The Importance Of Detachment

Sunday, August 21, 2016
Detachment has been something on my mind lately, from family, from friends, and from everything. I just recently moved to a new home after moving around for awhile. A new area, a new scene it made me really want to start again. From everything and everyone, it made me only want to buy items I need and not just get things I really want. My family are not the supportive type, in fact they're as far from the word supportive as it gets. This summer has reinforced the importance of detachment. From everyone and everything that is not, or does not add value to your life.

Lately, the universe has been showing me who and what should be in my life and vice versa. Detachment is not just from people, but also from things. We hoard and collect so much, having too much attachment to anything can be bad for your health literally. Give away those shoes you've never worn and shred all that paperwork you've been telling yourself your going to need. Every material possession you could possibly need is out there, in the shops or on the high street waiting for you. 

Having too many possessions can weigh you down, without you even knowing it. Give yourself the opportunity to start again and become the true to you.

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