Quick Guide To Turning Vegan 2016

Tuesday, April 5, 2016
I meet a lot of people who find plant-based eating very interesting. But don't believe in themselves enough, to actually push through with it. Turning vegan isn't easy, but it's not incredibly difficult either. I believe turning vegan is just about  willpower, programming yourself to resist your desires and control the effect that food has over you. It breaks down barriers and brings you into the real world. Which is that most of the things you are eating have meat in it or it's laden with chemicals and preservatives which your body simply doesn't need.

90% of the time your eating food that's not good for you.


DO take it in steps, although it is best to go cold turkey (worked for me)
DO keep your favourite food alternatives around you, when the cravings hit 
DON'T let other people tell you how to eat 
DO remember when you get cravings, focus on why you started 
DO remember that it's just food, don't allow your food habits to have control over you 
DON'T forget it only takes 3 weeks to create a new habit 
DO get used to not being able to buy anything much from the sweet shops and much less packaged foods from the supermarket 
DON'T trust food unless it's labelled 
DO understand that your body will begin to detoxify and react to anything old you reintroduce to your diet 
DON'T give in
DO get googling for your favourite vegan recipes and remakes
DON'T do what's easy and sacrifice your health
DO plan out your food and what you'll eat tomorrow
DO have snacks prepared for when your starving hungry (this is when anything becomes tempting)
DON'T forget this is one of the greatest decisions you've made in your life (apart from choosing your life path, hobby or profession)
DO get to know your body and research your ailments
DO take herbs to alleviate suffering from allergies or deficiencies


You may break out in spots, bumps, and rashes. This is just your body naturally detoxifying itself 
You're being cured
You can do anything you truly put your mind into
Build a cast iron will power

Thank me later 
Contact me via my contact form, for meal planning, coaching and any other questions you have concerning transitioning to a plant-based diet. 

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