How To Find A Solution To Every Problem

Sunday, January 24, 2016
There are 2 types people, optimistic, pessimistic. Glass half empty, glass half full and neutral. 

The way to a happy and successful lifestyle is through optimism and solution based living. The idea that there are solutions to every single problem created in existence and that all you need to do is start truly believing that. Spend less time dwelling and discussing the problem and more time trying to co-ordinate a solution.

Talking about your problems should really be finding a way to express and release them; within good surroundings, in a private environment. If you're just complaining and moaning about the same things day in day out, you are a pessimistic person. If you find yourself repeating the same cycle of procrastination and stress everyday, you are doing something wrong.

Don't allow yourself to believe you are doing the best thing for you, by constantly complaining and moaning about things not going your way or blaming other people. 
Just about everything you don't like effecting your life is your fault. 

Allowing a few extreme exceptions, it's time to start fully believing in yourself and your capabilities. 

The moment you can accept that somewhere along the line you let yourself down, you can start creating solutions to overcome the problems your facing and never return to that place again. 

Solution based living is training your mind to respond to the idea that when ever and where ever there is a problem there is also a solution. The problem can be about anything not just to do with you or your surroundings. You must simultaneously train your mind to start feeling guilty about dwelling on a problem for too long, you don't want to feel guilty because of how your allowing this problem to make you feel, since problems are usually negative things. 

This should urge you to want to create a solution because you know your giving your emotional strength a double whammy and not solving anything. Your at a stand still.

When I first started this technique writing down my thoughts and reading them back to myself the next day helped a lot. After 24 hours have passed you always feel different about everything. I did this daily until my own writings revealed my solution. Subconsciously your brain is working for you all the time and you know the answers to the most confusing questions but they are deep within that 90% of subconcious part of your brain.

To learn this technique efficiently I would advise;

  • Talking to someone about the way you feel
  • Recording the way the feel, by writing, voice notes etc (until you have your solution)
  • Listening and reading back what you have recorded (You will find this groundbreaking)
  • Sitting beside a tree and breathing deeply (trees neutralise your energy and absorb all your stresses and tensions much a like magnet)
  • Meditating or clearing your mind to see what comes to you

Amazing the way we know the answers, we just never sit still long enough to hear them. 

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