Autumn Is Here

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Autumn is approaching on the 22nd September and I can't help but enjoy the beautiful changes in nature and on the planet. Now is the time for us to enjoy our favourite berries (rosehips above) and harvest our luscious herbs and vegetables. Root vegetables begin to thrive as the beautiful autumn leaves greet the pavements. 

Now is the time to mix your herbal medicine concoctions of raw honey, orange, onions and garlic. It's time to light some beeswax candles and re-align yourself with all your surroundings. Get out those comfy jumpers and blankets and enjoy herbal teas to keep you cosy at sunset. Autumn is full of curiosity and wonder. Here are some pictures I took on a foraging walk in Enfield, London. Taking in my surroundings and observing the natures changes from flower blossoms turning to berries. Here they are!

Horsetail, retail price is £8 per mini bottle. A great tonic for colon and hair!

Hawthorn berries are good for coughs and colds when made into a syrup

Stinging Nettle Seeds great for alcohol and good for energy drinks!

Dock leaves are nature's cabbage, once cooked down with lots of seasonings to avoid the bitter taste!


I can't help but scream the amazing things I have planned for the blog in the next few months, just in the planning stages! Stay tuned!


Vegan VS Green Vegan (Plant Based)

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Veganism has transformed only 60 years ago food was less processed and manufactured.

Although vegan food alternatives are not as widespread as unhealthy food, you can pretty much source all of your favourite food alternatives. Unfortunately, this doesn't mean you're doing right by yourself, even if they're not animal products. Vegans nowadays are usually people who turn vegan because of animal cruelty they pretty much eat anything that doesn't contain meat, dairy or egg. Which equally makes no sense once you do research on what you're actually eating. Any artificial additives, colours or preservatives usually contain animal substances, since they do not occur naturally and are man-made substances. Even if they don't contain animal substances why are we eating chemicals and calling it food? 

A new rule to veganism is that vegans are not aloud to eat honey!

I have honestly never heard of anything so ridiculous, honey does not harm the bees. Making honey is the purpose of their lives, the argument is that bees are mistreated. SOLUTION: find a fair trade source of raw honey. 

Many turn vegan due to animal cruelty alone, they lack understanding of how the human body works. They are simply skipping meat and diary because it's the right thing to do. This is true animals are living breathing things, who feel pain just the way we do. Yet eating bountiful amounts of soya chunks, seitan, additives and preservatives are just as bad as eating meat (for your body) yet many people fail to realise that. Most ingredients included in processed vegan/vegetarian food is found in processed food and food containing meat. So it doesn't make you much better than the next fast food junkie. 


(My Spanish Potato Pie)
Thus why another category of vegans has come about, plant based or Green Vegans. Are those that are essentially much like the original vegans in that they mostly consume natural raw plants and vegetables. Some may cook and other's may eat raw, but either way they eat mostly fruit and vegetables or naturally raw products. With no added sugars, colours, flavourings or preservatives. 

Green vegans or plant based vegans, usually start considering more then just what has been added to the food. Non-GMO food is also important to plant based vegans, as it is essential to maintaining healthy DNA and fewer health problems in the future. Although yet again in comparison to other vegans and non-vegans the chances of any disease or deformities are much less likely.

Plant-based vegans usually tend to be people that listen to their body, question things more than other people and have strict discipline and focus. They're not easily influenced and are usually people guided by their own intuition. Naturally, they would have done some substantial research on the human body, pollution, agriculture and the food industry. Plant-based vegans tend to be quite strict, healthful, well-rounded and spiritual. Although the same rule cannot be applied to everyone.
 Contact me via my contact form, for meal planning, coaching and any other questions you have concerning transitioning to a plant-based diet.
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