Happiness - The Placebo Effect

Friday, April 17, 2015
Sometimes it can seem like the whole world is shattering around you. Sometimes you look around and see everything falling apart. We humans from nature's perspective resemble parasites at the moment. Polluting the earth, continuous conflict, war ,famine and poverty, family issues, general lawlessness and the media de-sensitising the nation. All these things and your own life experiences; can seem overwhelming after awhile. As the years go by we start to forget who we are, and what we're here for. You start feeling like an ID number instead of a person; after the rebellious teenage years, the rose tinted specs come off and you notice the empty vessels people live in.

Has it dawned on you, that every 5 years politicians tell the same lies every manifesto, government invest all our 'tax paying money' in the wrong places. With no incredible shift of perspective, no real changes are being made at all. Every year technology gives us a new way, to get things done efficiently. Will we ever truly consider how this is affecting mental and physical health? Do we even consider our mental health, amongst all the distractions of life?

I could quote you some illegitimate statistics on global depression. Quoting where depression is most common globally. I could tell you that depression is mostly found amongst women rather then men. 
"But if your reading this, then it's fair to say you know there's something missing, you know somethings not right and your searching for something but you can't put your finger on what it is."
Through research and life experiences I have started piecing the puzzle of life together and many other people are waking up to this reality. Society is not going to uplift you or add any real betterment to your life, unless you win the lottery tomorrow, then maybe. We could focus on the things we don't like everyday, the mistakes we've made, the system being flawed but that has nothing to do with you. What you are missing is yourself.


'a beneficial effect produced by a placebo drug or treatment, which cannot be attributed to the properties of the placebo itself, and must therefore be due to the patient's belief in that treatment.'
In other words, be kind to your mind. If you have faith that something is going to work for you. Your belief in that particular thing can have a beneficial effect on your life. So I ask you, to change your perspective. Everyday you wake up is a new day. There are no two days of your life that are ever the same. You are never the person that you we're yesterday, even if it feels like that, same sh*t different day saga. When you start to acknowledge something for a brief moment everyday, you actually begin to believe it. 


What do you do every morning when you wake up? 
It could be having your morning coffee or watching the sunrise? Taking your medication?(it has to be something that's not distracting). 


Take 3 minutes to imagine your taking an imaginary dose of happiness, it could be sipping your coffee of joy, or taking a deep breath of clarity. 

What you're trying to do is quiet your mind and acknowledge what your doing, being thankful for a new day. 

Last night the moon cleared away the stagnant energy of yesterday and the sun has risen on a fresh day to start brand new. Throw away negative thoughts and do not acknowledge anything that does not serve you well. You are the creator of your life, be thankful for the air you breathe and the health and happiness you have. You are alive another day! The woes of yesterday do not matter, the past is not who you are now, the universe has granted you a completely new day to be whoever you choose to be. So don't allow yourself to be de-moralised by your surroundings. You do not have to be religious to be thankful to higher forces.

When your inner world comes into order, your outer world will follow.
Nobody knows what the future holds, but just because you've got to follow your normal routine to work or school, doesn't mean you can't encourage amazing opportunities for yourself along the way. Love yourself enough to know that you are powerful and can attract what you want towards you. Be proud of yourself no matter what anyone has to say or do. 

You are uniquely you! Nothing will ever be as authentic as the soul that lives within you. 

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