How To Find A Solution To Every Problem

Sunday, January 24, 2016
There are 2 types people, optimistic, pessimistic. Glass half empty, glass half full and neutral. 

The way to a happy and successful lifestyle is through optimism and solution based living. The idea that there are solutions to every single problem created in existence and that all you need to do is start truly believing that. Spend less time dwelling and discussing the problem and more time trying to co-ordinate a solution.

Talking about your problems should really be finding a way to express and release them; within good surroundings, in a private environment. If you're just complaining and moaning about the same things day in day out, you are a pessimistic person. If you find yourself repeating the same cycle of procrastination and stress everyday, you are doing something wrong.

Don't allow yourself to believe you are doing the best thing for you, by constantly complaining and moaning about things not going your way or blaming other people. 
Just about everything you don't like effecting your life is your fault. 

Allowing a few extreme exceptions, it's time to start fully believing in yourself and your capabilities. 

The moment you can accept that somewhere along the line you let yourself down, you can start creating solutions to overcome the problems your facing and never return to that place again. 

Solution based living is training your mind to respond to the idea that when ever and where ever there is a problem there is also a solution. The problem can be about anything not just to do with you or your surroundings. You must simultaneously train your mind to start feeling guilty about dwelling on a problem for too long, you don't want to feel guilty because of how your allowing this problem to make you feel, since problems are usually negative things. 

This should urge you to want to create a solution because you know your giving your emotional strength a double whammy and not solving anything. Your at a stand still.

When I first started this technique writing down my thoughts and reading them back to myself the next day helped a lot. After 24 hours have passed you always feel different about everything. I did this daily until my own writings revealed my solution. Subconsciously your brain is working for you all the time and you know the answers to the most confusing questions but they are deep within that 90% of subconcious part of your brain.

To learn this technique efficiently I would advise;

  • Talking to someone about the way you feel
  • Recording the way the feel, by writing, voice notes etc (until you have your solution)
  • Listening and reading back what you have recorded (You will find this groundbreaking)
  • Sitting beside a tree and breathing deeply (trees neutralise your energy and absorb all your stresses and tensions much a like magnet)
  • Meditating or clearing your mind to see what comes to you

Amazing the way we know the answers, we just never sit still long enough to hear them. 

Crispy Brussel Sprouts With Delilah's Hummus Sriracha Dressing

Tuesday, January 19, 2016
                               Prep time: 30 minutes      Serves: 3
Brussel Sprouts
500g Brussel Sprouts
Coconut or Avocado Oil
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp black pepper
4 garlic cloves minced or 2 tsps garlic powder

Sriracha Hummus
2 tbsps hummus
1 - 2 tsps hot sauce
pinch sea salt 
1 tsp smoked paprika
1-2 tsp maple syrup or raw honey
1 tsp of apple cider or balsamic vinegar
2 tsps garlic powder
Optional: Tahini or 1/2 lemon

You won't look at brussel sprouts the same again!

Crispy Brussel Sprouts

  1. Once washed, pat dry with a kitchen towel.
  2. Pre-heat an iron skillet or a griddle on medium to high. With a drizzle of avocado oil or coconut oil.
  3. Slice the large brussel sprouts in half and season with Coconut or avocado oil.
  4. Once marinated place your brussel sprouts in the pan and turn to high heat, use tongs and shake the pan to keep tossing the sprouts.
  5. Do this for 10 minutes, once your sprouts are a golden colour, remove from heat.
  6. Sprinkle  your desired amount of black pepper, crushed garlic or garlic powder and sea salt into a bowl and marinate your brussel sprouts with this mixture.
  7. Place your brussel sprouts back into the hot griddle pan and cover with a lid, or use something to cover them. Stir and shake for another 8 - 10 minutes.
  8. Remove from heat, leave the lid on the pan to stay warm.
Hummus Sriracha Dressing
  1. Mix 2 tbsps of hummus, 1 tsp sea salt, 1 tsp black pepper, 1 minced garlic or 1 tsps garlic powder, 1 tbsp hot sauce, 1 tsp smoked paprika, 2 tsp maple syrup or raw honey, 1 tsp of your choice of vinegar. 
  2. Stir until combined
  3. Pour over your crispy sprouts! Enjoy!
  4. Optional: For a thicker consistency  to dip the sprouts, add 2 tbsp's tahini or hummus. For more zing, add 1/2 the juice of a lemon.

Explore more plant based recipes with these ingredients:
   Paprika      Hummus     BalsamicVinegar

Vegan Black Bean Stew With Carrot Rice

                              Prep time: 60 minutes      Serves: 4

700g Black Beans
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Sea salt
1+1/2 Large onions
2 Garlic Cloves
2 Grated Carrots
2 cups brown rice

Please note: If using canned black beans, please cook on high heat for a 5 minutes and cook on low until sauce is thick.
The crispy Brussel Sprouts side recipe is covered in a hummus sriracha sauce, I will post this recipe separately 

A traditional Angolan recipe Feijoada De Arroz de cenouras has converted many clients to plant based food, it's high protein, heart warming, family gathering food

