How To Deal With Bullying

Monday, April 27, 2015

Being bullied is yet still, a taboo subject. Most people don't want to admit that they've ever been bullied or been a bully. Yet there are so many forms of bullying, now it's becoming more and more common. Over 14% of school students in the USA have considered suicide due to bullying. Even worse in the UK 50% of students are bullied and over 30% are bullied at school weekly. Worldwide, people suffer domestic violence and some are targeted because of race or religion. This is the elite's game of divide and conquer. Still no matter how widely accepted, it is becoming. Bullying is wrong, it only reveals the weakness and sorrow inside of the perpetrator.

After observation of bullying in different scenarios, they all have similar patterns, fear based tactics that stem from the same type of characteristics in people. So whether you've been bullied at work, college or online it's not right, it doesn't matter how many validate it or try to make it OK. 


This is the most convincing effect bullies like to have over you. Trying to make you feel lonely or left out, starting to give you the idea that the world is against you, even though you know that's not true. I have seen the worst of persistent bullying, but never had the kind of heart to behave like that myself.

In school I was quite popular, I got along with everyone and never had any fights or enemies. Just those jealous whispers here or there, but I was raised not to take criticism too seriously. Especially if the accusers don't have the balls to say anything to your face! 
I would be lying, if I told you I've never been bullied before because I have. 
I'm coming from a stage in my life, where I can acknowledge all the good and bad, I can embrace that it all made me who I am and if your reading this, I would want the same for you too.

Being treated like an outcast feels horrible. When I was bullied, I began to feel consumed with hatred. I became heavy hearted and although this anger drove me to my best accomplishments. I was still unhappy because I allowed their darkness to consume me. Now it was mine and somehow I had to deal with it. I have learnt that it is easy, for anyone to become a target. Sometimes you bring it on yourself directly, sometimes indirectly. What you need to know is that these are tests, that you have attracted to yourself for a reason. Yes, I'm saying you have to blame yourself as well! 
As innocent as you feel you are, the universe doesn't present something to you, that you can't deal with. These are all lessons that you needed to guide you through life, something to learn from, not to carry as extra weight throughout your life.


"Loving Yourself Is A Form Of Self-Respect"

The answer is you need to love yourself more. Love yourself more, then to let their issues get to you. These people are reflections of you, almost like your inner weaknesses that you are capable of being like. These people are sent to teach you something to conquer, it might be patience with that annoying boss, you need the money, but not the heartache. It could be learning self defence against those annoying bullies at school or learning to turn the other cheek. 
Block the negative out and look at what is to gain from every experience. 
Everything is sent to you as a lesson and this is why some people get bullied more then others, because ultimately they don't do the right thing for themselves. You should love yourself enough to know that your worth more, then hanging around with trashy people, or horrid people that simply drain your energy all the time. Don't hang out with people you don't like because of peer pressure. Fight for yourself because no one else will. Never let anyone make you feel like your any less then them, because that's never true.
Meditate more and quiet your mind for a minimum of 10 minutes a day. 

Then ask yourself questions like; What should I do to fix this situation? What should I do to help myself? What advice would I give to someone in my shoes? No matter what, always ask yourself, even if you have to everyday. Remember, look at negative experiences as an opportunity for growth, you have the keys to let yourself out. No one else can know how you feel, better then yourself. So believe in your own inner wisdom, then thank yourself later for it.

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