Colourism VS Racism

Tuesday, April 28, 2015
I coined the term coloursim after I realised that the word racism by definition is impossible. It's like saying you hate your own face. 

We are all one race, we are the human race and collectively we are humanity. 
There is no different race of humans.

Yes we are all different colours and shades. Yes we live amongst each other as families in communities, where we all share knowledge/skills in exchange for money and commodities. Without all of us working in collaboration, society would be non existent. In our history we appreciated this more then we do now, up till a few hundred years ago when we started classing each other as colours.


I was born and raised in London. My parents and great grandparents we're migrants from the Caribbean. My great great grandparents we're immigrants of the Caribbean as well. London has been a very multi-cultural place to live for the past 21 years of my life. The British have their good days and bad days, but for the most part, are incredibly curious and accepting of different nationalities. In many cases adopting many worldwide cultural tendencies like eating habits for example. Which I find very open minded. It is honouring to be able to point out how beautiful another persons culture is, so much so that you consider it for yourself.


Up till the 1800's we would distinguish each other by nationality. Which came with different family names (crests) English=Windsor, Trinidadian= Rampersad, Spanish= Morales. These nationalities left legacies and traditions which represent your families history, passed down through generations. The point I'm making is that if you knew your nationality and your family linage, you would know you are not just 'black' or 'white', 'red' & 'yellow'. Your family we're business men, or carpenters, missionaries etc. Colorism is not something your born with, children are not born racist, they do not class each other by being 'white' or 'black' it is something that your taught and conditioned into thinking. You don't find discrimination against looks in the animal kingdom, so why have we adopted this now? 


Colourism is something people 'usually' suffer when they are the minority. Although melanin rich (darker/copper skinned) people are actually the highest population on earth. While melanin recessive (pale skinned) population are actually decreasing, due to less childbirth. Neither the less, societies standards of how we should look are becoming more warped by the day. What's worrying is everyone would rather look exactly the same, then be themselves. 

Colorism/Racism encourages self hatred for everyone no matter what skin tone.

The way I approach colourism, is that I don't. Someone has to be threatened by you emotionally, to make it appropriate, to treat you a certain way because of your skin colour. They have to feel less of a person then you, to try to make you feel that same way. Just be honoured that somebody who normally wouldn't even catch your eye passing by. Would take their time and energy to try and put you down because of something as small as your, glossy strawberry ginger hair or smooth chocolate skin. You stand out, just the way you are, without even trying. 

To help me get to this conclusion about colourism or racism, it helped for me to investigate myself. I had to sit back and think about what I really thought about other people as a child. Afterwards, I researched  my family roots and how far my bloodline dates back. When you find out that before your family became slaves, your Ethiopian uncle's were the Royal family of Germany. At the same time your European cousins were slaves in Africa for Arabs. We are all one human family, so celebrate your differences and be proud of what makes you who you are. You'll learn that the world history is a lot bigger then the western curriculum can teach, even though its the most well known. Our civilisation are the babies of the golden empires of the past, that lasted thousands of years. Don't take colourism too seriously, after all we live in a universe, with at least one billion observable galaxies, hows that for perspective.


How To Deal With Bullying

Monday, April 27, 2015

Being bullied is yet still, a taboo subject. Most people don't want to admit that they've ever been bullied or been a bully. Yet there are so many forms of bullying, now it's becoming more and more common. Over 14% of school students in the USA have considered suicide due to bullying. Even worse in the UK 50% of students are bullied and over 30% are bullied at school weekly. Worldwide, people suffer domestic violence and some are targeted because of race or religion. This is the elite's game of divide and conquer. Still no matter how widely accepted, it is becoming. Bullying is wrong, it only reveals the weakness and sorrow inside of the perpetrator.

After observation of bullying in different scenarios, they all have similar patterns, fear based tactics that stem from the same type of characteristics in people. So whether you've been bullied at work, college or online it's not right, it doesn't matter how many validate it or try to make it OK. 


This is the most convincing effect bullies like to have over you. Trying to make you feel lonely or left out, starting to give you the idea that the world is against you, even though you know that's not true. I have seen the worst of persistent bullying, but never had the kind of heart to behave like that myself.

