Barley Grass - The Ultimate Fast Food

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Barley grass refers to the young green shoots which crop up on the Barley plant. It is amongst the earliest grown sweet grass in the world and traces of its history date before 5000 BC. Popular amongst the ancient Greeks, apart from being used as livestock feed, recently barley grass has been gaining a lot of popularity around the globe for its ability to cure many diseases. The true beauty of barley is found in the leaves; the green shoots that form before the grain. 

The young leaves have a tremendous ability to absorb nutrients from the soil. When barley leaves are 12-14 inches high, they contain all the vitamins, minerals, and proteins necessary for the human diet, plus chlorophyll. These necessities are easily assimilated throughout the digestive tract, giving our bodies instant access to vital nutrients.

Why Barley Grass?

The amount of nutrients in barley grass is extremely high. For example, it has seven times more vitamin C than a single orange. 
Barley Nutrition Benefits
FoodsServing SizeBarley Grass Has
Cow's Milk8 ounces30 times more vitamin B1
Cow's Milk8 ounces11 times more calcium
Spinach1 cup5 times more iron
Orange1 medium orange7 times more vitamin C
Whole Wheat Flour2 slices4 times more vitamin B1
Herbalists, nutritionists, and physicians are recommending barley grass for all sorts of ailments such as arthritis, migraines, asthma, fatigue, and digestive issues. Barley grass sustains cholesterol levels and is a great diet supplement for losing weight. 
"A daily intake of barley glass lessens the work your body has to do to reap the nutrient rewards"
Barley Grass, is about 45 percent protein. Because it's not animal protein, it isn't full of the fat our bodies don't need. As a powerful antioxidant, it helps to fight the causes of aging. Barley grass keeps our digestive systems free of toxins with the chlorophyll it contains. While all of these nutrients can be found in green vegetables, to achieve the levels of your body requires would mean eating a lot of spinach, kale, green beans and peppers. In powder form, by 3 capsules of barley glass with water or juice, you'll have all the green vegetable nutrients from one dose.

Nutritional Value of Barley Grass

  • Vitamin A 
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine)
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) Vitamin B3 (niacin)
  • Vitamin B6, folate
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 
  • Vitamin E (alpha- tocopherol)
  • Vitamin K (phylloquinone)

It contains an abundance of minerals such as:
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorous
  • Potassium 
  • Zinc
  • Iron 
  • Calcium
"Barley grass is also a rich provider of powerful antioxidants and essential amino acids and beneficial enzymes. Barley grass supplies valuable fiber to the body and does not offer any harmful cholesterol."


Barley grass is believed to contain up to 1,000 of them. Enzymes are necessary regulators of the body, without them our cells could not function and we would perish. Barley grass has one of the highest natural levels of enzyme SOD (superoxide dismutase), which is a powerful antioxidant that protects the cells against toxic free radicals, the primary culprit in aging. Barley grass also contains, “chlorophyll “(liquid oxygenated sunshine), a natural detoxifier that rids the intestines of stored toxins.

Health Benefits of Barley Grass

Barley grass can be consumed as a juice extracted from the cereal grass sprouts or in the form of green powder. It brings relief in a range of health conditions:

Antioxidant Power: Barley grass is an impressive antioxidant. Along with vitamin E and beta carotene, barley grass is the most potent supplier of healthy and critical enzymes which helps neutralize the effects of toxins which are produced during metabolism.

Ulcerative Colitis (Produces Gut Friendly Bacteria): Barley grass is valuable in treating ulcerative colitis, as it increases gut friendly bacteria. It helps in alleviating the inflammation and other associated symptoms. Barley grass also assists in balancing the fluidity in the bowel.

Detoxification: Barley grass is a wonderful natural detoxifier. The cleansing ability of barley grass is even effective in eliminating harmful heavy metals including lead which may cause behavior and learning disorders particularly in kids. The major contributors behind the act of detoxification are trace elements zinc, selenium and copper. Furthermore, abundance of chlorophyll and beta carotene in barley grass stimulates the removal of mucus and and toxins. It also supports the metabolic processes and aids in strengthening and detoxification of liver.

