Growing Food At Home

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Since spring started I've been thinking a lot about growing my own herb garden out of old jars and even old boots, but somehow summer is fast approaching and I still haven't brought myself to buying the right seeds and soil etc. One day I was preparing one of my favourite vegan dishes, when it dawned on me that a lot of the vegetables I'm eating can simply be regrown from the leftover roots and vegetable cuttings.

Now I'm no expert at growing my own food, but I know, that the UK climate is a bit on the cold and cloudy side. So it's not necessarily the right temperature to grow my favourite foods outside, plus its not convenient for me in an apartment. So why not try it indoors?

Being a tree hugger living in London. I appreciate having 10 Aloe's around the house along with other indoor plants, that provide a fresh smell and detoxify the polluted air. So in my head I'm imagining having a row of romaine lettuce's, spring onions and celery's at home to graise away, to my hearts content. But I'm sure yet if that's even realistic.

01/06/2015 - After 2 days - All the bright green leaves and shoots are brand new.

Tesco's Organic Romaine Lettuce 

 Tesco's Organic Celery

Tesco's Organic White Onions

Tesco's Organic Leek

Tesco's Organic Spring Onion 

I'm so impressed with my findings. I went to my local supermarket and bought my usual groceries. I usually eat about 2 heads of lettuce in a few days, so I prepared this, and put the roots in some glass almond butter jars I had collected.(Making sure to leave some green bits above the root - which has more chlorophyll encouraging quicker growth) and added some bottled water. Throughout the week I planted the roots of my spring onions, normal bulb onions, romaine lettuce, celery and leek. The results after just 2 weeks are mind blowing, it takes minimum effort and just imagine the yield if I took care of this all year round!

08/06/2015 - After 1 week

Romaine Lettuce

White Onion Bulb

16/06/2015 - After 2 weeks 

My 2 Celery's (I'm all sentimental now)

My 2 Spring Onions & 2 Onion Bulbs


Romaine Lettuce

After seeing this it made me wonder, if more and more of us collectively plant our vegetable roots and seeds every spring/summer or even throughout the year indoors, would we have to buy vegetables so regularly from the grocery stores? Would eating vegetables become as simple as cutting it from the flourishing batch in your own home? Not to mention it takes little maintenance, spring/summertime to say the least, it makes getting your 5 a day so much easier. To me the benefits are endless, so i'm going to be keeping a documented record of mine throughout the year! To show that you can grow food in your apartment, even your bedroom, it's our frame of mind that stops us from getting the satisfaction from the little things in life, that are completely free! Just the way nature intended..

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