Wheatgrass - The Nutritionally Complete Superfood

Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Wheatgrass is another superfood taking the world by storm. It grows throughout Europe and the US. It's even possible to grow your own wheatgrass indoors. Wheatgrass is the young grass of the wheat plant, Triticum aestivum. Wheatgrass powder is a natural product and it is produced and extracted by dehydrating the wheatgrass juice. Wheatgrass leaves also can be, dried and made into tablets or capsules. Wheatgrass can also be used with colonic irrigation to cleanse the digestive system. Wheatgrass is an effective healer.

The discoveries in the 1930s by US chemist Charles Schnabel dubbed 'Mr. Wheatgrass', have inspired a body of scientific research into wheatgrass that continues to this day. Health claims for wheatgrass have existed since the 1940’s, with this bright green liquid ‘shot’ drink being recommended to stabilise blood sugars, boost red blood cell production, improve circulation and prevent inflammation. But the proof is in the pudding.


There are numerous wheatgrass powder benefits known to man. Nutritionists love this supplement because it is packed with healthy and nutritional compounds that are known to be of high value. Cosmetologists praise the supplement for its ability to enhance the skin’s beauty and slowing down its ageing process through internal cleansing and detoxification.

Wheatgrass is a complete food source. It has just about all the nutrients necessary for your body. Wheatgrass is a powerful nutritionally complete food. It is a potent supplement to help achieve a healthier lifestyle and helps to achieve your goals toward better health and flawless skin and hair.

Wheatgrass contains:
  1. Vitamin A 
  2. Vitamin B1 
  3. Vitamin B2 
  4. Vitamin B3 
  5. Vitamin B5 
  6. Vitamin B6 
  7. Vitamin B12 
  8. Vitamin C 
  9. Vitamin E 
  10. Vitamin K 
  11. Biotin 
  12. Carbates 
  13. Choline 
  14. Folic Acid 
  15. Niacin 
  16. Pantothenic Acid 
  17. Pyroxidine 
  18. Riboflavin 
  19. Thiamine 
    Minerals in Wheatgrass Include: 
    1. Calcium 
    2. Cobalt 
    3. Copper 
    4. Iodine 
    5. Iron 
    6. Magnesium 
    7. Manganese 
    8. Phosphorus 
    9. Potassium 
    10. Selenium 
    11. Sodium 
    12. Sulfur 
    13. Zinc 
    14. And over 70 other trace minerals 
      Amino Acids in Wheatgrass Include: 
      1. Alanine 
      2. Amide 
      3. Arginine 
      4. Aspartic Acid 
      5. Cystine 8 
      6. Glutamic Acid 
      7. Glycine 
      8. Histidine 
      9. Isoleucine 
      10. Leucine 
      11. Lysine 
      12. Methionine 
      13. Phenylalanine 
      14. Proline 
      15. Purines 
      16. Senne 
      17. Threonine 
      18. Tryptophan 
      19. Tyrosine 
      20. Valine 
      Antioxidants, Enzymes & Protection from Free Radical Damage

      Wheat grass greatly benefits as a powerful antioxidant, there are large amounts of beta-carotene in Wheatgrass which protect the cells from the damages of free radicals.

      Wheatgrass can assist in healing and prevents: 
      • Heart disease 
      • Diabetes 
      • Cancer 
      • Muscular degeneration 
      • Bowel inflammation 
      • Becoming susceptible to colds and flu 
      Antioxidants help strengthen the body’s immune system as well as improving overall health and well being. They also help reduce the risks of diseases.

      Wheatgrass contains about 30 beneficial enzymes. Enzymes improve overall healthy functions of your body. Most enzymes are destroyed when we cook our food. Wheatgrass is uncooked so almost all of its enzymes are retained.

