Colourism VS Racism

Tuesday, April 28, 2015
I coined the term coloursim after I realised that the word racism by definition is impossible. It's like saying you hate your own face. 

We are all one race, we are the human race and collectively we are humanity. 
There is no different race of humans.

Yes we are all different colours and shades. Yes we live amongst each other as families in communities, where we all share knowledge/skills in exchange for money and commodities. Without all of us working in collaboration, society would be non existent. In our history we appreciated this more then we do now, up till a few hundred years ago when we started classing each other as colours.


I was born and raised in London. My parents and great grandparents we're migrants from the Caribbean. My great great grandparents we're immigrants of the Caribbean as well. London has been a very multi-cultural place to live for the past 21 years of my life. The British have their good days and bad days, but for the most part, are incredibly curious and accepting of different nationalities. In many cases adopting many worldwide cultural tendencies like eating habits for example. Which I find very open minded. It is honouring to be able to point out how beautiful another persons culture is, so much so that you consider it for yourself.


Up till the 1800's we would distinguish each other by nationality. Which came with different family names (crests) English=Windsor, Trinidadian= Rampersad, Spanish= Morales. These nationalities left legacies and traditions which represent your families history, passed down through generations. The point I'm making is that if you knew your nationality and your family linage, you would know you are not just 'black' or 'white', 'red' & 'yellow'. Your family we're business men, or carpenters, missionaries etc. Colorism is not something your born with, children are not born racist, they do not class each other by being 'white' or 'black' it is something that your taught and conditioned into thinking. You don't find discrimination against looks in the animal kingdom, so why have we adopted this now? 


Colourism is something people 'usually' suffer when they are the minority. Although melanin rich (darker/copper skinned) people are actually the highest population on earth. While melanin recessive (pale skinned) population are actually decreasing, due to less childbirth. Neither the less, societies standards of how we should look are becoming more warped by the day. What's worrying is everyone would rather look exactly the same, then be themselves. 

Colorism/Racism encourages self hatred for everyone no matter what skin tone.

The way I approach colourism, is that I don't. Someone has to be threatened by you emotionally, to make it appropriate, to treat you a certain way because of your skin colour. They have to feel less of a person then you, to try to make you feel that same way. Just be honoured that somebody who normally wouldn't even catch your eye passing by. Would take their time and energy to try and put you down because of something as small as your, glossy strawberry ginger hair or smooth chocolate skin. You stand out, just the way you are, without even trying. 

To help me get to this conclusion about colourism or racism, it helped for me to investigate myself. I had to sit back and think about what I really thought about other people as a child. Afterwards, I researched  my family roots and how far my bloodline dates back. When you find out that before your family became slaves, your Ethiopian uncle's were the Royal family of Germany. At the same time your European cousins were slaves in Africa for Arabs. We are all one human family, so celebrate your differences and be proud of what makes you who you are. You'll learn that the world history is a lot bigger then the western curriculum can teach, even though its the most well known. Our civilisation are the babies of the golden empires of the past, that lasted thousands of years. Don't take colourism too seriously, after all we live in a universe, with at least one billion observable galaxies, hows that for perspective.

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