It's Your Sacred Time Of The Month, Protect Yourself

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


The womb is where all life begins; the imbalanced womb means for an imbalanced woman. In some cultures, women would gather together at their sacred time of menstruation, away from men and children. Your menstrual cycle is an elimination cycle, where your body cleanses itself of everything it no longer needs; mentally, physically and spiritually. This is why we get so moody and grumpy, with cramps and cravings. Your monthly cycle is really a time for you to clear your mind, gather your thoughts and reflect. Giving birth to improvements in your life, new creations and ideas for all things new. 
The womb is the centre of womanhood

I believe protecting your womb is so important while menstruating because you are at your most vulnerable. 'A Toxic Time Of The Month' is a knowledge boosting information pack launched by Nearer Nature to encourage women who want to the avoid the harmful chemicals in our sanitary products and try out better alternatives. The pack includes organic sanitary products and natural pain relief too.
Before recieving mine I really couldn't imagine the extent of damage I had been doing to my body by using coventional tampons/towels
My initial thoughts were, how bad could it really be, if it's so widely available in shops and supermarkets across London. I didn't know what to expect when I first received the pack, it was small and I was wondering how much I could really learn from such petite package. Yet what I found was groundbreaking. I always knew that there were synthetic chemicals in women's toiletries, tampons, and towels but I really didn't realise how bad it legitimately was. I had been unknowingly poisoning myself for years, due to lack of knowledge. I don't use tampons or discreet pads which also come in the pack, it would have been nice to try different thicknesses for women who bleed more heavily. But overall the
information provided, with the products made up for that. 

The pads are super absorbent and comfortable, you can really feel the difference, making you feel much better within yourself, it's much more pleasant to use compared to the shop bought pads with plastic texture.


I had no idea how likely it was, that I could contract TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome) just through using ordinary shop bought sanitary protection. TSS is a rare but fatal disease. Yet the pack explains so much more, revealing so many hidden dangers in sanitary protection. It even reveals the lack of government regulation on what big companies are allowed to add to our products, they could sell us a chemical cocktail of products that look appealing but can do serious damage, with no authority to stop them.

So it's more then just chemicals and toxins 
It's about the new generation coming before us, this is all they will use and all they will know, their likelihood of becoming infertile or contracting thrush, fibroids or ovarian cancer will be ridiculously high if we all don't educate each other about it. I was really stumped at infertility, how on earth are we encouraging teenage girls to use pads and tampons when they're likely to cause bacteria growth leading toxic shock which could lead to death, why are we increasing the likelihood of adult infertility 
Why on earth are companies selling us products that are not really protecting us, but actually putting us in more danger?


I would highly recommend 'A Toxic Time Of The Month' to young women new to their cycle; and mature women who haven't tried any natural alternatives.
For me, the toxic time of the month pack, really allowed me to protect myself, holistically. The information I read in the pack was shocking and not only made me want to change my protection but help other women too. It really does a good job at encouraging you to change your monthly habits and become more aware of all the products available to such a sensitive part of your body. Conventional sanitary products are a no, no. When you can try out all natural alternatives in the 'A Toxic Time Of The Month' information pack instead.
I'm more conscious of the products I'm using with higher awareness to what's out there. Plus after trying out the products included I was really impressed with it.

can be ordered from Nearer Nature's Online Boutique, which also stocks only natural and organic body care products.

Specialising in organic and all natural body care

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