In school I was quite popular, I got along with everyone and never had any fights or enemies. Just those jealous whispers here or there, but I was raised not to take criticism too seriously. Especially if the accusers don't have the balls to say anything to your face! 
I would be lying, if I told you I've never been bullied before because I have. 
I'm coming from a stage in my life, where I can acknowledge all the good and bad, I can embrace that it all made me who I am and if your reading this, I would want the same for you too.

Being treated like an outcast feels horrible. When I was bullied, I began to feel consumed with hatred. I became heavy hearted and although this anger drove me to my best accomplishments. I was still unhappy because I allowed their darkness to consume me. Now it was mine and somehow I had to deal with it. I have learnt that it is easy, for anyone to become a target. Sometimes you bring it on yourself directly, sometimes indirectly. What you need to know is that these are tests, that you have attracted to yourself for a reason. Yes, I'm saying you have to blame yourself as well! 
As innocent as you feel you are, the universe doesn't present something to you, that you can't deal with. These are all lessons that you needed to guide you through life, something to learn from, not to carry as extra weight throughout your life.


"Loving Yourself Is A Form Of Self-Respect"

The answer is you need to love yourself more. Love yourself more, then to let their issues get to you. These people are reflections of you, almost like your inner weaknesses that you are capable of being like. These people are sent to teach you something to conquer, it might be patience with that annoying boss, you need the money, but not the heartache. It could be learning self defence against those annoying bullies at school or learning to turn the other cheek. 
Block the negative out and look at what is to gain from every experience. 
Everything is sent to you as a lesson and this is why some people get bullied more then others, because ultimately they don't do the right thing for themselves. You should love yourself enough to know that your worth more, then hanging around with trashy people, or horrid people that simply drain your energy all the time. Don't hang out with people you don't like because of peer pressure. Fight for yourself because no one else will. Never let anyone make you feel like your any less then them, because that's never true.
Meditate more and quiet your mind for a minimum of 10 minutes a day. 

Then ask yourself questions like; What should I do to fix this situation? What should I do to help myself? What advice would I give to someone in my shoes? No matter what, always ask yourself, even if you have to everyday. Remember, look at negative experiences as an opportunity for growth, you have the keys to let yourself out. No one else can know how you feel, better then yourself. So believe in your own inner wisdom, then thank yourself later for it.


Happiness - The Placebo Effect

Friday, April 17, 2015
Sometimes it can seem like the whole world is shattering around you. Sometimes you look around and see everything falling apart. We humans from nature's perspective resemble parasites at the moment. Polluting the earth, continuous conflict, war ,famine and poverty, family issues, general lawlessness and the media de-sensitising the nation. All these things and your own life experiences; can seem overwhelming after awhile. As the years go by we start to forget who we are, and what we're here for. You start feeling like an ID number instead of a person; after the rebellious teenage years, the rose tinted specs come off and you notice the empty vessels people live in.

Has it dawned on you, that every 5 years politicians tell the same lies every manifesto, government invest all our 'tax paying money' in the wrong places. With no incredible shift of perspective, no real changes are being made at all. Every year technology gives us a new way, to get things done efficiently. Will we ever truly consider how this is affecting mental and physical health? Do we even consider our mental health, amongst all the distractions of life?

I could quote you some illegitimate statistics on global depression. Quoting where depression is most common globally. I could tell you that depression is mostly found amongst women rather then men. 
"But if your reading this, then it's fair to say you know there's something missing, you know somethings not right and your searching for something but you can't put your finger on what it is."
Through research and life experiences I have started piecing the puzzle of life together and many other people are waking up to this reality. Society is not going to uplift you or add any real betterment to your life, unless you win the lottery tomorrow, then maybe. We could focus on the things we don't like everyday, the mistakes we've made, the system being flawed but that has nothing to do with you. What you are missing is yourself.


'a beneficial effect produced by a placebo drug or treatment, which cannot be attributed to the properties of the placebo itself, and must therefore be due to the patient's belief in that treatment.'
In other words, be kind to your mind. If you have faith that something is going to work for you. Your belief in that particular thing can have a beneficial effect on your life. So I ask you, to change your perspective. Everyday you wake up is a new day. There are no two days of your life that are ever the same. You are never the person that you we're yesterday, even if it feels like that, same sh*t different day saga. When you start to acknowledge something for a brief moment everyday, you actually begin to believe it. 