      Benefits of Powerful Antioxidants & Enzymes Include: 
      • Blood purification and elimination of toxins 
      • Help with acne and other skin problems 
      • Improve the skin and collagen tissue 
      • Promote healthy gums 
      • Improve memory 
      • Reduce allergies by controlling the release of histamine 
      • Maintain health of the arteries and help lower fatty deposits 
      • Help reduce varicose veins 
      • Protect the cells on joints from Arthritis and Rheumatism 
      • Reduce and eliminate fatigue 
      • Restore fertility 
      • Help with the health and proper functions of reproductive system 
      • Promote youthful health 
      • They improve digestion 
      • They purify blood 
      • They help with utilizing body fat for increased energy 
      • They help combat colon problems 

        More Benefits of Wheatgrass Powder
        • Chlorophyll is an antibacterial that can be used inside and outside the body as a natural healer. Wheatgrass is superior because it has been found to have over 100 elements needed by man. If grown in organic soil, it absorbs 92 of the known 115 minerals from the soil. 
        • Wheatgrass juice cures acne and even help to remove scars after it has been ingested for seven to eight months. 
        • 1 ounce of juice equals 2 pounds of produce nutritionally, a large tbsp wheat grass is equivalent to a small bowl of green veg.
        • Wheatgrass is gluten-free because it’s cut before the grain forms. 
        "Doctors R. Redpath and J. C. Davis found chlorophyll packs inserted into the sinuses had a drying effect, clearing up congestion, and giving immediate relief. Congested head colds were cleared up within 24 hours."
        Wheatgrass Health Treatments:
        • Wheatgrass is used for blood sugar disorders, such as diabetes; preventing tooth decay; tight and healthy gums, improving wound healing; and preventing bacterial infections.
        • Removes deposits of drugs, heavy metals, and cancer-causing agents from the body; and for removing toxins from the liver and blood.
        • Prevents gray hair, reducing high blood pressure, improving digestion, and lowering cholesterol by blocking its absorption.
        • Used to treat various disorders of the urinary tract, including infection of the bladder, urethra, and prostate; benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH);kidney stones.
        • Used for treatment of the respiratory tract;common cold, cough, bronchitis, fever, and sore throat; tendency toward infection; gout; liver disorders; ulcerative colitis; joint pain; and chronic skin problems.
        • Used for cancer and arthritis in alternative treatment programs. 
        • Known to cleanse the colon and restore alkalinity balancing the body’s PH
        • Lowers Blood Pressure - It also dilates the blood pathways and reduces blood pressure.
        • Detoxifies liver cleanses and colon by removing toxins from your body.
        • Relief from Pain and Inflammation from common body aches.
        • Stimulation of Thyroid Glands and speeds up Metabolism
        • Stronger immune system
        • Varicose Veins is greatly reduced with the intake of this supplement.
        • It is claimed that you get a brighter white of the eyes when you consume wheatgrass supplements regularly.
        It also effectively fights against blood or digestion related problems such as: 
        • Obesity 
        • Thalassemia 
        • Leukaemia 
        • Anaemia 
        • Acidity 
        • Constipation 
        • Diarrhoea 
        • Piles 
        • Ulcers 
        • Complaints pertaining to gastrointestinal tract 
        • Slows Down Ageing Process 
        • An abundant source of vitamins and iron essential for blood’s building blocks. 
        • It rejuvenates the cells, helps with weight loss, gives you energy and increases your vigour and vitality, thus slowing down the ageing process. 


          Wheatgrass functions as an internal rejuvenating mechanism causing and enhancing an outward glow, and the beauty the body will naturally emit is the result of wheatgrass being taken regularly.

          Probably the most hailed benefit of all is the ability of wheatgrass to cut back a few years from your looks. Its ability to recharge dying cells and darken graying hair while having a youthful effect on your skin by firming it cannot be more emphasized.

          Beauty results were seen in people who consume wheatgrass powder supplements:
          • Resolves and Treats Skin Problems 
          • Helps with the youthful glow of your skin and its elasticity. 
          • Applying a paste of wheatgrass powder with water on a pad can treat acne and freckles. 
          • Sunburns 
          • Minor cuts 
          • Scrapes 
          • Burns 
          • Rashes 
          • Athlete's foot 
          • Boils 
          • Insect bites 
          • Acne - The detoxification process of wheatgrass is said to reduce break outs of acne and thus promote healthy skin. 
          • Reduces Gray Hair & Repairs Damages  
          • Wheatgrass helps repair damaged hair and it can help turn gray hair back to its natural colour. 
          • Dandruff & Scalp Treatment

          Join the Health Revolution, try our superpowered, Premium quality organic Wheatgrass & Barleygrass Superfood Supplements for Optimum Health, Higher Energy Levels, Natural Anti-ageing properties your 5-A-Day and more! 

          Terms & Conditions Apply
          • DISCLAIMER* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

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