Immune System: Barley grass supports in boosting the immune defense mechanism of the body. Regular consumption of barley grass provides the required nutrition which is necessary for balancing the optimal production of immune cells in the body. Preventing the development of fatal diseases.

Cancer: Barley grass is effective against cancer. It's enzymes are preventive as well as curing reaction against the cancer cells.
Protection from Radiation and Cellular Damage: Another beneficial effect of barley grass is its protective act against the cell destructing effects of UV radiation. It helps prevent as well as extends therapeutic relief on the existing damaged cell due to it's powerful enzymes. Regular consumption of barley grass aids in reducing the radiation stress in the people who are more prone to such exposure such as population in urban and large cites.

It also acts defensively against the effects of radiation and renews the cells damaged by radioactivity. 

Fights Addiction: As a remedy for fighting various kinds of addictions. The presence of glutamic acid in barley grass inhibits the craving for harmful materials such as alcohol, coffee, nicotine, drugs and even sugary sweets.

Acid-Alkali Balance: Barley grass contributes in establishing the acid alkali balance of the body attributing to its super alkaline nature. It is a natural alkaline source which helps in reducing the excess acidity in the body which may cause acidosis damage. Imbalance of acid-alkali in the body may lead to problems like sleep disorders, cardiac pains, fatigue, constipation and fragile fingernails. Having an acidic body generally leads to all ailments and illnesses.

Rejuvenating Effects: Barley grass is a natural way to stimulate the regeneration of cells without any side effects. Vital components such as chlorophyll, vitamin B, iron and phcocyanin, a blue pigment in barley grass which helps bone marrow and supports in the creation of white and red blood cells. Barley grass also helps prevent the signs of aging by rejuvenating the aging cells to maintain healthy and youthful skin. The useful enzymes present in barley grass improve the quality of blood, regulates digestion and works as a rejuvenator tonic for the entire body.

Studies Using Barley Grass

In an experiment at George Washington University, leukemic cancer cells exposed to dehydrated barley grass extract. Killed virtually all of the cancer cells. This encouraged, the researchers then subjected brain cancer cells to the extract. It eradicated 30 to 50 percent of these cells. In a third trial, the extract inhibited the growth of three types of prostate cancer cells by 90 to 100 percent. 

In Japan, where barley grass extract is popular, there is evidence that it helps the body heal from many illnesses. In one informal study, a Japanese dermatologist observed a group of 7.5 patients with skin diseases ranging from melanosis (darkening of the skin) to eczema. 
"The patients who took barley grass extract healed faster than did those who did not. They also noticed improvements in appetite and bowel regularity."

Barley Grass: Side Effects

Although barley grass is generally safe, however some individuals might react sensitively to the barley grain with symptoms including vomiting, itching, burning sensation in the throat and mouth. These are signs of gluten intolerance. Although discuss with a medical expert to better understand the reactivity.

WheatGrass and BarleyGrass Supplements

Young cereal grasses, especially wheat and barley grass are distinguished by their brilliant emerald green hues. Before World War II, tablets of dried wheat or barley grass where used as a vitamin supplement. Today, young wheat and barley grasses are dried and powdered to make dietary supplements, or picked fresh to process in juicing machines.At the early grass stage of their growth, wheat and barley are closer to vegetables than grains in composition. Wheat grass is an excellent addition to your diet.There is very little nutritional difference between wheat grass and barley grass, although it is important to note that barley grass acts as a free radical scavenger that also reduces inflammation and pain, and wheat grass contains P4D1, a "gluco-protein" that acts like an antioxidant, reducing inflammation. It is also thought to be able to help the body attack cancer cells.

Overall Barley grass is a ‘wonder tonic’ which protects the cellular DNA from destruction, improves body’s ability to deal with stress and keeps the cholesterol in control. It also encourages agility along with physical and mental fitness. Barley grass is a blood builder and helps purify the blood. Vitamin E in barley grass contributes in regulating the hormonal balance and vitamin K plays a key role in maintaining normal bone metabolism of the body. The mighty enzymes and other useful components in barley grass works against lack of concentration and learning disorders. Include barley grass in your diet to experience an overall strengthening and invigorating effects on the entire body.
Read my article on the health benefits of Wheat Grass here
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DISCLAIMER* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product. 

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