How To Do Something You Love For A Living

Sunday, February 19, 2017

When I think back on my life, I wonder how it was so hard to just decide to do what I wanted instead of doing what everyone else insisted I do. I was sickly, overweight, pale and depressed before I finally decided that enough was enough. I was willing to go to extreme length to keep my family happy and to keep up appearances. I was willing to do courses I hated and work doing something for the rest of my life just because my everyone around me said I should do it.

I often imagined what would become of me, if I didn't get sick, tired and depressed. Something inside me continued fighting even when I had given up. I trusted myself and I turnedmy whole life upside down so that it was the right way up.

Don't do something you know you don't like, you should never do that anyway. You wouldn't eat food you didn't like every day or wear clothes you hated. So why are you working somewhere you can't stand, or pretending to enjoy a course you signed up for because it will pay well in the future. Why not use all the money you have and invest in your own skills? Why not believe in your own capabilities? Instead of societies assumptions of what success actually means? One thing I can be sure that we all face is that we all need money. That's a fact. You can survive without it, but you can live with just enough of it.

You all have a minimum budget that you live on at the moment. Maybe it's just making sure you have enough to cover all the bills and debt payments. The little you have left over is for food and travel. Or maybe you have more than that, but let's start with the bare minimum. Whatever that number is, think about ways you can make it in the same amount of time or less. It has to be working for yourself, yes it's not as reliable and it may not start off well, but it is all about you. You depend on yourself and your natural instincts tell you every single day you wake up for work, that you need the money. Imagine if you persevered and was able to get that money yourself, aren't you a worthy investment.

Everyone can be an entrepreneur if they started with what they have. You don't even have to work for yourself, 9 times out 10 your dream job is not your passion and if there is a dream job let it be your passion. Even if your not yet qualified for it, or you believe it won't pay enough. All that doesn't matter, I promise you getting up every day and enjoying your life is astounding. You will enjoy every day because you are in control and your actually doing something you enjoy. Everyday!


Being your brand is liberating. It gives you a sense of clarity and position. You always know your path of progression and you really feel like you can never fail because you and your business are not separate entities but in fact they are you. Naturally, you never want to be a failure so you work hard and never give up on whatever you do. You are your business so you put aside money to invest in yourself(business) every month. Everything becomes a lot clearer and feels much less like your living your life to please or work daily for others.

There is much opportunity in this modern world. Articulate your naturals skills and abilities and apply your gifts to what your passionate about.


Patience Is Nature's Best Kept Secret

Saturday, February 11, 2017
Patience, the more you have of it the better you feel.It's so much better to go slow, steady and simple, working things around you and gradually constructing the things you want, the way you want it. How much do we take patience for granted? How do you increase the amount of patience you have for something?


When you loose patience with other people or things, it may not be rightful but there is no love lost. When you loose patience with yourself, you loose everything. 

Meditating for at least 10 minutes a day should help keep you more routinely focused, aware and more self-disciplined and works wonders for low patience. Writing things down, or recording the way you feel daily helps you visualise where you're going wrong and address it. 

The mind can either trap your or liberate you when you find yourself passing the blame or just having too much to deal with too often. Think about how patient you are being with yourself, can you take this task slowly, do you have to skip so many steps ahead, so fast?

If everything you do is done with good intentions, slowly but surely. You're less likely to make mistakes or retakes. Your relaxed, calm and emotionally secure,  thought out in your decisions, your mindful in your actions. You've got this!


3 Ways To Make 2017 Your Year

Sunday, February 5, 2017

2017 is the Chinese year of the rooster, which turns out to be my year. What is to come, even I don't know. But I do know that it will come in the shape of whatever it is supposed to be, just for me. It won't be behind the backs of any other people, next to, in front of, or through them. It is a journey to enlightenment that only I can take and come out on the other side with.

  1. Understand where you are & be realistic about your goals
  2. Plan for the future by taking one step a time
  3. Get rid of what's overdue in your life:

What is overdue in 2017 for me


Having more structure in my life work/study/life balance

Attracting Better People

Stop settling for less

Being More Realistic

the deepest pain for any inventor, is being realistic about your circumstances it means that even the greatest idea may have to stay written down for awhile

Being My True Authentic Self

my main motto, always stay true to you

Not Forsaking My Morals, Decency And Integrity

speaks for itself

Not Settling For Being Lied To Or Mistreated

Stop allowing yourself to be mistreated, take yourself away from people or places who don't value you or your efforts.

This year spells financial gain for those working hard for it, it offers home truth's for people who won't accept it. What it is important to know right now is that it is not a time to be naive or unaware of things in your life. Address unwanted issues, end cyclical behaviour. 2017 is a year for the rise of the indigo's, the real children of g-d will spread their wings.

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