What do you do every morning when you wake up? 
It could be having your morning coffee or watching the sunrise? Taking your medication?(it has to be something that's not distracting). 


Take 3 minutes to imagine your taking an imaginary dose of happiness, it could be sipping your coffee of joy, or taking a deep breath of clarity. 

What you're trying to do is quiet your mind and acknowledge what your doing, being thankful for a new day. 

Last night the moon cleared away the stagnant energy of yesterday and the sun has risen on a fresh day to start brand new. Throw away negative thoughts and do not acknowledge anything that does not serve you well. You are the creator of your life, be thankful for the air you breathe and the health and happiness you have. You are alive another day! The woes of yesterday do not matter, the past is not who you are now, the universe has granted you a completely new day to be whoever you choose to be. So don't allow yourself to be de-moralised by your surroundings. You do not have to be religious to be thankful to higher forces.

When your inner world comes into order, your outer world will follow.
Nobody knows what the future holds, but just because you've got to follow your normal routine to work or school, doesn't mean you can't encourage amazing opportunities for yourself along the way. Love yourself enough to know that you are powerful and can attract what you want towards you. Be proud of yourself no matter what anyone has to say or do. 

You are uniquely you! Nothing will ever be as authentic as the soul that lives within you. 

Excessive Sweating

Thursday, April 16, 2015
The bible tells us that cleanliness is next to godliness, another fact is that 1 in 10 people suffer from hyperhidrosis(excessive sweating) in the UK and slightly less in the USA. Hyperhidrosis goes beyond the bodies physical need to sweat, so you may sweat heavily for no reason. Some people sweat all over their body & some only sweat from the feet, palms or underarms. Whether you sweat excessively or you don't, sweating can be quite embarrassing and unhygienic.

I have spoken to people who cannot even wear certain clothes and forbid themselves to wear socks. What's important to remember is that sweating is a completely natural bodily process of removing toxins and cooling down your core temperature, but if you suffer from hyperhidrosis the amount you sweat can be effected by several different variables. What I worry about is the extreme measures people are willing to go through, to stop sweating full stop. The health regulating authorities offer frightening and extremely harmful treatments and do not take into consideration your overall health. 

  • Aluminum chloride hexahydrate (lethal deodorant)
  • Iontophoresis (using electricity to close your pores)
  • Microwave destruction (using radiation melt your sweat glands) 
  • Surgery (inc botox) 

    All of which damage your nerve endings, how are these even remedies!?


    From a holistic health perspective sweating shows that your body is working hard to remove excessive toxins from your consumption. The amount of sweat can be effected by many variables such as genetics, hormone imbalances, puberty, anxiety disorders and overall toxicity levels. If you haven't detoxed in the past year, DO IT NOW! Also if you are overweight and/or eat an unbalanced diet these are almost always direct causes of this issue. 

    Stress and anxiety can also be linked to excessive sweating so it is always best to try to relax more and take up meditation to clear your mind. Puberty and Hormonal imbalances or an overactive thyroid gland, go hand in hand depending on your age. Either way regularly detoxing and trying to eat a balanced diet is important, less meat and more fruit/veg(natural foods) instead of sugary snacks. Adequate hydration is important to, drink lots of water! Overall always remember sweating is a completely natural and efficient way of cooling your body and getting rid of toxins, so when your exercising or out on a hot day don't beat yourself up about sweat patches.

    Shower regularly and change your clothes if necessary. Excessive sweating is a sign to make lifestyle changes immediately, so trust mother nature and cut out the pharmaceutical money making corporations.


    Take Maca root, Ginseng, Herbs, More Alkaline foods
    Body Detox(every 3 months), apple cider vinegar, Wheatgrass,  More fruit/veg(alkaline foods)
    Body Detox(every 3 months), More fruit/veg(alkaline foods)
    Meditation, take up a new hobby, sleep more, take a break (+all of the above)

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