How To Live Within Your Means

Thursday, December 3, 2015

We all have too many things, too many belongings. Way more then we could ever use or need. We hoard things and keep things in case we may need it in the future. We live in a consumerist society. Any material thing you need is easily accessible and always available, at your local shop or shipped to your door. We all behave as though the finite natural resources we have will last forever, much like having good health when you are young. 

The earth's magnetic field is deteriorating, there a gaping holes in the ozone layer, increasing earthquakes and sinkholes, not to mention the global temperature rising, animals are facing extinction at the fastest rate known to man. It would not be far fetched to say, you should know at least some of these things. 
So how can you make a difference?
Start small, do what you can do instead of nothing at all. Here are a few of my tips to start living within your means: 


Keep 2 bins in your house and 2 bins outside. One for recycling and one for non recycling. You'll find that the bin used for recycling will fill up much quicker then the other one, so eventually I used my other one for food waste.

Keep a small sealed food waste bin. Keeping in mind that a lot of your food scraps can either be regrown, composted or eaten by pets which would also be a good way of living within your means. Throw away anything that will decompose inside this bin, you can buy counter top ones if your not going to eat that much.

Reusing Things 

I do this with everything including cosmetic and make up bottles. Sometimes I buy products just for the containers, you'd be surprised at the amount of household items that have reusable packaging even if you don't like the product. Old honey jars or sweet jam jars, lip gloss containers, I favour anything in a glass container, because glass containers preserve things very well. 

Do It Yourself

It's actually better for you to consider making your own cosmetic products or at least buying it from small businesses that do. Traditionally many cultures across the world, made their own cosmetic products and passed the knowledge down to the later generations. Buying toothpaste in tube or shower gel soap in a bottle was unheard of. It's healthier and ecofriendly, to do it yourself.

Giving To The Needy

Face it, we all have way more then we actually need. My simple rule is if I cannot fit all my belongings into the storage I have (with extra space left over), then I have too much. If I don't use something weekly or monthly I don't need it. Apply this rule to all your belongings and give them to people who need them, you'll be surprised how easy they are to replace when you do. You should be able to fit all your precious belongings on your back to carry around with you, any more then that and you have too much. 
I usually give to charity every season, so 4 times a year because of how easy it is nowadays to accumulate things.

 Support Small Businesses/Charity Shops

Buy Reusable Bags

I have always reused plastic bags, but the time has come to buy some quality reusable bags and actually remember to use them for shopping, no more purchasing plastic bags that ruin the environment.

Get On Your Bike

Cycling more, if your only going somewhere local within a 5 mile radius, try cycling. It's fulfilling, it gives your body a good work out and you actually learn more about where you live, scenic routes, different bike paths, small shops etc.

Eat Vegan

Plant based eating is one of the easiest ways to reduce your carbon footprint, the amount of manufacturing that meat has to go through to get to our shops is ridiculous. It's also by far much easier to grow produce then farm animals. If you had to hunt or farm your own food, this would be a much easier decision for you to make.

Grow Your Own Food

Which leads to my last tip. If you have a garden or even just a sunny window seal. Grow your own food, there are really no excuses, change your food with the season and taste the difference between the GMO versions that are sold in the shops. Start with spring onions, celery or leeks, try herbs that grow easily if your unsure where to start check out my article on growing food at home

Ultimately the more self sustainable you are, the lower your carbon footprint. Try to live within your means, for the planets sake and your own.

Thanks For Reading

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