do I ignore the difficulties, pain and struggles of the many nations of people throughout the diaspora that have African and Afro-Caribbean heritage (including my own), even more so in the UK and, Europe and  America. In my early years, teenage years and adolescents. The trans-Atlantic slave trade, colonialism and the general white-washing of African history infuriated me the more I studied it. A very big concept in my early life was trying to innerstasnd why we are not taught about afro inventors, leaders and history, why we only celebrate european holidays and why we are so severely punished and underrepresented.

    Most of all why to this day, we 're we never paid any reparations?

I have also always been a very passionate person, especially about my views and it made me angrier and eventually quite hopeless as many people around me didn't seem to care, the way that I did at the time. I created facebook pages and social media handles designed to share as much history and raise as much awareness as I could and it gained quite a bit of momentum. Although through difficulties in my own life, being quite young and unprepared, plus distractions and frustration against prejudice and discrimination in my own life that we're still prevalent.

I remember expressing this to friends around me at the time. Although eventually, I decided for the betterment of my own health and the way I see other people, I needed to take a less militant and more mature approach to it, plus I hadn't learnt enough to really do anything more about it. Little did I know I was thinking years before my time and looking into the future.

Being 24 now and knowing myself that much better, I know that it is truly an amazing time to be alive, with the all-black cast of Black Panther and even more representation for those of African and all mixed heritage. We're being given more opportunities, promotions and a better platform publically and this is so beautiful to finally see more of. I am not only confident in more African/Afro-Caribbean ambassadors stepping up to the plate in defense of our people's needs, requirements and voices but that the burdens felt by so many will now finally be naturally addressed with time, by assertive brothers and sisters that are better educated, equipped and suited to create a debate and discussion raising greater awareness about what really matters. The issues that our people face and what can be done about it. Working to make a change in this system without becoming part of it.

I will naturally gravitate to these efforts because it will be difficult, but it is and has always been close to my heart. Although I know now that my path and my purpose is different and that's just through knowing myself better, the struggles I have been through, my life circumstances and knowing my limitations.

My Path In Life

I have a natural interest in world history which can be translated as African or original history of the original humans. World theology translated as original African spirituality. Our ancestors knew things like science, mathematics, literature, metaphysics, herbal medicine, astrology and cosmology some being under different names. Holistic lifestyle translated as the way we originally lived as people eating and living naturally and sustainably. I am naturally passionate about embodying traditional and historical knowledge and ways of life with 21st-century living knowing that we are all taking part and shaping the future as we know it. This is my part and this is why it's a beautiful and dynamic time to be alive.

Be Happy
Be Healthy
Be Unified
Be You!

Thankyou for reading and thank you for your continued love and support!

It really makes a difference, please feel free to message me in the contact form with any feedback and more ideas for posts to write about and address.


Hot Topic: 6 Things Happy People Usually Do

Saturday, March 3, 2018
Regardless of where you are in life don't expect people to think or worry about your happiness. (Unless they really love you). Truth is your joy, health and wellbeing are only down to you. At times it can seem a struggle just remembering to stay positive, active and future-focused in difficult times. We often rely on different things to keep us happy. Since putting mindfulness at the forefront of my thoughts every day, there are things I have noticed that happier people just do more often. Since practising mindfulness regularly we often forget that our thoughts are not things, no matter how true or false they are. Your thoughts are there as a guide, decisions we make and ultimately how we choose to feel. When bringing awareness to these things using mindfulness techniques, you start becoming aware of how much the capacity of the mind has over our lives and the way we live it.

    Happiness is an inside job

1. Happy people tend to find the positive in every situation

Being in good spirits more often is down to the mind more than anything else. Practising mindfulness every day over the past couple months has made me realise that what you think about most is a key part of how you feel. Happy people usually appreciate challenges because they innerstand that this is how you grow. Inner peace and balance is true wealth, regardless of what we get presented with in life, it is our own responsibility to observe it, accept it and decide what or how much it really means to us.

2. Happy people are usually happy with what they have

Happier people don't spend much time thinking about what they don't have. Some people even find happiness in not having certain things. Optimistic people generally focus on what they do have, what they're pleased with and how they can work towards becoming even happier with their lives and themselves. Happier people don't spend much time comparing themselves to others because that take would take away from their own gifts that are special to them. So happy people make more time for things that are important to their happiness.

