Delilah's Natural Deodorant Recipe

Tuesday, March 29, 2016
                   Prep time: 10 minutes      Lasts: 3 Months

(1 Part Melted Extra Virgin Coconut Oil to 2 Parts Bicarbonate of Soda)
I used:
3 Tbsps Bicarb of Soda
2 tbsps coconut oil
10 drops cedar wood essential oil
10 drops lavender essential oil
Juice of 1/2 a lemon

It's really that simple!

For sensitive skin, apply coconut oil first.
Please note: You can substitute baking soda for Bentonite Clay or Arrowroot powder. If you want a stronger protection add 5 tbsps of bicarbonate of soda.

Please note: You may suffer acute irritation, this is a natural deoderant so your underarms will begin detoxing. It is completely normal and usually the irritation goes away. If this irritation persists for more than a week, substitute soda for something else.

This recipe is not evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

It's cheaper, it lasts longer and it's not harmful to your body!

Explore more homemade DIY recipes with these ingredients:
 Coconut Oil    Lavender Oil    Cedarwood Oil

How To Control Your Emotions

Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Ever wonder why you're sometimes your just upset or confused for no reason?
Ever done something that seemed like a good idea at the time and turned out to be one of the worst decisions you've ever made?
You can control your emotions by observing them. Observing your emotions will change your life.


Your emotions are free-flowing energy within you. We are always feeling emotions at all times. Emotions and how we categorise them are just words we use, so that other people understand how we feel. Although how you truly feel can never be put in words. You can never really describe your deepest emotions, you just try to make sense of them the best you can. 

Life is simple. There are, no complicated methods, to being you. It's just your emotions; the influence it has on all your actions, emotions influence everything you think and feel whether you realise it or not. The fact is when you're in a bad mood you react badly to things around you. You loose control of yourself, these are not things that are helping you for the better but instead for the worst.
When you observe your emotions you really are observing how you feel. You're observing how certain things are making you feel, in knowing that the way something makes you feel will influence your actions.
Everything you attract in your life is based on your energy. Every action you take is based on how you feel, the way you express yourself, the way you carry yourself, the way you do things. Are all based on how you feel. 

So are your emotions controlling you? Or are you controlling your emotions?
Your emotions are so powerful, they are infinite energy. You never run out of emotions, you never loose steam and forget them. Even those who claim to have the coldest hearts still have feelings and emotions. Your better off not pretending they exist because they do. They influence your life every day.


For example;
When someone asks you a question you reply.
When someone asks you a question when you're angry, you shout
When someone asks you a question when your crying, your overwhelmed and don't want to answer
When someone asks you a question and your excited, you answer in delight

You are the greatest version of yourself when you are, observing yourself. You are not who you think you are. You are the infinite life force inside of you. That keeps you conscious, happy and healthy every day. You are in a space suit walking around life observing everything around you, nothing around you has any value apart from the value you have already applied it. You are not your experiences but you think you are because they trigger feelings and how you feel about these memories. You are not anything that you see around you. You have not yet seen your true self, only the outer shell given for you to survive on this planet.

Imagine your emotions like a flowing river of energy, you cannot stop the river. Even if you build a dam it only slows down the momentum of the river. Yet if you flow with the river, where ever it goes you will eventually reach its end and you will already know it's source. The source of your emotions points out how you feel, not how you act.
Flow with your emotions and ask yourself, why do I feel like this? Where are these emotions coming from?
Do not act on your emotions instead, consider it's source and choose the way it will end. You can only fix a problem when you are aware that you are experiencing it. 

Place no value on your emotions, instead place value on why you are feeling them and this is where your answers will be found. Remember no matter what it is that anyone in this world says or does to you. It is how you feel about it that makes it true. It is how you feel about it that makes it real. The only truth that exists is within you and the power of your feelings and emotions.

I reached this breakthrough through reading this article 'Removing Suffering From Pain With Meditation'.
Jaja Wallace also known as @spiritelixir on twitter is the creator and author of a spiritual community called KindFeelings. He writes on kindness, love, truth and staying focused on your life path despite many distractions in this modern day and age. Be sure to check him out!

Thanks For Reading!

Delilah's Rainbow Potato Salad

Monday, March 7, 2016
                   Prep time: 45 minutes      Serves: 4

2 American Sweet Potato's
4 Medium Purple Potato's
1/2 Red Onion
5 Cherry Tomatoes
2 Kiwi's
1/4 Cucumber
5 Tbsps Coconut Milk
1 Avocado
Black Pepper
Himalayan Salt

Please note: Try to use coconut milk with no preservatives, emulsifiers or 'E Numbers' in it. I managed to find one with only citric acid as a preservative. Natural coconut milk should not be too runny, it should be thick and a thick layer on the top will naturally separate from the liquid. This is perfect to use.

This dish never has any leftovers! Not to mention it's WAY Healthier then normal potato salad... 

  1. Once washed, peel the purple potatoes but leave the American sweet potatoes to boil with the skin.
  2. Pre-heat a large pot of hot water on high heat. Once the water is boiling, stab each potato with a fork and add to the pot.
  3. Boil for 25 minutes. 
  4. Wash and dice your kiwi, cherry tomatoes and cucumber into small quarters and add to a bowl to mix with the other ingredients. 
  5. In another bowl, dice and mash avocado then mix with the coconut milk. You can use a blender if you desire.
  6. Add Himalayan pink salt to taste and stir. You should have a light green mayonnaise sauce.
  7. Check your potatoes, if you cannot stick a fork through them with ease, leave them to soften.
  8. Once your potatoes are cooked thoroughly. Take them off the heat and run cold water over them, till you can peel the skin off of your American sweet potatoes, without burning yourself.
  9. Once cool, dice all your potato's into large squares
  10. Pour into your coconut mayonnaise sauce and stir softly. Using a spoon to turn the mixture in an upward motion. (making sure not to crush your potatoes)
  11. Add the potatoes to your bowl of kiwi, tomatoes and cucumber and stir softly until everything is covered in the sauce.
  12. Add himalyan sea salt as desired 
  13. Enjoy!

    My Original Recipe, Rainbow Potato Salad!

    Explore more plant-based recipes with these ingredients:
     Coconut Milk        Kiwi       Purple Potato's
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