What The Pitta! London's First Vegan Doner Kebab

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Eating Meat Free More Often

What The Pitta, a completely vegan alternative to it's unhealthy original. What The Pitta doner kebabs, contain no saturated animal body parts or fats, the food is completely meat, egg, and dairy free and it tastes like something we should all try eating. Best Kebab I've ever tasted and the only one I'm likely to ever eat.

London's appetite for all things plant based is on the rise, as more realise how important it is for health in the city

About What The Pitta!

What The Pitta are big on eating meat free more often and being plant based vegan and so am I.  For the owners of What The Pitta it isn't about turning people vegan, its about reducing our intake of meat creating satisfying food that encourages people to reduce meat and think consciously about where our food is coming from. What The Pitta's mission is to support our personal and environmental health for each other and the planet. They support the global goals for sustainable development project and try to incorporate as many principles as possible into it. By choosing meat-free food you are contributing to the future of our planet thriving sustainably

Plant Based Vegan Fast Food

Turning vegan can be a difficult task, it seems there is, even more reason to care about your health then ever. Of course, that means giving up things like those meaty kebabs, that are all kinds of wrong for your health and the environment. With that said there are some foods that are just sentimental to us Londoners, kebab shops are everywhere. Even more, reason to try the plant-based alternative.

What The Pitta was even nominated the best British kebab awards
(because as kebabs go this is by far the best, hands down)

At What The Pitta you can enjoy vegan baklava, Turkish pizza (lahmacun), couscous salad, and mixed meze, tzatziki, bread, hummus and sauces all prepared from scratch, as all our food should be! What The Pitta's doner kebabs are made from non-gmo soya plant protein seasoned well and grilled for a that smokey kebab flavor. You can even have yours cooked without oil! I went for the meal deal 1. I got a fully loaded doner wrap, complete with all the fresh fillings. Straight away you can tell that the bread wrap was freshly made, it was light fluffy which complimented how the food was. After eating it, I was stuffed but it didn't make me feel heavy or lethargic. Which meant I had even more room for the sweet almond baklava for dessert and some PH worthy Saka water to wash it all down.

The perfect treat for a takeaway, it was my first time eating a doner kebab since turning plant-based vegan, I rarely eat soya but this was a worthy exception. They are not yet catering to the gluten-free champs yet but apparently, they will be in 2018. There are plenty of nut-free alternatives to choose from if you have nut allergies too.
What The Pitta is available via delivery at Ubereats and Deliveroo. They have 2 locations which is in Boxpark Croydon and Boxpark Shoreditch. You can find out more about What The Pitta on their website.

Yet no authentic experience comes with only good side my question to What The Pitta is:

I would also love to try some more plant based recreations of traditonal Turkish dishes, cater for us plant based food junkie's we appreciate it! Maybe even a soya alternative too?

Smiles all round
Thanks for reading,

Image sources:


Shocking News Libya's Slavery In 2017

Friday, December 1, 2017

Hot Topic Of The Week: Libya's Modern Day Slave Trade - A Complete Atrocity

Image result for african migrants in libya
There are few greater violations of human rights and human dignity then this..

It was almost hard to believe reading the news featured on Al Jeezera and CNN this week. Which features video evidence of undercover reporters witnessing the auction of enslaved Africans being sold for money. CNN reports that there are on average 9 locations where these unimaginable auctions take place and many more across the country. 

Where over a dozen men we're being sold, like commodities..

It is said that since 2014 Libya has been struggling with the influx of migrants from the south of the continent. Attempting to travel through Libya to get to Europe with the help of 'smugglers', Migrants who flee Libya on overcrowded and unsafe rafts over the Mediterranean sea for fear of their life. When they arrive to European countries such as Malta and Italy they are terrified to share their ordeals of being beaten, kidnapped and enslaved. Reading about this and witnessing evidence of in 2017 is heartbreaking. With historical ties to such lawless and inhumane activities, perpetrated in the past, it is hard to believe that there are some people out there who believe human lives can be bartered and sold for money.

Since then. the Libyan authorities have launched an investigation into the slave auctions in the country and whomever is responsible for these inhumane acts. This was on the 17/11/2017.


Reports Questioning Authenticity

Since then the Libyan authorities have now questioned the authenticity of the secret footage recorded due to Donald Trump's allegations that CNN has some sort of political ulterior motive. While yes it is true that ALL news channels are controlled media, which have a secret political agenda of which all potentially work for the likes of Trump himself. I do not see how African migrants risking their lives ;are travelling in such harsh conditions from deserts, to the Mediterranean sea, just to evade capture and detainment from Libyan 'smugglers', who are promising them safe passage to Europe yet abusing them instead. Not to mention the turmoil in Libya since Mummar Ghaddifi who's death turned out to be caused by a political agenda/propaganda. Would these atrocities have been committed if Mummar Ghaddifi we're still alive? 

I am no expert in Libyan politics (Politricks). Although I do know that he had some rather remarkable plans for the future of Africa and Libya, his death was a great shock to many. Even if under his rule the country still struggled with human and drug trafficking.

