How To Know If You Really Love Yourself

Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Reality is, no one really loves you. Nothing in this physical world will really love you, the way 'you' desire. No material possession can love you. Nothing in this realm can love you more then you should love yourself. Many people believe in the notion of self love, but do they actually practice it? 

The straightforward answer is no and it's self evident. Nothing in existence should come between you and how you feel about yourself. It's really that simple. When you truly love yourself wholeheartedly, you honestly feel like there's no one and nothing better then yourself. There are no valid reasons why you can and should not feel this way. Apart from negative conditioning, i.e. we shouldn't idolise ourselves, we shouldn't admire ourselves and believe in ourselves. Yet if we had more people that honestly loved themselves, there would be less conflict and insecurities among us, to say the least.

When you love yourself more then anything in the world, there are no points to prove, every essence of your being believes in you and your greatness.
Mere words cannot trick you into disconnecting from that love and that feeling within you.

Yet what helped me was placing importance on the notion that no one and nothing is going to be there for me apart from myself. When things are difficult and I am low, unless I speak about it only me. myself and I can be my solution. As time went by it gradually became clearer. I've lived all my life and I'm am here now, I am happy, I am perfectly healthy and I am free to do whatever I please. Me - myself - has got me this far, no one and nothing else. I have my intelligence, my knowledge and my wisdom, my creativity and my beauty. Everything I need is right here within me.

You will search for ages trying to fill that missing space inside you, thinking that it's someone or something. You will walk endless lonely roads that feel like torture listening to the words of others and believing in their actions, instead of controlling your own actions. When you truly love yourself, nothing else matters. Let them talk, let them judge, it doesn't matter. While they focus on you, you focus on yourself, while you focus on yourself they focus on you. The system will not love you before you love yourself, ultimately nothing will before you do.

Positive Affirmations 

When your feeling down say kind words to yourself, I love myself, I am amazing, I am the best, I don't know anyone who's as special as me. Remember you do not need to enforce these ideologies on other people. When you truly believe these things your actions, words and energy will speak for you.

Start A Journal

You can fill it with anything, how you feel at the time, what you accomplished in that day, what your goals are, what your weaknesses are, lists repeated of affirmations, drawings. Whatever it is, it has to be a depiction of how your feeling at the time. When you record something on paper, it brings it from the spiritual realm into the physical realm. It affirms your thoughts or feelings at the time, your goals or your affirmations because you have transferred it from your subconscious to your conscious memory. You have instructed yourself to bring it into physical existence, you have created it and it is going to remind you what you we're doing at that present time, bringing your mental and spiritual thoughts into physical existence. 
Using your mind, body & soul or 'your trinity'.
Your journal becomes a story of you, that only you can decipher and understand. It shows you your strengths and weaknesses and it makes you more conscious of yourself, to learn yourself better. 

Put Yourself First

Ask yourself what you would like to do and respond to the first thought that comes to mind. If you find yourself forcing things ask yourself why, ask yourself what you would rather be doing and prioritize things from there. Remember the journey to true self love is about balance. 
It's about putting yourself first and making sure that the spirit within you is happy, you can only be at full potential when you really love yourself because you are an asset to others not a liability.
Now is not the time for insecurities, you must overcome your weaknesses. All those little thoughts inside you, those little complaints you have about yourself, things that have happened in life, how you have been treated by others, totally disregard it. 
If it is not valuable or important to your life, it has to go.
Be aware that it shows, when you don't love yourself. Your inner peace is easily disrupted by the words or actions of other people. You pre-judge and disrespect others, you are easily made jealous or envious of others. 

Ultimately when you love yourself, there is absolutely, nothing any living thing can say or do to you that will disrupt your inner peace. You may slip up sometimes, but this is the ultimate goal, since no one is worth making you feel any less then being the best version of yourself.

Thanks for reading 

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