Expectations Lead To Disappointment

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Does it ever seem like whatever your thinking or feeling, is when the complete opposite happens....

The expectations you have of circumstances or people, have the potential to cripple you. 


Replace high expectations with hope. To hope is not to rely on a certain situation. To be hopeful is to set a positive frame on your scenario and allow it to transform into what it is supposed to become. Hope allows the situation to be what it is and not what your idea of it should be, just what you wish it could become. Stop creating your own ideas for circumstances or people. Plan and create for the things you can control, things that are within your arms reach. If you cannot control something let it go.

Imagine g-d created all of us for planet earth. I'm sure originally our creators didn't expect their own offspring to turn against them and pretend they don't exist. But we are still here living day to day, I am sure our creators have the power to end this all now. But they don't expect from us, they allow us to become what we are supposed to be, they flow with the current of our lives, in hope we might eventually float into the right direction.

Expectations lead to disappointments. Don't be naive or foolish, don't expect other people to do as you would do.
Hope is the answer. Learn to hope for the best not expect it. Learn to hope for people, not to expect from them.The root of hope is a positive thing and the more positive you are the more positivity you attract into your life. Expect is a neutral word, it can either succeed for you, or fail you. Unfortunately for you don't get to choose. 

Thanks for reading!

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