It might be conclusive to also mention that Gaddaffi's 'regime' would have enabled Libya and other African heads of state to setup a central bank backed by gold and many other rich natural resources found in Libya and across Africa. That UN member states exploit to this day. The African Union would have used this natural wealth to back this new currency which in turn would have made one of the richest currencies on the planet. During Colonels government rule since 1969, Gaddafi had assembled, improved and established Libya from the ground up. For 42 years Colonel Gaddafi was a Libyan Politician revolutionary and political theorist, who most of his career had great ties with the western countries involved in his death. It could be argued that many Libyan's died due to NATO and UN member states demolishing Libya's infrastructure without proper evidence or discussion before military involvement, so that they could benefit from the wealth of Libya. 

The political system has been turbulent for years and is widely considered in western democracy as I quote 'a failed state'. So in no way do I believe that this story is just a smear campaign to tarnish the reputation of Libya. In fact looking at the bigger picture, this is tarnishing the reputation of the Motherland since Libya is in Africa, yet Africans are being sold and tortured technically in their own home. It seems that since the civil war, the Libyan authorities are somewhat helpless in controlling these crimes, which led to them spiraling out of control.

Recently the French ambassador of the United Nation's urged the security council to consider sanctions of the African slave trade and African Migrants.

The Bigger Picture

Yet looking at the bigger picture, the UN's  (United Nations) and NATO's (The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) military involvement in the Libyan governments affairs, of crimes against the Libyan people seems to have done more harm then good. It seems the so called 'Humanitarian involvement' could actually have directly caused this crisis, since Gaddaffi's so called 'regime' was clearly misrepresented in the media and by these organisations themselves.

A time line of NATO's events as follows;

  1. Feb 2011 - Peaceful protests in Benghazi meet with violent oppression. (No physical evidence of violence, only images of protest) UN Security council imposes weapons ban on trade and other commercial activity.
  2. March 2011 - NATO deploys early warning airborne aircraft and battle ships in the Mediterranean to monitor the country. Imposes Resolution 1973, a no fly zone and encourages other member states to 'take all necessary measures' to protect civilians against attack or threat of attack. (only a month after peaceful protest - with no overwhelming evidence of genocide or mass slaughter) ( NATO/UN have their own 'political agenda')
  3. March 2011 - Several UN member states take 'immediate military action'. NATO air and sea assets begin taking military action.
  4. April 2011 - NATO agrees to carry out the UN Mandate (a so called peace keeping operation even though they had already initiated military action)
  5. June 2011 - Operation Unified Protector was enforced 'for as long it takes to end the crisis in Libya' the 'civil war ended in just a few months on the 31st October  (The initiation of everything above including extended military action which was 'vital to the support of the rebel victory over 'forces' loyal to Gaddafi)

The timeline extends to October 2011 on the website, the whole process under the disguise of 'civil war' appears to have started and ended way before civil war even broke out (Civil war can last decades). NATO and the UN appear to have intervened in Libya's political affairs way to quickly. It seems there is definitely a political agenda here, which has clearly caused way more harm then good.


Civilians from Libya report:
 that the country has not been stable since then, currently in financial crisis. The Libyan people have been suffering, human rights have not been at the forefront of issues for developing countries. Libyan citizens state that African migrants come to the city for easy access to Europe by a connected ring of smugglers who ask them for money at each stage of their journey. Smuggling migrants is not rare in this region, civilians believe this is a political game that the government have set this up. 

Our Humanitarian Effort

Even if it will be difficult to regulate and safely return migrants home, it absolutely has to be done.  Overall people are migrating to Europe for a better life, many of us are feeding these notions by our materialism and capitalism. Most developing countries wouldn't be developing countries if it wasn't for our constant need for more and more material things. We need to start showing our people that  wealth is abundant right where they are, they can build wealth right where they are and that there is a better life where they are with the right training and resources.

The International Organisation For Migration staff has since revealed shocking testimonies, using the social media tag #Libya many hundreds of thousands are signing petitions and even celebrities are calling for more action to raise awareness the topic of the Libyan Slave trade.

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Is Modern Day Slavery Uncommon?

Unfortunately it is not, maybe there is lack of evidence to towards it. Potentially it goes unreported or we are simply not aware of it. Yet according to The International Labour Organisation (ILO) around 40 Million people worldwide are still victims of modern slavery. More then 150 Million minors are subjected to child labour, this would account for 1 in 10 children across the world. 

We can all admit that we turn a blind eye to where our clothes are made, what conditions the people assembling our furniture, technology and jewelry have to endure before it gets to us as consumers. At least some of these people are given a jobs, some form of free will and livelihood. That is something being a slave cannot provide for you or anyone. Slavery in any form is a complete disregard of human life, it is one of the most inhumane and abominable ways to treat another human being who has sentient life just as you do. The most high witnesses all.

I have attached links to petitions you can sign to help end this horrific treatment. I hope we all widen our awareness to the part we play in all of this through capitalism, I also hope we can widen our awareness to how this is happening in many other countries in Africa and across the world.
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