The Importance Of Detachment

Sunday, August 21, 2016
Detachment has been something on my mind lately, from family, from friends, and from everything. I just recently moved to a new home after moving around for awhile. A new area, a new scene it made me really want to start again. From everything and everyone, it made me only want to buy items I need and not just get things I really want. My family are not the supportive type, in fact they're as far from the word supportive as it gets. This summer has reinforced the importance of detachment. From everyone and everything that is not, or does not add value to your life.

Lately, the universe has been showing me who and what should be in my life and vice versa. Detachment is not just from people, but also from things. We hoard and collect so much, having too much attachment to anything can be bad for your health literally. Give away those shoes you've never worn and shred all that paperwork you've been telling yourself your going to need. Every material possession you could possibly need is out there, in the shops or on the high street waiting for you. 

Having too many possessions can weigh you down, without you even knowing it. Give yourself the opportunity to start again and become the true to you.


Why Life Shouldn't Be Complicated 'Lessons Learned'

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Life is simple, honestly. There's a simple explanation to almost any question you can think of in the world. For some reason we over complicate everything, we overthink and over analyse. We don't use our intuition and inner knowing much anymore. Instead we need evidence and facts to provide and decide what we actually think, instead of just asking yourself.

I believe in the most high g-d. I believe we have creators who created us and our honourable ancestors who have lived before us. Certain things in life are inevitable, you were born here alone and you will die alone, for that reason it makes sense to me that our lives are somehow planned out. We have paths to follow, the right path which is our divine path planned out by g-d, or the wrong path planned out by evil energies or satan. I believe that g-d is fully aware that a large proportion of people are born do not follow the right path, but everyone is still given the right to chances and opportunities to choose which path they would like to take, Keeping in mind that you cannot take both.

If you feel as though your born at a disadvantage in this life, it usually means one of 2 things, you did not learn from the mistakes in your past life or if you achieve the life your living now you will have past your lasts tests before entrance to 'heaven' or the next dimensional stage of existence. I believe all dimensions and realms are different, they have different purposes, organisms and overall life and I believe that life is a series of tests. 

In life, you have to utilise what you have been given or what you can create and make the most of it. Life is about navigating around to make the best decisions for yourself and thus creating the best existence. When you learn to transcend worldly desires, you learn that your body, mind and spirit is all you own. You learn that your body is just a beautiful custom-made spacesuit to keep you alive on this planet, it's a physical representation of who you are, but it is not you. Mentally you must master yourself, using your mental capacity to figure out who you are, where you are, how your body works and what you are destined to do here. Your mind also controls your emotions, by learning your mind properly you know your emotions. Nothing will be able to control you. 

Then there's the spiritual side of you. It's the real you, the part of you that you can only feel or hear but not see. Your spiritual side is what transcends this world that you live in, it knows everything about you, everything you think and feel and everything your going to do. Your soul is pure energy when you die it becomes lifeforce for another person and continues this cycle until you finally learn what you need to move up to the next stage.

This is why I say life is simple, we complicate life by showing no interest in ourselves. In our own infinite capacity, we don't believe in ourselves. So instead we seek from everything around us, which leads to confusion. We listen to teachers and doctors and scientist who have only been taught selective knowledge. True sage teachers are people who have mastered their mind, body and spirit. True sages understand the connection with everything around them, G-d created the earth and everything on it to teach us valuable lessons in life.
Life is simple, Don't make life complicated. Don't let bad experiences shape you, don't let good experiences encourage you to take life for granted. Enjoy this existence the best way you can and remember to stay humble. What's important is where you go when you die, not where you are now.

Thanks for reading!

Starve The Ego, Feed The Soul

Sunday, August 7, 2016

To often we act out of pride and lose the people we love because of our ego. Our ego is our fake sense of self-esteem and self importance. Purposefully there for everyone else to see. It is what we want people to think of us. Which is why I titled this post

'Starve the ego, feed the soul'
Your ego is not you. It's coating your low self-esteem and self worth, your hiding underneath it and not being who you truly are. You don't need ego to show high self worth because you actually become that. True winners are people that abandon their ego, don't read this senseless garbage in motivational books about ego being essential to be a winner, your competitive nature or desire to succeed has nothing to do with ego, it is embedded within you.

Don't be afraid to show emotion to show, to show that you love & care for someone. Ego will replace that emotion for pride, anger and rejection, scorn and picking holes in other people, as so to avoid yourself.

Ego leads to what I call 
Attack of the ball sacks or Battle of the nipples
I say this because of how endlessly pointless living in ego can become, especially because its not the real you.

Life is so short & so fast. The shoes you have on today may not fit you next year. What upsets you now will be a distant memory in the near future, why is it we create problems that don't really exist. Out of thin air we find problems in things around us, in others & ourselves instead of observing the moment and truly reflecting on what we really should be thinking about. 

Many people have ego for different reasons, usually it's to hide something you really don't want someone else to know. People say the nastiest things to protect there pride or protection from embarrassment. Not really meaning what they say & do. 

Face yourself & what your hiding from. Don't be ashamed to say that you have emotions and feelings towards a situation, feeling embarrassed or sad doesn't make you any less of a person it makes you brave for being a bigger & better person. For wanting to deeply move on from your past & what's blocking you to a better future. 

Apologise when necessary & don't live in regret, don't live in your ego. Your ego is a senseless version of you, who only cares about how people perceive you, you are bigger than your ego, overcoming your ego may sometimes feel like your losing your mind. It's not your mind, losing your ego is being the true you. 

Value things in life, feel express & be
Starve The Ego, Feed The Soul 

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