Negativity vs Positivity

Wednesday, June 24, 2015
The times we live in at the moment bring out, our somewhat 'ungracious' nature. Most of us get so caught up in our emotions and the pressures of society that we don't even realise we're being arse's, to other people. Speaking from experience, there has been negativity literally leaking into the air. Not being mindful of your thoughts now, could be catastrophic to your future and I'm adamant to learn from all that I see around me.

You cannot seek to control someone for your own gain, by changing them. (Even if they're wrong) You cannot seek to stop a situation from happening to you, it has to happen because it's supposed to be. Fighting these things lead to misery, you can only do the best you can for yourself, constructing your own environment. Changing only the variables that you have control over, strictly for yourself. This may seem straightforward. But if it was, you wouldn't be reading this...

For months now I have been picking up litter on my daily meditation walk, when the litter started to get out of hand I was vexed, the beach was covered in rubbish and the greenery too. I was appalled and disgusted because I can imagine the state of our living planet and that we are all living outside of our means. Months passed and I have just accepted this, I no longer complain or moan I just pick it up and keep walking. I truly understood that I can sit around all day and complain to neighbors about the terrible mess everywhere, or I can settle my mental unrest and do something which makes me feel a little better about it. Months later I find it funny the kind of things you find stuck on a bush, or just lodged into the sandy beaches. I turned my anger and frustration into something I get a sense of satisfaction from.
I cannot stop people from littering but sometimes, I can do my part.

The Key To Real Positivity Is Appreciation

It's finding beauty in the little things, it's being thankful for the things you've just acquired or never had and stretching out that feeling for as long as possible. All the beautiful moments you can create and the loving memories you have with family and friends. It's about all the strangers who smile and wish you well (and for me it's all the freebies I get along the way, I love a good deal!), its about feeling the sensation of the sunshine on your skin and listening to the silence of just the soothing rain pouring down your window. (instead of complaining about the weather)

The earth herself to me is so beautiful, everything that comes out of her grows massive, bright and strong. I admire the planet I live on, not the man-made nations that deplete her. I do not care for the plastic goods we manufacture to impress others or the paper money we use to define our happiness. That's not my world, but it is the world I live in. So I accept that as a value, as nothing more emotionally, than what it actually is. 
My happiness comes from my world and how I choose to make it. 
I love everything in moderation. I don't see my parents every single weekend, but rather as much as I can tolerate them. I speak to friends every few weeks, or less just not everyday messaging them because that's not catching up. That's living in someone Else's pocket. Your real friends and family love you for who you are, there should be no expectations of you. I work for myself because working for other people doesn't make me enjoy getting out of bed. I buy organic food because it makes me feel better about not eating junk, I get taxi's when I can't be bothered to cycle and although I can afford a car, I don't feel like cleaning it regularly and paying for parking everywhere, it's not eco-friendly and so on. These are small things, that are simply what I want and what makes me happy. So collectively, I'm always content.

Some people wonder how I can be so optimistic about nothing, so happy about such little things. Yes, people laugh at the fact that money doesn't make my eyes light up and wonder why on earth I'd rather make handmade gifts then buy the exact same thing from the shops. To me it seems we're losing the sense of the things, that are invisible, like love. Love cannot be seen by the naked eye. But love can be felt and love can be enjoyed every minute of the day, joy can be bought temporarily but authentic love is everlasting. It never runs out, unlike the material pressures society convinces us to buy into.

How To Face Negative Situations

If you find yourself doing something or somewhere with people who are in any way negative to you. Simple words to you, you have let yourself down. Now you have a decision, to transmute(change) the negative around you, or accept it for what it is. By allowing that negative to bother you, or suck your energy in any way, is again letting yourself down. 

These things are difficult to do, but should a negative situation or thought arise, it is your own responsibility to change it. Whether it be to leave the situation to go somewhere you'd rather be. Or to accept it at face value for what it is, it is not your negativity, it does not belong to you or have any association with you. But it is there, in front of you, or being directed to you. So knowing it is not yours. Take a deep breathe. Understand this and know that you, just being you, transcends everything around you. All of space and time , nothing can define you, you are incredible, you are a walking miracle, capable of just as much as the universe is. That's just about anything! So don't limit yourself to negative thoughts or people. Your happiness is yours, so take responsibility for it and make happiness and neutrality a habit that changes your life for the better.

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