Percieving Awareness

Monday, August 31, 2015
Definition: Awareness

  1. Knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.
  2. A well-informed interest in a particular situation or development.
Einstein said, until you can explain something in simple terms you do not truly understand that particular thing yet. Are you aware that you're not aware?

When I think of awareness I think of the smell of bread. I don't normally eat bread, but I would cook bread with the oven door open just to smell the sweetness in the air. I would cook bread to enjoy the sweet smell alone. I am cooking the bread because of how good the smell makes me feel and the good feelings associated with that smell. I have noticed my brain is like a computer and I can record and recall all my feelings and experiences in the physical world.

All my life I have taken awareness for granted. I have strolled through experiences using nothing more then my morals guided by emotions. So many situations became repetitive in nature. Something happens I over react, I lash out and become defensive trying to make the another person see the light. It never works and when it does, I end up being the one apologising because of the harshness of my actions. When all the while I was just trying to teach someone something, they didn't know or see.

When you apply awareness to your daily life you start to view the world around you more objectively. We tend to allow ourselves to be governed by our emotions and ego. We allow these chemical reactions to effect our better judgement and in worst case allow certain scenarios to send us into turmoil. It is important to know that your knowledge or perception of something is simply that, nothing more. There are no bad and good experiences, no perfect scenario or idealistic life exists. There is just the way that everything makes you feel and how you decide to act upon those feelings.

The importance of being aware of everything that you do is priceless.

It starts with things as simple as taking a shower and putting your clothes on. You turn the taps on and observe the water gushing out of the shower head. You take time to feel the sensations of the water on your skin, enjoy how that makes you feel. You can see the reflection of yourself in each droplet, you are aware, you are in that very moment. When you step out to get dressed, instead of throwing on anything you can find, you look in the wardrobe and think. How do I feel, what will I do today and what will be comfortable. You dress accordingly and feel the different textures and fabrics against your skin as you put the clothes on. You consciously dressed yourself.

Since becoming more aware of my surroundings I wonder how I ever used to concentrate properly on anything before. When you are not aware of what your doing, you hurt others. You mislead them and generally do not serve them well. You are not learning anything from your own actions and the way your emotions make you feel. So you are teaching people to do the same whether you believe so or not.

Awareness increases your brains intelligence. I am a strong believer that you use more of your cerebral capacity doing something like walking meditation. Being in the moment as much as you can, you are learning from each moment automatically. Just as you did as a child when your brain was much like a sponge. I myself know that awareness itself is just the initial stages of reaching a higher sense of being. This is because you become more of who you are, instead of what everything someone else wants you to be.

Meditate to be more objective,
Meditate to be more aware.

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