3. Happy people are usually more compassionate to others

Happy people usually like to treat others with respect, they listen to others and can be more sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of those around them. Happy people usually appreciate honest feedback and trustworthiness, happy people prefer the painful truth over lies or false narratives.

    'Do to others as you would like done to yourself'

4. Happy people tend to take responsibility for their actions and are more honest with themselves

Because not doing so tends to lead to being more unhappy. Consciously or unconsciously lying to others or yourself makes for resistance in life. Happier people tend to forgive themselves and forgive others. I have found being more accountable can be difficult, but I have noticed it allows for you to get to know yourself more and what you will or won't do in the future. No one is perfect but happy people tend to admit that because they know being perfect is impossible.

5. Happy people live in the present moment

Happier people tend to let things go. We get that bad things happen in life and that mistakes are made yet it's much better to truly let it go, then carry resentment or negativity because you feel its necessary. Unhappy people can dwell on the past or the future. Living life to the fullest starts with being happy in the present, despite your circumstances. Time usually heals all and happy people would rather live in the present.

6. Happy people tend to attract more happy people

Unhappy people like to see others unhappy. Happy people tend to be more passionate about positivity. Happy people don't constantly compete with others and put them down. They are usually happy for others and appreciate individual gifts. Happy people try not to hold any unexpressed negative intent but instead have more innerstanding, compassion and happiness for themselves and others. Happy people might enjoy art, dancing, singing, making people laugh and messing around etc yet they live passionately. So then attract people with similar high spirits who appreciate good cheer, lightheartedness and better well-being.

Be Happy
Be Healthly
Be Unified 

Thanks For Reading,


Desert Saxaphone

Thursday, January 18, 2018
the desert heat in cool dry weathers
where the kindest of light is just a feather
let us turn these in the days we remain
the saxophone sings for the days we reclaimed
the wind whistles yearning twirling for you
of all the things most of all wish we could do
to turn the world upside down and shake it through
and let only beauty make its abide in you
and me too


Speaking Positivity Into Your Life

Sunday, January 7, 2018
Mental Health And Positive Self Talk
Image result for positive

Enduring hard times and even anticipating hardship is really, all the way that we see it. At times when we feel our lowest our thought processes mirror that. The things we focus on, the things we say and the things we think about all reflect how we are feeling at the time.

Something I have learnt through my own melancholy is that through each stage, I always found something negative to think about, even if it had nothing to do with me. Somehow I found a reason and that was it. I also had this overwhelming need for other people, to be responsible for my happiness and other the happiness of people. The whole thought process that we should all be co-existing happily and making each other happy, which is cute if you're actually practising what you preach.  Its possible but still unrealistic.

You cannot live through someone else, not there successes or failures you must be there for yourself first.
Primarily mental health is like mental hygiene, you have to mentally give yourself instructions of support, upliftment and positivity as many times you need it daily. Also having awareness of ourselves and how we feel is important, your body shows you signs when you're unhappy. Listen to them and think about your thoughts at that exact time. Our mind is a tool and the way it works is literally down to how we use it, so what you do with it, in turn, will become your strength or your weakness. This was something up till recently I didn't really understand properly. We assume affirmations are something we think about most and recite every day afterwards, but it doesn't particularly matter how many times you say something inspiring to yourself, it's what you say/do that matters.

Speaking positive instruction into life is not something we're taught. It's not particularly easy to shift into. It works best at the time when your upset, emotional or frustrated. There doesn't actually have to be a particular reason for the way your feeling, in essence, you're just pissed off and it's beginning to affecting your day.

Better Mental Hygiene Through Positive Instruction

Listening to signs in your body really helps, it's connected straight to what's controlling everything else. 

Plus eating well really helps, 4 chemicals that influence more happiness in the brain are Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin and exercising which help to release more endorphins in the body making, you feel happier. I have found that whenever I have eaten unhealthy food regularly, it's a lot easier for me to be miserable, same with not exercising some exercise is good even if it isn't rigorous exercise. 

What's most important to do what's best for you.

Be Happy
Be Healthy
Be Unified
Be You
Thanks For Reading!

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