    Black Bean Stew

  1. Wash and Soak the black beans in salt water overnight with one garlic clove. The water level should be 1 inch above the beans.
  2. Pour any remaining water and black beans into a pot for cooking down and return the water level to slightly above the level of the black beans. 
  3. Remove the garlic clove and place on medium heat with a lid. Simmer for 30 minutes.
  4. Meanwhile chop your onions and garlic cloves and add to the black beans. Your beans should be bubbling nicely.
  5. Optional: Add 4 tbsps of Olive oil and simmer for am additional 15 minutes with lid. (For better flavour)
  6. Start making your rice. (Below)
  7. When 15 minutes have passed, check the consistency of your stew, the water should be creamy and thickened.
  8. Add a small amount of sea salt and if the beans are cooked, turn off the fire. If not turn to the lowest flame and cook for another 10 minutes.
Carrot Rice
  1. Meanwhile grate 2 carrots and heat a saucepan with 2 tbsps of olive oil for your brown rice.
  2. At high heat, add your grated carrot and cook for 5 minutes until your pan becomes and orange colour.
  3. Add your brown rice and stir for another few minutes, until the rice is shiny and mixed well with the carrot. (You must keep stirring otherwise it may burn)
  4. Add salt as required.
  5. Add 5 cups of water and cook on high heat for 8 minutes with a lid.
  6. When 8 minutes have passed turn it down to low to medium heat and check every 15 minutes until all the water has dissolved and the rice grains are cooked.
  7. If the rice is not cooked add more water and wait till it evaporates.
The slower you cook this meal, the better it tastes, use low heat temperatures to cook if your not in a rush

Made with love

Explore more plant based recipes with these ingredients:
  Brown Rice  BalsamicVinegar  BrusselSprouts

My Passion For Good Food

Tuesday, January 12, 2016
It runs in the DNA, I come from a long line of good cooks and hunters. In my father's native country our linage was of the native Carib Indians that lived there before anyone else arrived. I can image in those times, my family would have hunted the same way they do to this very day. My grandfather and great uncles still enjoy hunting for wild meat and still do regular fishing. My grandfather is known in his town for being incredibly intelligent and wise. Both my grandparents are known very well in the community for their cooking probably because of their parents before them. 

Trinidadian Doubles
We used to have big cookouts regularly and it isn't so much about the alcohol but more about the food. We enjoy trying out new things, cooking from different cultures and using all the different aromatic flavours, herbs and spices. This has descended all the way to me, in the UK. Where the traditional food here to say the least, is the total opposite.  

In the UK I wonder how onion, garlic and pepper has become so offensive to people that once couldn't eat a meal without it.

Nevertheless I am proud of my passion and I enjoy cooking and eating good food as a great hobby. I don't eat much anymore purely because I don't have a huge appetite, but when I do eat, the food has to be flavourful and delicious.

Cooking good food is my favourite hobby because of my nurturing instincts. Even when I have no desire to eat, I will still cook for others if I know they won't eat anything else otherwise. I love cooking healthful food and must have at least 2-3 super-foods in each dish, unbeknownst to my guests. I love seeing the excitement on their faces when they try alternative meals and wonder why and how it still tastes so good. People go home and wonder what they've been eating their whole life and the next time I see them they always make slow and gradual changes, its beautiful to see the influence food and natural remedies have over people's lives. It's part of something you do so regularly and daily, so it's important to know and love what your putting on and inside of your body.

The recipes that I share on my website are some of my quick favourites for really busy people like myself, I want something that's quick and tastes good when I get home. Although I am mostly raw vegan, I make cooked food with protein for the men in my family.

I don't want to be cooking or preparing food for more then an hour.

I have found that people who eat meat are the same. It's so easy to pick up 'the fast food processed alternative' of just about anything instead of cooking. The only way to train yourself off of these foods, is to create your own 'just as fast' food alternatives. 

So in thought of regular questions and compliments about my recipes, I wanted to encourage people to do better, to acknowledge the easier way to be little more healthier everyday!

Thanks For Reading!

Declaration Of Rebirth, To Become New

Saturday, January 9, 2016

John 3:3 - Christ answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of G-d.

John 3:3 - Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of G-d, which liveth and abideth for ever.

You must rebirth to become new, mentally, physically and spiritually to be reborn you must discard the old you.

Live in this world, but be not of it

Delilah's Balsamic Cauliflower Steaks

Thursday, January 7, 2016
                               Prep time: 60 minutes      Serves: 3

2 Cauliflower Heads
2 tbsps Turmeric
2 tbsps Paprika
2 tbsps Cayenne
1 tsp Salt
2 Stalks Rosemary
2 Cloves of Smoked Garlic
2 Red onions
4 tbsps Extra virgin olive oil
Balsamic Vinegar
Please note: There are many types of balsamic vinegar, I usually use apple balsamic vinegar or coconut for better nutrition.

Tastes better then steak, surprisingly juicy and easier to chew... 

  1. Once washed, begin with removing the leaves and slicing the cauliflower into thick slices, be sure to keep and only cut through the stalk otherwise it will fall apart.
  2. Pre-heat your oven to 200c, 180c if your oven is fan assisted
  3. Cut 2 small red onions and 2 garlic gloves into medium sizes slices. 
  4. Mix the Turmeric, Paprika, Cayenne, Salt and Rosemary leaves, garlic and onion slices in a bowl with olive oil and stir.
  5. Massage the mixture into the cauliflower slices you prepared.
  6. Optional: Leave to sit for 5/10 minutes or overnight for added taste.
  7. Place into an ovenproof dish and lightly drizzle each floret with balsamic vinegar.
  8. Put in the oven top shelf for 15 minutes
  9. Then turn over and pour any remaining liquid over the steaks while cooking.
  10. Cook for an additional 10 minutes on the other side (for a nice golden colour)

Explore more plant based recipes with these ingredients:
 Paprika     Green Beans   Cauliflower
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