Excessive Sweating

Thursday, April 16, 2015
The bible tells us that cleanliness is next to godliness, another fact is that 1 in 10 people suffer from hyperhidrosis(excessive sweating) in the UK and slightly less in the USA. Hyperhidrosis goes beyond the bodies physical need to sweat, so you may sweat heavily for no reason. Some people sweat all over their body & some only sweat from the feet, palms or underarms. Whether you sweat excessively or you don't, sweating can be quite embarrassing and unhygienic.

I have spoken to people who cannot even wear certain clothes and forbid themselves to wear socks. What's important to remember is that sweating is a completely natural bodily process of removing toxins and cooling down your core temperature, but if you suffer from hyperhidrosis the amount you sweat can be effected by several different variables. What I worry about is the extreme measures people are willing to go through, to stop sweating full stop. The health regulating authorities offer frightening and extremely harmful treatments and do not take into consideration your overall health. 

  • Aluminum chloride hexahydrate (lethal deodorant)
  • Iontophoresis (using electricity to close your pores)
  • Microwave destruction (using radiation melt your sweat glands) 
  • Surgery (inc botox) 

    All of which damage your nerve endings, how are these even remedies!?


    From a holistic health perspective sweating shows that your body is working hard to remove excessive toxins from your consumption. The amount of sweat can be effected by many variables such as genetics, hormone imbalances, puberty, anxiety disorders and overall toxicity levels. If you haven't detoxed in the past year, DO IT NOW! Also if you are overweight and/or eat an unbalanced diet these are almost always direct causes of this issue. 

    Stress and anxiety can also be linked to excessive sweating so it is always best to try to relax more and take up meditation to clear your mind. Puberty and Hormonal imbalances or an overactive thyroid gland, go hand in hand depending on your age. Either way regularly detoxing and trying to eat a balanced diet is important, less meat and more fruit/veg(natural foods) instead of sugary snacks. Adequate hydration is important to, drink lots of water! Overall always remember sweating is a completely natural and efficient way of cooling your body and getting rid of toxins, so when your exercising or out on a hot day don't beat yourself up about sweat patches.

    Shower regularly and change your clothes if necessary. Excessive sweating is a sign to make lifestyle changes immediately, so trust mother nature and cut out the pharmaceutical money making corporations.


    Take Maca root, Ginseng, Herbs, More Alkaline foods
    Body Detox(every 3 months), apple cider vinegar, Wheatgrass,  More fruit/veg(alkaline foods)
    Body Detox(every 3 months), More fruit/veg(alkaline foods)
    Meditation, take up a new hobby, sleep more, take a break (+all of the above)

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